Mom will take care of the puppies for now. Make sure that she gets extra food and fresh water (lots of it). She has to provide nutrition for the whole litter as well as herself.
The pups will be ready to start taking solid food at about 4-5 weeks. I ususally use a puppy food, soak it until it can be mashed with a fork and add just a little warm water to make a mush. The puppies will get more on them than IN them at first. That's okay. Start offering it at 4 weeks and they will begin to eat more and more readily as they get older and mom discourages them from nursing.
Also, see a vet and get additional advice. You could have issues and problems with the mom and pups and not know. Definitely get some input from your vet.
Please don't allow this to happen again. Spay your dog if you cannot properly supervise her activities.
2006-12-20 13:03:41
answer #1
answered by keesnbcs 3
Okay, I can help here because I've raised litters.
1. Mom will take care of them right now. Give her a quiet place to tend to them.
2. Handle them daily to make sure they are used to human contact.
3. Make sure Mom eats and stays healthy. When our girl had a litter last year, she had a calcium deficiency and had to stop feeding the pups. Make sure she and the pups visit the vet regularly to make sure everyone is healthy and developing nicely. It might be helpful to keep some puppy formula and a pet bottle around.
4. When pups start to develop teeth, introduce them to dog food. They should be fully weaned by 6 weeks. Sometimes Mom won't want to stop and you'll have to make her.
5. Do not give pups away until 8 weeks or OLDER!! Do not give them away free, there are some sick people out there. You don't need to charge a lot for them, you could charge $25 if you want, but they should pay something. Don't expect to make a profit. Breeders usually either break even or lose money when raising pups.
6. Enjoy them while they are around, they grow up very fast!!
2006-12-20 13:08:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You need to make an area where the puppies and mom will be. Maybe hay on the floor and a box around it so puppies don't get out. You will basically let the mommy do all of the work. Also, don't touch the pups with your hands. Don't even bother if you don't have to. Be careful because dogs tend to at times be in labor for up to 48 hours. You might take the mommy to the bathroom and out comes another puppy. You should call your vet and he could fill you in on the rest from here.
2006-12-20 13:00:22
answer #3
answered by zimmiesgrl 5
DO NOT PUT OUT AN AD - FREE TO A GOOD HOME!! There are too many people out there that take pets from these ads to laboratories for chemical testing, etc. NO ANIMAL should have to go thru laboratory testing!!
First, get all of them to a vet asap, then get momma dog spayed as soon as she's done weaning the pups so she doesn't get pregnant again. Can't believe you do not pay enough attention to her to see that she was going thru changes. Make sure you have her on good food for nutrition to get to the pups thru her milk. She will take care of her pups until you have to wean them about 6-8 weeks out. Then start them on a soft puppy food. Then find a GOOD, RELIABLE animal shelter like the Humane Society, etc. who has a no-kill policy!!! They should be able to take them and find them good homes. Talk to the Humane Society to see if they'll spay momma for a cheaper rate. Also, check out this website:
You should be able to find a vet, etc. near your location that works with them to get your dog spayed at a more reasonable rate. You may have to contact them to get the certificate first, though. And if you can't take better care of your dog, then you really should consider giving her to a GOOD home or turn her over to the Humane Society who WILL find her a good home. This is what happens when people let their dogs run loose.
2006-12-24 07:12:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You probably really don't need to do anything for the puppies, she'll take care of them. You might want to give the dam a little extra food, make sure their papers are kept clean. That's about it.
When they get to be about 4-6 weeks old, start giving them a little canned puppy food mixed with milk (start out more milk than food, and increase solids gradually), becaus she'll start weaning them at that point.
After all the pups are gone, get your dog spayed.
