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A couple of weeks ago I met a man, 71 years old, who had cancer. He was about to have surgery that next morning. He told me that up until just a few months ago, I guess after he had been diagnosed with cancer, he had never taken any prescription medication whatsoever.

I never really thought of it, but I just took it for granted everybody, even the healthiest of us took prescription meds. Does this make sense to you?

2006-12-20 14:52:25 · 5 answers · asked by jorst 4 in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

5 answers

I do believe we are over medicated. Then again, the later generations are also exposed to more chemical pollutants, UV rays, less sleep, and poor lifestyle choices, all of which are making medication use now justified.

I once heard 95% of the US population uses some form of OTC or Rx drug (or HAS used).

This makes sense, as why should one suffer with pain when we have Aspirin or risk death from infection if we have antibiotics?

I also have to point out that people with severe genetic diseases or defects have been able to now survive with modern medical treatment and go on to reproduce. Their offspring may now also need constant medical treatment in order to live. There is no longer the "survival of the fittest" theme which determines who survives. I am not saying this is bad, just that is an important causative factor. Hence, at one time, only the "genetically fit" or adaptable survived, and they did so without medication. Today this system is not in effect.


2006-12-20 19:51:54 · answer #1 · answered by reginachick22 6 · 0 0

I believe it. The older generation did not run to the doctor for everything that bothered them. The used home remedies that usually worked better than modern meds. My dad and mom didn't take any meds until they reached their 80's, and then only very few. I think this generation is over medicated. People are getting immune to antibiotics because they are over used. I think we need to take better care of our selves and avoid going to doctors and ER's for every little ache we get. Use common sense in other words.

2006-12-20 15:26:56 · answer #2 · answered by marsha 3 · 0 0

Because the angel Gabriel advised me that Jimmy Carter will come to be the Antichrist aka Dajjal (eighth King in Rev. 17) and he'll serve an additional time period in workplace after the demise of Obama (seventh king). The angel Gabriel advised me in Aug. 1973 whilst i used to be in Phillipsbrug, Montana that Jimmy Carter will come to be the Anti-Christ, and that he's going to difference his title, and divorce his spouse! Obama goes to die first after which the Anti-Christ aka Dajjal who used to be one of the most earlier 7 Presidents will take his situation! Rev. 17:10 And there are seven kings: 5 are fallen, and one is, [and] the opposite isn't but come; and whilst he cometh, he have got to hold a brief house. All 7 kings had been all alive till the demise of Ronald Reagan June five, 2004 whilst George W. Bush used to be in workplace ; a million. Gerald Ford two. Jimmy Carter three. Ronald Reagan four. George H. W. Bush five. Bill Clinton 6. George W. Bush.... is spoken of within the reward nerve-racking (and one is) on account that till Reagan died (June five, 2004) all 7 had been alive! 7. Barack Obama.......and one is but to return! He will die a couple of days after he increases taxes! Obama could also be in Dan. eleven:20 Then shall rise up in his property a raiser of taxes [in] the dignity of the dominion: however inside few days he might be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in struggle. Rev. 17:eleven And the beast that used to be, and isn't, even he's the 8th, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

2016-09-03 13:06:30 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

other than a few vitamin supplements my mother (72 y.o) has never taken any drugs, prescription or otherwise, except for tea and coffee.

2006-12-20 15:05:38 · answer #4 · answered by robsta 3 · 0 0

My dad is 77 and has never even taken aspirin. He says he has never even had a headache, even when my sister and I were troublesome teens.

2006-12-20 14:56:58 · answer #5 · answered by thrill88 6 · 0 0

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