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i'm trying to quit and so i figured if nothing else is working to help me quit then look at lungs of people who smoke and they were all black and discusting and some people even had holes in there throat but are my lungs like that since i smoked and after i quit will they still be like that

2006-12-29 04:16:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

20 answers

Actually, your lungs start healing just hours after quitting. My husband smoked and quit 5 years ago.....it was making my kids very sick.

Try to stop.....it is a very ugly habit. Good luck!

2006-12-29 04:25:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Good for you for wanting to quit. I doubt your lungs are that bad. Most people like that have been smoking for years. There will probably be some damage though. Try blowing some smoke into a kleenex. The kleenex will be brown. That's how much junk sticks to your lungs when you have a cigarette. After a while it builds up. The good news is that the day you stop, your body starts to get rid of all that junk. It may never be perfect, but your body will start to do the work. Remember this also. Most cigarette addiction is psychological. After 5 months, it's unlikely that it's really the nicotine that is causing the problem. People that are addicted to the nicotine have been smoking for years. I wish you all the best, and don't give up!!! God Bless

2006-12-29 04:27:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Do yourself a favor and please quit while you're ahead. Smoking is stupid. And it is stinky! And it will kill you!

Why would you knowingly do this to yourself?

40 years ago, teenagers didn't have the information we have today about the dangers of smoking. There is now no excuse for picking up this habit. We know more than enough about what smoking does.

You've only been smoking for a short while and your lungs still have a chance to undo any damage that's been caused.

I used to smoke a pack or so a day and it is a STINKY gross habit. Do you like the smell of yourself and your clothes in the morning after smoking 4-5 butts? ICK.

Not to mention, more and more cities (in the US and abroad) are instituting smoking bans in bars and/or restaurants. Debate on civil liberties aside, do you really want to be a slave to something that will force you out onto a cold winter sidewalk
to indulge in such a pointless activity?

You're not a slave yet. Stop now before you become one.

I'm attaching a link with some resources about quitting smoking.

2006-12-29 04:35:51 · answer #3 · answered by ♥ Sono A ♥ 2 · 2 0

I am so happy to hear that you are smart enough to quit smoking right away. Fortunate for you, your lungs are still healthy, but smoking is never good, and even being around people who smoke is damaging to your lungs. You are a smart girl. I am soon to be 54 years old and I smoked for 5 years. I quit when I became pregnant with my first son at age 24. Today, I have severe asthma and nodules that are on both lungs. I can't help but wonder if this is a result of my having smoked all those years ago. I have been on oxygen in the past, and should still be on it, but haven't insurance. If no one smoked, our air would be cleaner and healthier and everyone would breathe easier. Smoking isn't sexy. It makes your teeth yellow, your hair, clothes, and breathe stink, and this odor is all pervasive to those that are even around others that smoke. I use to have a friend that was a heavy smoker, and she would often write to me and her letters always reaked of smoke! Pretty disgusting! I'm proud of you for having the good sense to stop now! If you have trouble, try chewing gum, or ask your doctor for help. Also, you can talk to your pharmacist about over the counter patches, gums, etc. that are meant to help people quit smoking. Good luck with this!

2006-12-29 04:45:46 · answer #4 · answered by ceegt 6 · 1 0

Stop smoking now!!!!! Honestly, you were an idiot to even start in the first place.

But quitting now will be 1,000 times easier than if wait a few years.

I am sure your lungs don't have that healthy pink appearance right now, but I am sure if you continue smoking, they will end up getting that extreme black appearance and you'll end up having huge physical problems.

I'm glad you are concerned now. But now is the time to do something about it. Don't wait. Smoking also causes cancer as well as very serious life threatening heart disease.

Smoking is also a very nasty habit; you and your clothes will smell, and many people of the opposite sex would never be attracted to you. It is super expensive as well! Lots of people look down on smokers as well, believing they are stupid and low lifes.

Don't wait. Think hard about it. Quit NOW. Don't ever have another cigarette!

2006-12-29 04:49:43 · answer #5 · answered by Peekie 2 · 1 0

If you stop now then no your lungs will not be that bad, they will be a little black. You haven't been smoking that long so it should not take that long for your lungs to recover and go to the lungs of someone who has never smoked the longer you leave it the harder it is, believe me I've been smoking since i was 14 and I'm 24 now and it gets harder and harder to stop. Some people find that looking at the lungs of other people who smoked helps them quit but everyone is different i tried that one myself and I'm still smoking and I admit I'm not happy about it, it's my New Years resolution to stop and come hell or high water I will. What i advise is go to your doctor and and ask for help they might not be happy that you smoke but at the end of the day they will be happy that you have gone and asked for help to stop.

2006-12-29 04:31:18 · answer #6 · answered by Deranged Insanity 2 · 1 0

Smoking doesn't only affect your lungs. It can lead to a ton of other health problems. If you have only been smoking for 5 mo. I doubt any permanant damage is done but You better stop TODAY!

It makes you smell bad, it is highly unattractive and not to mention they are KNOWN TO CAUSE CANCER!!!!! Smoking can also cause high blood pressure because cigarettes cause vasoconstriction ( narrow your blood vessels) and they delay healing time if you get injured or need surgery.

There is enough toxins in our environment already. Don't cause your body anymore harm than it absolutly has to go through! Smoking is just plain dumb. People know what it does and they continue to start smoking. .....

Can I ask you... what made you start smoking to begin with?

2006-12-29 04:29:49 · answer #7 · answered by mernie_77 2 · 1 0

I started smoking when I was 14, I smoked for over 20 yrs & after getting asthma I still smoked, not because I wanted to, but because it was to hard to quit. I coughed every day, all day long. I used a inhaler to be able to smoke another cigerette, every day. I had several asthma attacks & was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. I still smoked. One day I had 2 really bad asthma attacks a few hours apart. I came so close to dieing that time, nothing was helping. I spent 2 1/2 weeks in the hospital in the ICU, I had to use an oxagine machine for 1 month. That made me finally quit. It's been 10 mo sence that happened & I still struggle with wanting a cigerette. Please don't smoke! I know it's hard, but quit now before you damage your body & your family has to watch you almost die! My 2 daughters & my husband watched me have those last 2 asthma attacks, they were told I might not make it & it was horrible for my 13yr old & 15ry old girls to go through that! I feel very ashamed of myself for putting them through that. I will always feel very bad about it, I will also never go back to smoking again. It's stupid! Please quit now!

2006-12-29 04:44:38 · answer #8 · answered by Sherrie L 5 · 1 0

Your lungs will heal, but you need to always be open with your doctor about having smoked even for a relatively short time. Studies are finding that even one cigarette carries the possibility of damaging the DNA in a cell. This can lead to cancers in the future. Don't be stupid and fall back into a smoking habit.

2016-03-13 23:20:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, actually. Although it will take a little time (not much really) for them to go back to normal, you haven't been smoking long and will suffer no permanent damage if you quit now. Lungs are very resiliant organs and will clear themselves out over time. Good for you for trying to quit!! Good luck!

2006-12-29 04:26:17 · answer #10 · answered by tateronmycouch 3 · 1 0

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