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2006-12-29 06:12:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Ethnic Cuisine

8 answers

The one my girlfriend loves and she's not even a vegetarian is Madhur Jaffery's (the curry queen) mushroom and potato in red sauce. I add carrots as well and i can tell you it's might fine any time of the year. Here we go, have you got a pen or printer at the ready!!??

Mushrooms and potatoes, cooked with garlic and ginger -
Rasedar Khumbi aloo

2-3 reaonably large potatoes boiled. (she recommends in the skin, but it does not really matter)
1 carot boiled (my addition)
A large handfull of mushrooms - button are good
2.5cm square of ginger - more the merrier i reckon
6 large cloves of garlic - you can go easy or OTT, as you please.
8fl oz or water
4tbls of veg oil
salt to hand
1/3 tsp turmeric
3 whole cardamom pods (green or black can't taste the difference myself)
1 or 2 tins of tomatoes (if its just for 2 people then 1 is more than sufficent)
1 tsp of Cumin ground
1 tsp of whole cumin seeds
1/2 tsp of corriander seeds ground - ( I like a bit more)
1/4 tsp of Garam Masala
1/4 tsp of Cayenne pepper
Chopped coriander - if you have some about.

While you are waiting for the pototes and carrots to cook start the prep for the sauce.
1. peel the garlic and cut/grate to ginger. (if you have a hand blender then not to fine - if not then definitly grate the ginger and fine chop the garlic)
2. Mix the ginger and garlic with enough water to make a fine paste - normally about 1-2tbl spoons.
3. Add your ground cumin and ground corriander
4. Add your tinned tomatoes. (if you have a blender then you can whizz this mix up, but it does'nt really matter)
sauce is almost done now.

So you have cooked the potaotes and carrot.
5. Chop them so the are about the same size as your mushrooms.
6. Sprinkle about 1/8th of your turmeric and 1/4 of your salt over the potatoes and carrots.
7. place in a frying pan in the medium hot oil and fry till they brown.
8. Remove with slotted spoon leaving as much of the oil in the pan as you can.
9. Now put the Cumin seeds and Cardamom pods in the same hot oil as you fried the potaotes - don't worry about any black bits left from the potatoes it really adds to the whole taste.
10. 2-3 seconds latter they should start to pop and smell a bit, Its now time to add the Garlic and ginger paste, the tomatoes and the spices - corriander ground and the cumin ground ( the sauce from the first part)
11. about 5-8 mins the sauce will thicken and the oil will start to separate and come the the sides or top of the frying pan.
12. Add the rest of the Turmeric, the cayenne and stir a couple of times.
13. now add the mushrooms and 8fl oz of water and about1/2 tsp of salt. ( i rinse my blender and the tins of tomatoes to get all the taste and flavours and pour this in)
14. Stir to mix and and bring to a simmer on a low heat now cover for about 5 mins (cover with lid if you have one but foil is good to)
15. remove the lid and turn the heat up a touch. now cook till the water mixes in and the sauce turns thick.
16. just before you serve add the Garam Masala and chopped corriander and mix.

Just plain old rice is good for this. The sauce has plenty of taste, not hot chilli hot but flavour and spice.

For the rice, just double the quantity of rice with water - For 2 people i reckon just under a full mug of rice. Mark where the rice comes up to, and then just use 2 mugs ( to the same level) of water.
Bring to the boil and then cover, turn the heat down as low as you can go for 20 mins.
After the 20 mins, take the lid off, fluff the rice with a fork then cover with a clean tea towel for 5 mins. Serve. The perfect rice.

Its a winner every time i cook this one.

2006-12-31 22:00:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

this is the west indian recipe k
West indian curry
Categories: None
Yield: 1 Servings
¼ cup Onion, minced
3 tablespoon Butter or marg.
3 tablespoon Flour
1 ¼ teaspoon Curry powder
¾ teaspoon Salt
¼ teaspoon Powdered ginger
¾ teaspoon Sugar
1 Bouillon cube
½ cup Boiling water
1 cup Milt
2 cup Shrimp meat or chicken cooked
1 teaspoon Lemon juice

I got this recipe from a Monastery Cookbook I bought when I stayed at a Monastery a couple of weeks ago. The cookbook is one of those "fund-raiser" type cookbooks with recipes contributed by several people....it's really a fantastic book actually, well worth the $7 I paid for it. The recipe calls for shrimp as the seafood, or chicken could be substituted, which is what I did when I made it....shrimp is too expensive, and my husband doesn't appreciate it anyway. I suppose you could add more curry if you wanted to this recipe. Betty Mellen from Corning, NY contributed the recipe in the book. Saut‚ onion in butter in top of a double boiler. Stir in flour, all the seasonings and sugar. Add bouillon, dissolved in the boiling water. Add milk. cook over boiling water, stirring until smooth and thick. Add cubed meat or shrimp and lemon juice.
GT out

2006-12-29 07:25:32 · answer #2 · answered by BlackIce Mikel 3 · 0 1

Although this isn't an Indian curry-type recipe, it is a family favorite. Crush corn flakes to equal one cup. Place in a plastis bag and add 1TBS curry powder and 1 1/2 tsp garlic salt. Dip boneless chicken breasts in milk and then add to bag one at a time and shake. Place on foil lined tray sprayed with shortening and then drizzle with vege oil. Bake for around 40 min (depending on the size of the breasts). Serve with apricot or peach dipping sauce. Yum! This can be made with chicken strips/tenders also...just adjust the baking time.

