By having sex with lots of girls and showering every once in a while!(Getting your practice in)
2006-12-30 00:08:07
answer #1
answered by Lexsy 4
Dress smart and look confident, girls like a man with confidence.
Be patient and friendly, you must have a good personality and lots of conversation is always attractive.
You'll need to make the first move like talk and learn more about their interests, maybe you will have something in common...and strike up a friendship with a girl - take it from there.
2006-12-30 08:10:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
to attract a girl.. in my opinon, you can't be openly flirting...because then you give off a "player" vibe which nobody wants...ever. be yourself.....howerver cliched tht sounds. if your personality, however, needs a facelift, i think you should change it for the better. the "key" to girls is listening and being honest. the biggest mistake, i think, that guys make is being dishonest and hurting a girl. then, when they have got their act back together, the girl is too shattered to trust anyone. let girls you talk to know that you are trustworthy, THEN try to flirt a little.
2006-12-30 08:08:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't know if this is the right answer LOL
But if you want girls to like, just be natural. Be yourself. Girls don't like guys that pretend to be something they are not. If you are the sensitive, gentle kind of guy, you'll find a girl who is attracted to that.
Good luck!
2006-12-30 08:03:51
answer #4
answered by Great Dane 4
Girls are attracted to guys that are confident and laid back. They also like guys to be themselves. Girls usually have a good sixth sense when you're being fake so dont waste your time trying to pretend your someone else.
2006-12-30 08:18:16
answer #5
answered by jason j 3
a smiling,sweet face,a neatly dressing,a good job with a handsome salary,a luxurious car n a beautiful huge bungalow.if u own all of these items,well, there r many charming girls around u every now n then.can u do that?
best wishes.
2006-12-30 08:13:15
answer #6
answered by robert KS LEE. 6
Girls?Unless you're Hollywood star,you won't have dozens of girls got crazy for you.I think you just need one woman,and what you need to do is be yourself,she will find you someday.
2006-12-30 08:23:00
answer #7
answered by ♡Ling♫ 3
nice aftershave, treat them with respect, make them laugh, dress nicely, don't be rude to any1 infront of them, don't give them too much attention cuz they'd know they can have you too easily and wouldn't want you. if you wanna be a girl magnet there's not much you can do really. either you have it in you or you don't. up to you 2 decide wheather you have it or not cuz only you know. good luck.
2006-12-30 08:05:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
a handful of $100 bills.
2006-12-30 08:03:33
answer #9
answered by bluecollaraddict 3
first dont talk about skool or studing talk about sthg koool then u mustnt be very intrested when she talks make ur self distracted by another thing then beee urselff
2006-12-30 08:05:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous