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is he a sexual deviant or something. that was tongue in cheek. but why be obsessed with the flow of blood? i.e. Jesus had to bleed for us to go to heaven??? what is that all about?

2006-12-20 23:51:01 · 26 answers · asked by gwbruce_2000 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

Why is God so into sacrifice?

Well it is a good job He is or else we would all have to bear our own punishment.

Maybe you will anyway, but I hope not.

2006-12-21 03:56:58 · answer #1 · answered by Iain C 3 · 0 0

God is a Holy God. He destests sin of any kind and will not tolerate it. (and who would if you were right and pure and true and Holy?!and God!) Anyway back in the Old Testement days, it was ordained by God for man give a sacrifice - the practice or an act of killing an animal, surrendering a possession as an offering to a deity, giving up something of value for the sake of something that is of greater value or importance. In order for man to walk holy before God or to be made right in God's sight - blood had to be shed (from a innocent, spotless animal e.g a lamb) for the forgiveness of mans sin. Sin means an immoral act... against divine law...act regarded as serious offence. The blood represents cleansing, healing, restoring and forgiveness. Jesus was the Lamb of God who paid the ultimate sacrifice and shed his innocent blood once and for all to save mankind from death. As the 'wages of sin is death'. There is great significance in blood.We have a lot to thank Jesus for don't we??! I know i can never be grateful enough...

2006-12-21 00:28:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In those days a lamb woz usually used as a sacrifice and Jesus was a type of lamb. The reason y he had to bleed woz so that nobody else had to and neither did any animals. Now we can just ask for forgiveness and it's given to us.
Jesus didn't die to go to heaven when he did he took the sins of the world and went to hell but because he was really and truly pure which meant he couldn't remain there and then went to heaven.
You might want to pick up the Bible and REALLY read it to.

2006-12-21 02:46:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The first sin was covered by blood. Adam and Eve sinned, an animal was killed, (blood shed), and a covering (skin of the animal) was used. The blood had spiritual significance, and of course the skin physical covering. But this was only temporary. Jesus came and atoned for us. We all would be guilty under the law, and deserve to die on the cross. Jesus did this and was a substitute for anyone that accepts Him. So (blood) sacrifice is no longer needed.

2006-12-21 00:07:42 · answer #4 · answered by RB 7 · 1 0

Animal sacrifice is a pagan ritual. It comes from
the belief that our spirits first lived in animals to enjoy
the carnal pleasures. By hanging around too long,
we got bound to the material plane by the forces that
create it. They thought killing animals would make up for
their mistake.
People would not stop doing it.So God cleaned it
up by letting the priests, who performed all kinds of
purification rituals do it. Then later did away with
it through the final Blood Scarifice, Jesus Christ.
The Word says what is bound or loosed on Earth, is
bound or loosed in Heaven.
Hebrews says Jesus died like He did, because that's how things were done on the Earth.
Animal sacrifice works. They put their hands on the
animal, and invoked words of power. And the animal
absorbed the negative energy, and then the
negativity was released into the spirit world. But
it also polluted the spirit world after a time. Thus, Jesus
used his power to purge our world of that.
Isaiah 66, God hates animal sacrifice!

2006-12-21 00:06:45 · answer #5 · answered by THE NEXT LEVEL 5 · 0 1

Jesus shed His blood willingly so there wouldn't have to be any more blood sacrifices.The sacrifice God wants from us now is a sacrifice of ones self. Selfishness,pride,selfish motives,...etc. The more of us we give up,the more Jesus can live through us.He died on the cross so that we could have life,more abundantly.God gives us every good thing. When you love The Lord,you don't have to give up anything,you want to. There is NO greater love!

2006-12-21 00:08:13 · answer #6 · answered by jomi 4 · 1 0

In the old testament, man sacrificed to be in contact with God. God sent Jesus so that man would not need to do this anymore. Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice, to end all other sacrifices and to become the bridge between us and God

2006-12-20 23:58:00 · answer #7 · answered by tah75 2 · 1 0

God is not into sacrifice the way you think.

I believe God teaches each of us spiritual truths according to our level of awareness.

The Israelite were not ready for the message of love, forgiveness, mercy, and compassion; so God taught Moses accorfing to his understanding. The Jews were always under attack from other people; and Moses was expecting a powerful, jealous and Wrathful God to aid them in battle; so The Creator taught Moses accordingly.

When Jesus lived; it was roughly 1,800 years later; and the people's consciouness had been raised; and Jesus taught another message because the people were ready for it.