2006-12-29 06:18:49 · answer #3 · answered by Gnometomes 4 · 0 1

for a sauce:

This is the basis for many of the restaurant-style curries you'll find here. The recipe makes between 8 and 9 fl oz of Sauce which is enough for 2 main course curries or a main course and some side dishes. The recipe doesn't work as well if you try to make a smaller portion. It will double nicely if you're making a number of curries but you will need to extend the cooking time a bit. If you have some sauce left over it will keep in good condition in the freezer but only for a few weeks. Even small amounts are useful for making a quick one-portion curry, it goes a long way. Remember to wrap it up well or your ice-cream may take on a strange taste!.

* 3 tablespoons vegetable oil or ghee (clarified butter)
* 1 medium onion - finely chopped
* 4 cloves garlic - peeled and sliced
* 1.5 inch piece root ginger - peeled and thinly sliced (it should look about the same volume as the garlic)
* (optional) 2 mild fleshy green chillies - de-seeded and veined then chopped
* half teaspoon turmeric powder
* half teaspoon ground cumin seed
* half teaspoon ground coriander seed
* 5 tablespoons plain passata (smooth, thick, sieved tomatoes, US = purée) or 1 tablespoon concentrated tomato purée (US = paste) mixed with 4 tablespoons water


1. Heat the oil in a heavy pan then add the chopped onion and stir for a few minutes with the heat on high.
2. Add the ginger, garlic and green chilli (if using). Stir for 30 seconds then put the heat down to very low.
3. Cook for 15 minutes stirring from time to time making sure nothing browns or burns.
4. Add the turmeric, cumin and coriander and cook, still very gently, for a further 5 minutes. Don't burn the spices or the sauce will taste horrid - sprinkle on a few drops of water if you're worried.
5. Take off the heat and cool a little. Put 4 fl oz cold water in a blender, add the contents of the pan and whizz until very smooth. Add the passata and stir.
6. Put the puréed mixture back into the pan and cook for 20 - 30 minutes (the longer the better) over very low heat stirring occasionally. You can add a little hot water if it starts to catch on the pan but the idea is to gently "fry" the sauce which will darken in colour to an orangy brown. The final texture should be something like good tomato ketchup. Warning - it WILL gloop occasionally and splatter over your cooker, it's the price you have to pay!

for chicken curry:

* 1/curry powder2 cup unbleached all purpose flour
* Salt & Pepper
* 3 boneless whole chicken breast halved
* 5 tablespoons unsalted butter
* 1 medium onion
* 2 cloves garlic
* 2 red peppers seeded and diced
* 3 tablespoons best quality curry powder
* 1 can stewed tomatoes
* 1 can cream of coconut
* a dash of Tabasco sauce
* a dash of Worcester sauce
* 1/2 cup currants


Gather up all the ingredients and preheat your oven to 350°F.

Finly chop the onion and mince the garlic cloves.

Seed and dice the red peppers.

Season the flour with S&P and lightly coat chicken with mixture. Heat 3 Tbl. butter in a skillet over medium heat, add chicken and lightly brown on all sides. Remove chicken from the skillet and preheat oven to .

Add remaining 2 tablespoons butter to the skillet and melt over medium heat. Add onions, garlic, peppers and sauté, stirring frequently until the veggies are soft (5-7 minutes).

Stir in curry powder and cook 2 minutes longer.

Stir in tomatoes and cream of coconut, heat to simmering and season with Worcester sauce, Tabasco and S&P to taste. Stir in currants & remove from heat.

Arrange the sautéed chicken in a casserole and pour the curry sauce over the chicken bake covered until the chicken is tender, about 45 minutes. Serve over rice.

2006-12-29 06:27:28 · answer #4 · answered by Kate M 3 · 3 0

Buy a jar of patacks cook in curry sauce,empty into dish add meat and cook in oven till done

2006-12-30 03:30:45 · answer #5 · answered by taxed till i die,and then some. 7 · 0 1

Log onto recipelink.com and simply type in your question.

You'll get an answer in seconds with many, many, to choose from. They have thousands of recipes of all ethnic origins.
It's the best site on the web and I know you'll love it

2006-12-29 10:19:50 · answer #6 · answered by nova30180 4 · 0 1

go to a book shop or online and get "the curry secret" ISBN 0-7160-2054-8
most peoples recipes may be very nice but are usually based on personal preferences so you may not enjoy them at all.
this book changed the way I cook any indian food forever

2006-12-29 06:26:05 · answer #7 · answered by OhSimonsBinDrinkin 4 · 1 2

I dont know how to make, curry with chicken of any type is the best!

2006-12-29 06:25:39 · answer #8 · answered by Chritsy 3 · 0 2

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