she growls and obviously doesn't like me cleaning her there how can I make it less stressful for her, I feel like i'm doing something wrong but dirt collects around her vagina and I dont' want her getting any infections in that area.
30 answers
asked by
➔ Dogs
ok people she's a bulldog and she can't reach to lick herself there so according to the books i've read I'm suppose to clean her and keep her clean.
15:43:00 ·
update #1
i use baby wipes on her I can't give her a bath every darn day. plus she's low to the ground when she eliminates. I can't believe all the grief I'm getting from you all.
15:47:20 ·
update #2
Actually this is somewhat common in bulldogs and the best way to clean your pup is to use a warm soft cloth to clean her with. The baby wipes can actually cause irritation to the pup because a lot of wipes have aloe and such in them. The best thing to use is warm water with a mild soap on a clean soft cloth and while cleaning her gently talk to her to keep her calm.
2006-12-20 16:33:06
answer #1
answered by ryan 1
How old is she? Is she in her first heat? She shouldn't be getting dirty down there otherwise... does she spend time outdoors sitting the dirt or something?
If you have to wash her, put her in a bathtub, use tepid water from a cup to gently flush the area. Use a small amount of puppy shampoo if you need soap, and use your hand to gently soap up the area before rinsing with the cup. Don't use running water or any sort of cloth, no matter how soft it feels to you, on her vaginal area- she's probably growling because you're causing her discomfort. Gently pat the area dry with a very soft towel or better yet, an old t-shirt, and let her air dry the rest of the way.
2006-12-20 15:42:35
answer #2
answered by Dreamer 7
It sounds like she may have an inverted vulva (it doesn't hardly stick out) and you just have to clean it everyday. It is actually very common in Bulldogs, and they cannot reach it to clean it them self. I use stridex pads (for acne) on my dog. Eventually, she should have surgery to have it fixed. The vet will remove a small horseshoe shape piece of skin around the vulva, this tightens the area and makes the vulva stick out. I had a dog that had to have it done, and it is actually fairly simple and really fixes the problem. Plus, at my vet it isn't very expensive. Waiting until she comes into heat helps, but it doesn't always correct the problem.
Until then, I would just try to clean it when she it tired, and if she growls tell he NO very sternly and maybe grab her muzzle. You need to teach her now that she is not to do that or you will have a big problem when she gets older.
If she doesn't have an inverted vulva, it should be okay being cleaned once ot twice a week. I clean my female French Bulldog's about every week (she doesn't have an inverted vulva). I hope that this helps.
2006-12-20 15:49:34
answer #3
answered by iluvmyfrenchbulldogs 6
I raise English Bulldogs, and I under stand the question. Our 6 month old female is white and gets a red color around her. Just give her a bath weekly and you do not have to wipe her daily. She can not lick there and it isnt really a "dirty" thing. It is more of a discoloration, she is probably mostly white. When you bath her, try using a whitening shampoo or a little hydrogen peroxide on that area to keep it white. If is was too get "dirty" she would drag her butt on your carpet, lol. So relax, and it is good you read about the breed, but experience will help as she grows. The urine just stains the white hair to a red color, much like a maltese will get tear duct stains around her eyes. It is not any cause for alarm on infection. I hate to see it too, but the once a week bath and keeping her coat shiny and white will help. Let me know if this helps and if she is a white or at least white back there dog. LOL
2006-12-20 15:51:47
answer #4
answered by mandimae76 2
You can't really do anything that's will be less stressful. She'll just have to get use to it. I own a male bulldog and I know it sucks but I gotta wipe his butt everytime he takes a poo, cause if I don't he leaves poop stains everywhere. Bulldogs are a tonne of work but I think your doing your best and it's great that your taking care of your dog because most people would never do that. So good for you and I promise your dog will get use to it. All I say to my dog now is give me your bum and he comes over to me and stands there until I'm done wiping his butt. You gotta do, what you gotta do!
2006-12-21 05:08:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I've never heard of someone having to clean their dog's vaginal area everyday but then again I've never had a bulldog... I think you should just leave it alone.
2006-12-20 15:42:11
answer #6
answered by d_magical_s_sweetness 3
I have never cleaned my dog's vaginal areas and am not sure why you would do such a thing. Leave her alone. Because they don't wear clothing, their bodies are adapted to sitting on the ground and getting dirty and they can take care of themselves. It's why they have fur.
Poor thing probably feels so molested....
2006-12-20 15:44:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You have to keep doing it. I know it's not fun, I have a 9 weeks old olde victorian bulldogge and she can't reach there either. Just make sure you use non-scented baby wipes. Do it while she's sleeping and curl up around her on the floor. this way, she thinks it's more like her mother doing it, as this is how the mother would do it. My puppyu actaully loves it and will lick my arm and face. Don't listen to other comments, they just don't know anything about the breed.
2006-12-21 05:35:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If you're using baby wipes, some are scented so it may be irritating her vaginal area.
Just get a face washer (clean cloth, face washer, an un-scented cloth around your home, etc.) and put warm water on it and clean it then.
Also, if she has hair around there, you may want to trim it so poop doesn't stick in any of the hair around her vagina. It's not gross; a lot of people with long haired dogs (Maltese, Lhasa Apso, Shih-Tzu, etc.) need to trim and clean their dogs hair to keep it clean.
2006-12-20 16:05:10
answer #9
answered by Elena 5
Usually dogs clean themselves down there. I never have to clean my dogs there unless I'm giving her a bath, otheriwse when she goes out and gets dirty in that area I just leave it alone and eventually she cleans it up.
2006-12-20 15:43:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous