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2006-12-20 13:03:33 · 22 answers · asked by kelly c 1 in Pets Dogs

22 answers

He can, but he shouldn't. He should be eating a puppy formula of fog food. Right now the needs the extra calories and nutrients that are in puppy food.

2006-12-20 13:09:15 · answer #1 · answered by HDB 7 · 3 0

No. Because puppy food is softer. Puppie's have weeker teeth then adults. So feed puppy's puppy food and adult's adult food. The same thing happened to me, I had a 5 month old puppy and a 7 year old dog. The puppy was eating the dogs food. So I but the puppy in a seprate room when it was time to eat. Good Luck! = )

2016-03-13 09:03:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. Adult food is specially formulated for adults and it might not have the necessary nutrients a growing puppy needs. especially at 1 mo, your puppy will have a bunch of growing to do.

You can start switching to adult food by age 1 1/2 to 2 yrs

2006-12-20 13:11:06 · answer #3 · answered by Michelle 3 · 3 0

No. Get a premium brand of puppy dog food. Way to young to eat adult food. Get her fixed at around 8 weeks old.

Merry Christmas

2006-12-20 13:10:38 · answer #4 · answered by bling***bling 3 · 2 0

Yea he can but its not suggestive. The best thing is to keep the animal on puppy formula until its about a year old. That way he can get all the nutrients he needs while he is growing. I feed my 4 pitbulls Beneful and 2 of them grown. But I still feed all of them the puppy formula because of the vitamins and minerals it has to build the dog into a big beautiful animal.

2006-12-21 01:16:21 · answer #5 · answered by sierra8152001 2 · 0 0

Yes!! It is actually better if you feed your puppy a high quality dog food. I show dogs and test have shown that if a puppy is feed puppy food which is high in protien and calcium somtimes the bones grow quicker then the muscles. This causes pain for the puppy and sometimes can also lead to bone structure problems. I actually had a puppy who was being feed puppy food and her front legs began to bow out and 3 weeks after being switched to adult food her front legs had straightened out and she has never had the problem since. The most important thing about adult food though is you use a high quality brand since the cheaper adult food lacks nutients which are essential for a puppy's development

2006-12-20 13:19:03 · answer #6 · answered by katie K 1 · 1 1

Why do you have a month old pup at your house- it should stay with its mom until atleast 7 weeks. I would recommend you at least feed puppy food until 6 months of age. You can also mix in some puppy formula you can find at Wal mart or petsmart. It needs the nutrients in puppy food especially if it was ripped from its mom at such a young age. To learn more about dog food visit http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com

Please spay/neuter.

2006-12-20 13:17:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you https://biturl.im/aU7WN

A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.

2016-06-01 16:29:31 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

The dog always needs to be supervised when indoors. Every time the dog goes to the toilet in the house, and he is not caught and corrected, the behaviour is reinforced and he will think it is acceptable behaviour.
Learn here https://tr.im/MXChN

• Take your dog on lead to the area where you would like him to relieve himself
• Use the word “toilet” when the dog is going to the toilet so he learns to associate the word with the action
• Reward with high praise and a treat reward so this behaviour is keenly repeated by the dog
• If the dog tries to jump and play with you ignore this behaviour until the dog focuses on sniffing the ground and starting to cue for the signs of relieving himself
• Remember to be patient – as this may take time
• If consistent, in weeks to a couple of months you should be able to do without the lead and your dog should be able to relieve himself on cue when hearing the command “toilet”

As prevention is better than cure; get in the habit of closing doors and not allowing your dog free access to areas that are unsupervised. NB: Baby dividers between rooms and hallways can be very effective to keep dog out. It is interesting to note that carpeted rooms are attractive to puppies as they hold the scent particularly well.

Make sure your cleaning the urine up completely! There are a number of excellent cleaning products that you can now purchase from pet stores that eliminate the smell of urine or feces. If the pup can smell any urine or feces, remembering it has a much stronger sense of smell than us; it will encourage him to go again on the same spot.

If you are to catch your dog in the act simply give the “a-ah” command. Pick the dog up and place outdoors or on paper so that he can finish his deed there. Remember that if you do not catch the dog within 3 seconds of an undesirable act he will have no comprehension of what you are correcting him for. This may worsen his toileting habits as the dog will learn to be deceptive as he will now want to hide away.

2016-07-19 15:24:29 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Not a good idea, Puppy food is fomulated to have extra vitamins for puppies propper growth. It will help them a lot to be on puppy food since they will grow rapidly for 1 - 1 and a half years.

2006-12-20 13:09:33 · answer #10 · answered by Yutow 3 · 3 0

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