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I was given a Maltese puppy for Christmas and she is very sweet. I expected my Shih-Poo to get along with her just fine like he does with other dogs. But he doesn't. He refuses to play with her and gets protective of me when I try to pet her or she comes near me. How can I get him to get along along with her and have them be buddies?

2006-12-20 13:15:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

6 answers

It's best to introduce dogs slowly to each other. Keeping the pup in a crate and letting your resident dog get used to her in there and it also gives your resident dog some quiet time away from the pup. Also, take both dogs on leash walks together to do their business, preferable on neutral territory, if possible. We find this the most effective way to get them used to each other and being with their guardian at the same time
Try switching their bedding around so that your resident dog gets the new dogs scent on him and visa versa.
Most dogs are territorial and also want to show rank in the house to let the more submissive dog know who's boss. You do not want to leave the new pup alone with the resident dog. This can lead to injury as the new pup might not know how to read warning signs from your resident dog.
Don't make a real big fuss over the pup without giving your resident dog tons of attention too. Dogs don't want to feel left out of anything and if all the attention is going to the pup, your resident dog may retaliate in a negative way to get your attention. So give him a bit more attention at this time.
Make sure you feed them separately and don't let the new pup go to the resident dogs bowl, this could also start tiffs.
Give some time to work your new pup in slowly, don't force her on him. They will get used to each other and probably become the friends you want them to be.

2006-12-20 13:41:00 · answer #1 · answered by Wags 2 · 0 0

I have read that you should slowly intoduce your new puppy to your other dog. They say you should have your new puppy on a leash outside, and have someone put your other dog on a leash and bring the dog outside to meet your new puppy for the first time. Then bring them both inside. I guess that part is too late! :(

Here's the other thing. Imagine if you were married, and your husband brought home a new woman to share your bed, share your meals, etc. You would be LIVID and hurt. Same thing with your dog. He's been there first, and resents this puppy coming into his territory. Dogs are territorial. Now, I have two bichons. My first dog was a male. 2 years later I brought home a female puppy. She is the typical alpha female and took over.

It took some time but my older bichon adjusted. Just give your shih-poo lots of atttention. I had a poodle once that felt very neglected when I brought my new baby boy home. He started pooping all over the house.

Don't go nuts over the puppy in front of the other dog. He will get very resentful.

Good luck.

2006-12-20 13:27:28 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to convince the first dog that the puppy is the best thing that ever happened to him. Give the first dog more attention than ever before when the puppy is around.
This may sound silly but it is what I do to introduce a new pet of any kind. I talk to the dog about the new pet. "Look what I brought you, a cute little puppy! Just for you to play with! Isn't she cute? Careful now, don't scare her, she's just a cute little puppy!" etc. The new puppy is something that you and your first dog are going to enjoy together, not a rival for the first dog's position in the family.

2006-12-20 16:13:15 · answer #3 · answered by The First Dragon 7 · 0 0

Lots of love and treats for your Shih-Poo whenever you want to pay attention to the Maltese. If you can help him associate giving attention to the Maltese with being given treats, they will both love you for it.

Good luck!

2006-12-20 13:21:13 · answer #4 · answered by Wags 2 · 0 0

Well....you could try to get them to stay around each other a tat often but if the bigger dog tries 2 kill the little one...you might have to like hit it...but that's what i did and my dogs got along great...until the little one started taking food from the big one.The little one died in the vets office.(my German shepherd bit my poodle/skipperkie((not sure if i spelled that right...))

2006-12-20 13:52:10 · answer #5 · answered by tiger_chick97 1 · 0 0

Sometimes you can sometimes you can't. Try to get them to both play wth you,i.e playing catch with two balls and taking itin turns... usually it just takes time, butif they reallydontwant to get along - dont push it... make sure they always have seperate foodbowls aswell, that would bean unnessecary source of tension

2006-12-20 13:23:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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