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i have a 5+ months puppy, whenever i leave the house, she will bark non-stop for more than 15 minutes, what can i do to stop her for barking if anti-bark dog collar is not suitable for puppies?

2006-12-20 13:08:57 · 17 answers · asked by Flying-nat 2 in Pets Dogs

17 answers

Absolutely not.. While I have nothing against shock collars, I do not feel using it on a puppy is appropriate at all.

Nothing can take the place of good old fashioned training. Use a shake can when he barks and tell him SHH or quiet.. Do not yell at him to shut up as he see's it as you barking back.

He is the perfect age for puppy training classes

2006-12-20 13:47:35 · answer #1 · answered by Mommadog 6 · 1 0

Go here for the best dog training couse http://dog-training.gelaf.info

Since it is obvious that you do not have a clue about obedience training, your services should be for free. You cannot train even an adult dog for 8 hours a day. About the most that can be done at any one time is 10 - 20 minutes and that is with an adult dog and not a puppy. The attention span on this baby is extremely short and training session should be no more than 10 minutes and twice a day. Additionally, there isn't going to be much learned if you will only be training for 5 days. Obedience training is cumulative and is done over a much longer period of at least several weeks to several months.
What you can charge is determined by your experience, reputation, and accomplishments and in a case like this, should also include guaranteed expectations. Just working with dogs over several years, is not the experience that is necessary to be a dog trainer. There are too many people who are putting that title to their name and fleecing the public. Don't be one of them.

2014-10-19 07:07:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Shock collars are never okay to use on dogs! Nursing or not. Please don't use it. It's cruel. A safe way to let your dog know that barking is not okay is to use a spray bottle filled with pure water. Every time she barks, you just spray a little water at her. It will distract her and once she stops barking, give her plenty of praise to let her know you'd like her to be quiet. If you need further assistance, you should go to your local bookstore and find Tamar Geller's book, The Loved Dog. I loved her book and all of her techniques worked for my dogs. Say no to shock collars! They are painful and can stress your dog out. Same with citronella spray collars. They can be just as irritating. I'm also concerned with the fact that you are a first time dog owner with a nursing one-year-old female dog. Take your dog in to get spayed. Please be a responsible owner. Edit: Get her spayed. She will benefit from it. There are vets and animal shelters that can do it for free or for a very low cost. And if her barking is this bad, then your only options are to train her or rehome her. That's the responsible thing to do. I know how much you love your dog, but if the only way you will fix it is by making her wear a shock collar and suffer for a lack of training, then you should give her to a rescue.

2016-05-23 02:48:08 · answer #3 · answered by Alison 4 · 0 0

The citrona spray leaves the smell on the dog so it isn't the best idea. Don't use electic on puppies unless the situation is desperate. Second, bark collars don't always go off at the right time and should never be left on unsupervised. If its just for 15 min and not bother people then let her be. Or get a trainer that can help you with this behavior. So my answer is no.

2006-12-20 13:13:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Find what motivates your dog. Some dogs do anything for food. Some dogs do anything for Toys. Some do anything for a good petting. Some do anything for only one type of food, like cheese, or hotdog. Some only have interest in training for 5 minutes at a time, and others can go for an hour. Figure out what your dog is willing to work for, and then work with her in sessions that are no longer than she can tolerate. How to train your dog properly https://tr.im/Oy0xT

Sign up for a dog obedience training class. It will not train your dog. It will give you training on how you can train your dog. Most people understand the idea of training, but there is a right and a wrong way to do it, and there is good and bad technique. Timing and consistency is very important, and it helps to have feedback of someone watching you who can help you improve your technique to get more efficient results with your dog.

However, she may be somewhat anxious around other dogs, sort of like the shy kid on the playground. She will benefit from continuing what you are doing as far as asking her to sit before entering, but there are more things along those lines that will help her to calmly go in and out of the dog park. She may also benefit from going in short bursts, or only when fewer dogs are present, or avoiding times when other dogs that make her nervous are present. Maybe she just plays loud - my brother's dog is this way - or maybe she is a dogpark bully - sorry it is possible. But more likely she is just a little anxious around new dogs and she wants to play but just doesn't quite know how to do that and still feel comfortable. Don't be surprised if your dog does not actually like the dog park, and maybe she would get more enjoyment and less stress out of simply going for a good walk somewhere else.

A wagging tail does not mean that your dog is happy or even comfortable with the situation. It means your dog is emotionally aroused. This could be a happy arousal, or it could be a nervous arousal, or it could be an aggressive arousal. Go youtube it, there are plenty of videos of 'vicious' dogs who are throwing a very aggressive fit of barking and snarling while their tail is wagging vigorously. Even police dogs who are not let off the leash to chase down a suspect can be lunging and barking and snarling, and their tails are still going.

2016-04-25 16:18:41 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Sounds like you haven't given the pup the chance to get used to being alone. Dogs pick up on our signals and recognise the things we do when we leave - put on shoes, grab keys, get purse, say "Bye!" and put on coat, or whatever your ritual is. When the dog sees you doing these things and knows you're going to disappear for a long time, he gets upset. Try to set up situations where you behave as though you are leaving - do all the stuff that you do, go outside, lock the door - and then come back in. Don't go greet your pup right away - in cases of separation anxiety, you want to ignore the dog for the first few minutes that you come back. You will need to repeat this a lot - be patient, and remember that you're being fair to your dog! Here are some websites to help.

2006-12-20 13:28:01 · answer #6 · answered by Misa M 6 · 0 1

a puppy will soon get to know your routine and as it get older it will stop the the long period of barking. and the collar is only for a real bad case of barking. as l see it that is not bad. give him toys to play with and chews some thing that will keep the puppy amuse until you return. isn't it so nice to be love that much and miss that much.

2006-12-20 13:20:03 · answer #7 · answered by Star-Dust 7 · 0 1

I got a anti bark collar for my dog. It was one of the ones that lets off a shrill noise whenever they bark. It did not work. I wouldnt recommend getting one.

2006-12-21 11:58:22 · answer #8 · answered by Minerva 5 · 0 1

Have you tried getting her a crate? Dogs feel more secure in a crate and will be less likely to bark. Also provide toys and stuff to keep him busy

My puppy, when he was 5 mo was like that too. But now he never barks and he goes into his crate when hes told like to sleep or when we have to go.

Unless if your dog is being destructive or something. then he might have separation anxiety. talk to your vet about it if this is the case

2006-12-20 13:14:54 · answer #9 · answered by Michelle 3 · 2 1

One of the best sites around is The Online Dog trainer. It has fantastic videos on establishing yourself as the pack leader and live better with your furry friend. Here is the link: http://www.goobypls.com/r/rd.asp?gid=572

2014-09-15 04:01:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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