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i started off my relationship with my girlfriend very bad, lies and unkept promises, i changed...i have always been a very lovey dovey type person so i made it very clear to her, i was very caring, stopped lying kept every promise i made, i did everything in my hands to make her feel good and all she did was be a ***** to me, she was mean, ungrateful, gave me a i dont care attitude and did things i completely disagreed with, due to my past mishaves i put up with it thinking that i had to go through this cause i had caused it, i put up with it for a year and a half until i got fed up in about august, i told her what i felt and that i had gotten tired she assured me she didnt wanna loose me and started changing, every since she's been this sugar cookie to me, everything i wanted but the problem is i dont want it anymore, how do i tell her with out hurting her, could i just do things to push her away? we've hurt each other so much that i am too tired to keep trying, how do i get out now

2006-12-20 14:38:24 · 7 answers · asked by marco 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

7 answers

Unless she wants out of the relationship too, I don't think you can avoid hurting her, and yes, you could, as you said, "just do things to push her away" which is the approach most men take. I call it the coward's way out. Having said that, I think that it is very decent of you to reflect on how to best end the relationship, and not just jump ship or torment her to her wit's end. Either way, she's going to be hurt, unless you do something so despicable and unforgiveable that she wants to end it----but even then, some women are willing to forgive the most vile acts---- just so they can have a boyfriend and not be alone. Take the high ground and be honest with her, and tell her that it's just not working out for you (the relationship), that you've given it a lot of thought, and you think it's best you go your separate ways. She can't fault you for expressing yourself in an honest, forthright manner. You said you are "too tired to keep trying..." I know exactly what you mean: You can't get blood out of a turnip. There's too much water under the bridge. You gave it your best shot. Good luck. Merry Christmas!

2006-12-20 14:58:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well i dont think there is anyway to tell her nicely, i would just be up front with her, and just come out and say it... tell her how you really feel, it has to be said other wise your making yourself miserable, and holding both you and her back at the same time... Just be straight with her, she'll be upset no matter what, but she might appreciate you for being honest with her now before you both waste a year in a worthless relationship!!


2006-12-20 14:53:25 · answer #2 · answered by Romy 4 · 0 0

me and my bf r going thru something so similar i dont know what 2 tel u its so hard 4 us 2 decide what 2 do right now but 4 now we r stil tryin 2 make it work so good luck 2 u whatever u decide but think u all have so much into this is it really worth just throwin it all away now thats what i keep thinking about my situation and it keeps making me hang in there

2006-12-20 14:42:52 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Just walk away. She's there too so she knows all the problems you two have had so she will know why. You don't need to break it down and explain it all to her. Don't drag it out or you risk making it worse.

2006-12-20 14:47:42 · answer #4 · answered by Sarah 3 · 0 0

You've done all you can and should focus on rebuilding your own individual self from this point on. Just end it man, and walk away.

2006-12-20 14:42:33 · answer #5 · answered by Me 3 · 0 0

Straight forward with no lies.
But you have to be nice!

2006-12-20 14:43:21 · answer #6 · answered by been there done that.. 2 · 0 0

Tell her who you really are.

2006-12-20 14:41:49 · answer #7 · answered by S K 7 · 0 0

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