Muhammed lived about 600 years after Jesus; and God taught him according to his level of understanding.

2006-12-21 00:14:01 · answer #8 · answered by Rev. Two Bears 6 · 0 0

Because of sin, we are witnesses of the reality of sin and what it does. That is why God had to die to redeem us and he will come again and save us and rid the universe of sin, sinners and the devil Satan forever.

Before there was sin, no one knew really what it was it was just a bad thing. But sooner or later it would arise and Lucifer initiated it and therefore in God's infinite wisdom sin is allowed to be played out so that the character of God will be seen and that all the warning before was warranted.

Sin will never again rare its ugly head because God will not allow it again and we wont either because we see what it causes.

Even God had to pay for sin by the death of His only son, which was no ordinary death - no man or woman on earth every had that death - he died for the world everybody who died already died for themself.

Great Controversy:
All humanity is now involved in a great controversy between Christ and Satan regarding the character of God, His law, and His sovereignty over the universe. This conflict originated in heaven when a created being, endowed with freedom of choice, in self-exaltation became Satan, God's adversary, and led into rebellion a portion of the angels. He introduced the spirit of rebellion into this world when he led Adam and Eve into sin. This human sin resulted in the distortion of the image of God in humanity, the disordering of the created world, and its eventual devastation at the time of the worldwide flood. Observed by the whole creation, this world became the arena of the universal conflict, out of which the God of love will ultimately be vindicated. To assist His people in this controversy, Christ sends the Holy Spirit and the loyal angels to guide, protect, and sustain them in the way of salvation. (Rev. 12:4-9; Isa. 14:12-14; Eze. 28:12-18; Gen. 3; Rom. 1:19-32; 5:12-21; 8:19-22; Gen. 6-8; 2 Peter 3:6; 1 Cor. 4:9; Heb. 1:14.)

2006-12-21 00:10:45 · answer #9 · answered by Damian 5 · 0 1

Jesus didn't bleed for us to go to heaven , you missunderstood you have not read the scriptures if ye have you do not understand them. Why is it that people will twist everything instead of exercising some common sense and even if you decide not to use your head why not ask God why jus suppose that you know? why give place to such foolish tradition's and vain ideologys? In the begining after Adam our father had been sent forth from the Garden of Eden to till the earth. God had given him commandments one of those was that he was to take the Firstlings from his flocks one without blemish and sacrifice it to the Lord.. Adam obeyed this is where sacrifice of animals came from. After many days an angel appeared to Adam, the angel asked adam why he sacrificed Lambs. Adam replied" I Know not save God commandeth me" The angel then told Adam it was symbolic of the lamb of God whou should come into the Earth and be slain for the sins of the world.. Adam was then baptized by the angel and taught the gospel of repentence and baptism for remission of Sins, Hence the gospel has not changed ever and was taught in its purity even in the begining. Now Jesus did not bleed for us to go to heaven. Rather he bled so we wouldnt have to go to Hell for you see that's what he did he went to hell for us which suffering caused him even God the greatest of all to sweat blood from every pore and to even will that he would not have to drink that bitter cup so great was his agony for our sins.. If you remember he did say on the cross Father please remove this cup from me, yet if though will I'll drink it up.. Jesus Christ Lives he is no sexual deviant nor is there anything demented about God period it us who are demented. we wont ask for wisdom nor will we understand even when it is handed to us.. Jesus has said I have suffered these things that all would not have to suffer even as I have but if you wont hearken to take upon you the name of Christ in sincerity and in truth then ye must suffer even as he did.

2006-12-21 00:04:53 · answer #10 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

It all hinges on the one concept that the "wages of sin is death." When God spoke to Adam He said, "...in the day you eat of the fruit you will surely die." When Adam sinned death entered into the picture and became the demand of all sin. God's response to this came in the Levitical law when he said "Without the sheding of blood there is no remission for sin" God set up the sacrificial system, not to get rid of sin, but to convey clearly to mankind what it would take to remove sin from our lives. He said "the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it as an atonement" Blood had to be shed to remove sin and without that removal of sin man would be eternally separated from God. (Hell) The levitical sacrifices could never take away man's sins, but the shedding of the eternal blood of a perfect being Christ, (the Son of God) could once and for all remove sin. It is on that basic teaching and belief in it that our sins can be removed and we can have ertenal life.

christian h - Where did you get all that "baloney" from? What "scriptures" are you reading?

2006-12-21 00:04:58 · answer #11 · answered by oldguy63 7 · 0 0

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