There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,(Ecclesiastes 3)
for death is the destiny of every man
for the dog, don't worry they don't have soul.
2006-12-20 14:35:37
answer #1
answered by binibining pilipina 5
death is a hard thing to go through and its a part of life every living thing must come to an end,,, i am so so sorry to hear about your friends dog and just be there for her to lend a shoulder to cry on and listen to her,, like the other answers said i would try to make her a memory book about her dog,, and when the time is right then i would suggest to supprise her with another puppy i know it wont take the place of her other dog but it does help to ease the pain after you have lost a pet,, i hope i have helped and tell your friend that im sorry to hear about her buddy and try to hang in there time always heals hearts,,, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
2006-12-20 22:20:11
answer #2
answered by hunter 3
I'm extremely sorry for your loss. For I to know what it's like to loose something that I love aswell. I lost my dog Spot last November.
If nobody died sure, we may be happier in a way but then our planet would be overcroweded, and there would be more horrible dessies, and sickness. Then nobody could be put out of there miseray. They would have to deal with what they had. It's all apart of life, I had a hard time understanding why the good Lord let my Spotty die but all bad things come to an end.
Good luck, and tell your friend she is in my prayers
2006-12-20 22:16:33
answer #3
answered by Jessica 3
Well dogs and people are all living things. Natural death comes when an animal's system or systems begin to break down or a serious injury. So everything and everyone has to at some point die because its only natural and if people didn't die then overpopularion would be a seriously serious problem, not to mention that cavemen would be roaming the strets on all fours!
hope that explains it
2006-12-20 22:13:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
That would be because we all have limited life spans. My dog died on the 14th, I loved her dearly, but she did what she was here to do we believe.
She taught us a lesson, never judge a book by it's cover, she was a pit bull, and we didn't want her at all, but she wound up coming into our lives anyways.
She was the sweetest dog I've met. She taught us more than I can list here, but, after that, we don't judge a dog based on the stories we hear about their breeds. Every pit I've met since her has been a sweetheart.
She taught us to appriciate everything even more than we already do, because it won't be here forever. I don't regret a moment I had with her.
She taught us that love comes in all shapes and forms, and you never know what way to expect it.
As much as it hurts for her to be gone, I know she's in a better place. She did what she was here to do, she did it, and succeeded. Your friend's dog just did what she was supposed to, and eventually, another dog will come into her life.
It won't take the place of the dog she lost, but, it'll give her companionship, and love. Her dog wouldn't want her to be sad.
As my Grandpa put it "We're not crying for Mary's loss... We're crying for OUR loss. For the fact WE lost her, for our own hurt... She gained something, she didn't lose it."
She will stop crying, and will start healing. It hurts, I know, but with time the hurt heals.
2006-12-20 23:34:07
answer #5
answered by Pixie-elf 3
it's very sad, but a part of life, everything that lives will eventually die. the best you can do for your friend is just be there, listen to her and give her a shoulder if she needs it. later once she's doing better, you could make her a memory item of her deceased dog. those are always treasured. if you don't have any pics or personal things that belonged to the dog, you could always find pics of the breed or mixture the dog was. places like hallmark sell dog breed little statues.
2006-12-20 22:09:52
answer #6
answered by bad kitty 5
that's the way life is we live and then we die it's the system. It hurts to lose a pet or family member or even a friend you love and only time can make it a bit easier and less painful to think about them.
2006-12-20 22:12:05
answer #7
answered by cutiepie81289 7
HAY its hard to lose a pet, Maybe if you talk to her and tell her it mite not seem like it now, But it will get better And she will find another pet Just be her shoulder to cry on, Be a good friend ti her
You sound like a good person Just be there for her
2006-12-20 22:21:12
answer #8
answered by bill_ray56 3
It's part of the cycle of life. You are born, you live a full life, and leave a wonderful memory. It just is the way it is.
If we all where to live forever this world would be very, very over populated...
2006-12-20 22:13:48
answer #9
answered by Angell 6
Because sometimes peepel jus nid sumthin to com down fum.
2006-12-20 22:39:34
answer #10
answered by Chris B 2