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My dog is almost 3 months and every time we put the leash on him, he keeps biting it or he tries to bit it and once he has a hold of it he won't let go!! What do i do??

2006-12-20 15:32:47 · 15 answers · asked by germadirk 1 in Pets Dogs

15 answers

your dog is pushing his limits and trying to dominate you and "walk" you. this is cute, but not in the dog's mind. do not allow him to keep it, take it out of his mouth and say a firm NO, DROP IT do not yell, don't get angry, just tell him what you want. he's a pup and it's up to you to teach him right from wrong. take him to an obedience class and teach him heel, among the other things, and do not leave room on the end of the leash so he can get to it. keep the leash short enough so that it's not pulling on his collar, but loose enough where you're not allowing him anywhere else to be but walking beside or behind you. a walk is for exercise, do not bring toys or whatnot with you, that is for home and park play. he should walk head up, tail down next to you. good luck, he sounds like a very intelligent little guy, and like a kid he will test his limitations, the best thing you can do is be loving, firm and consistant. if you say no today it is no to that forever and the same consequence will happen every time.

2006-12-20 17:42:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I suggest going to a shorter leash than what you have or tighten the slack (so there is nothing dragging or touching him). It's an odd feeling that he needs to get used to. I also suggest having him walk around the house with the leash on (to get used to the feeling of being on a leash).

When you are out walking and he does not make an effort to bite the leash, name first and "good boy" followed by a treat if you like. When he bites at the leash, firmly tell him no and remove the leash from his mouth (if you push the upper lip as if putting it in his mouth, he will be biting himself which will hurt and he will let go--it doesn't take much to get him to stop).

2006-12-20 15:38:44 · answer #2 · answered by Adoption P 3 · 1 0

I had the same problem a few years ago. My sister who teaches obedience classes recommended that I put the leash on my pup while in the house, loop the end over my wrist, and just remain that way for a period of time. Just sit in a chair and don't try to lead the dog, just get him accustomed to having the leash attached. Do that a couple times a day, every day, until your dog becomes accustomed to that. Then move outside to the yard and do the same thing for a few days. It didn't take my dog long at all, maybe a week or two, before he was a wonderful leash walker, getting excited just at the sight of the leash, wanting to go for a walk. I would be willing to bet it would work for your pup too.

2006-12-20 18:39:26 · answer #3 · answered by softie 1 · 1 0

Short leash. Give him only enough leash to walk on. It'll be too short for him to get ahold of and keep his attention on the walk, rather than playing with the leash.

Obedience training would help a lot (basic commands like heel, drop, sit, stay).

2006-12-20 15:40:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

With my father's dog, we just let her hold the leash in her mouth, she liked thinking that she was walking herself, and she held herself in a proud manner.
She never did any damage to the leash, so there was no reason to interfer.
Puppies like to play, and that's probably what your pup is doing. As long as he isn't chewing up the leash, then don't worry. If he is chewing on the leash, distract him with a favorite toy or a tennis ball that he can carry on his walks, instead.

2006-12-20 15:39:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This ISN"T play, yes it looks cute to us... but it's a dominance issue.
Three of the suggestions from previous answers could help you.

1) have him wear a harness
2) have him wear the leash around the house
3) bitter apple spray

But these only mask the issue... you NEED to learn what will establish you as a pack leader to him.

There are a ton of websites and books to help.
Good luck, remember your in charge

2006-12-20 19:15:32 · answer #6 · answered by mrtryitall 2 · 0 0

With our dog she would do that too. So when ever she would bite the leash I would freeze and say "no" and show no emotion. and the second she would stop i would continue. Keep repeating this throughout several walks and she will begin to understand. It works!

2006-12-20 17:44:46 · answer #7 · answered by Bridget 4 · 0 0

it quite is a sort of administration. Your canines is attempting to verify dominance over you. it relatively is unacceptable habit. carry your canines leash over her head till she stops with a mushy consistent upward action so it quite is amazingly hard for her to get to and scold her firmly saying NO loudly if she tries to chew the leash. do no longer take this habit or it is going to deliver the canines the sign which you're no longer on top of issues. it quite is not mandatory to pull the leash hard or hit your canines, basically pull it upward rapidly with mushy rigidity and say NO, after that carry the leash over the canines's head till she stops attempting to chew it. Then, nonetheless keeping the leash over her head, initiate walking together with her at a good quickly p.c... keeping the leash above your canines head is the way that canines handlers do it interior the canines shows. It facilitates you administration the canines alright. keeping the leash this type will additionally help you maintain her quite often in the back of you in the process the walk. canines that walk in the back of their proprietors rapidly learn which you're dominant and that they initiate obeying you greater relatively. canines's like dominant proprietors it makes them sense much less under pressure and greater risk-free whilst they understand you're on top of issues. remember, she in basic terms gets a slack leash if she stops this dominant habit.

2016-10-15 08:41:48 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

try a harness it may work better since the leash would be behind him and he couldn't get at it.

They think it's something to play with

2006-12-20 15:35:18 · answer #9 · answered by cutiepie81289 7 · 1 0

A product called "bitter apple" It is a spray that contains a mixture that tastes like bitter apple. Our dog stopped chewing his leach when we used it. It will NOT hurt the dog in any way. Good Luck!

2006-12-20 15:45:59 · answer #10 · answered by Michael B 2 · 0 0

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