2006-12-20 13:00:44
answer #5
answered by rainchaser77 5
Oh wow, you are ignorant. Typical BYB mentality shining through. If you know NOTHING about breeding your dog, then WHY ON EARTH would you want for her to get pregnant/have puppies????. To take it a step further, why isn't she spayed yet? Its not as easy as "sticking 2 dogs together, let them have sex and ta da in 8 weeks i'll sell off the puppies" There is WAY MORE to it than that. "I feel it is the perfect age now to have litter (as all female should) so I'm setting up a erm.. date with our friends husky male" WRONG. ALL female dogs should NOT have puppies. Haven't you taken a stroll through your local shelter and seen all the helpless animals that are on death row???? How do you feel knowing that you are now contributing to those dogs????. "I just don't want to take away Lola's chance to be a mum and be happy, safe and live and try to keep as many puppy's I can alive so Lola doesn't get hurt so please no one say anything about I shouldn't be doing it because I'm clueless, would you take away the chance for a woman to be a mum?" WRONG again. Dogs are NOT like humans in the sense that they will become upset with you if you fix them to where they can't have babies... They could care less! IN FACT, believe it or not, she would probably be happy as heck that she doesn't have to go through a pregnancy and birth puppies, have 5-6-7-8-9-10 puppies sucking the life out of her and crawling all over her. The only one who dosn't want to take away her rights to have babies, is YOU because YOU want to simply CASH IN off of her offspring and use your dog as your personal ATM machine. If you love your Lola so much and want her to be happy, then putting her through a pregnancy is the LAST thing you should be making her do. A spayed dog lives a happy more healthier life. Do you know a dog that isn't spayed and has litters of puppies is at big risk for Cancer?? Yeah.. and you claim to love her oh so much.. Get off your high horse lady... All you see when you look at your dog is this right here... $$$$$. A "date" with your friend's Husky?? Pathetic... Just pathetic. You aren't going to sell them.. so instead you are going to just throw them into the hands of the first couple of people who say they will take one???. Smart.. NOT!
2016-03-13 09:03:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
She needs to be on PUPPY food so she can nourish her pups. She will give them milk up to around 4-5 weeks old and then they need to start on moist puppy kibble. They need to be checked by a vet (so does the mum), they need to be vaccinated at 6-8 weeks, wormed from 2 weeks old and micro-chipping is a good idea. You should let her clean the puppies and then get a warm face cloth and wash any blood off them. At 8 weeks old (NO younger) they can go to a home. I doubt you will get any more than $50-$100 for them considering they will probably be mutts. If you can't find a home, you need to give them up to a non-kill humane shelter so they can try and find homes for the little puppies. The puppies need to stay warm! Get heat pads, hot water bottles; anything you can to try and keep the pups warm. They should open their eyes at 3 weeks old I think.
2006-12-20 14:02:29
answer #7
answered by Elena 5
I assume the dog had no prenatal care then. You'd best get her to a vet ASAP to get everybody checked out, and your vet will educate you. It sounds like you'd be better off giving the ***** and puppies to a shelter who can care for them, neuter them and adopt them out though. If you don't have the sense to realise when your dog is pregnant, I doubt you pay enough attention to notice any symptoms should she become sick, and obviously let unneutered animals roam.
2006-12-20 13:14:28
answer #8
answered by Cara B 4
I raise and breed Min Pins so most of the time you dont have to do anything for them except check on them and make sure they are warm enough and all of them are nursing and not becoming weak,,, if the mother isnt taking care of them then you need to get bottles and some goats milk and feed them every 2 hours, and if she isnt taking care of them then you need to wash their bottems and belly so they will go to the bath room cause mom will lick them to go to the bath room,, also you can handle them but make sure they dont get cold cause this can kill them cause puppies dont have the reflex of shivering to keep them self warm,,, also if you have anyother questions please feel free to email me and i will help you out as much as i can... i hope this has helped and good luck with your new puppies,,,,What a Great Christmas Present
EDIT: I forgot to mention that when they are 3 weeks old then you can start to introduce them to water down puppy chow, just put it on a cookie sheet and add warm water to where its mushy and the puppies eat it for 20 mins. 3 times a day but they still need to nurse off mom till she wheens them and that is usally at 6 to 7 weeks also you dont want to let them go to their new homes till they are at least 8 weeks old cause beleive me those extra 2 weeks will do wonders to a puppy cause mom and litter mates teaches each puppy how to be a proper dog,,, I hope this has helped
2006-12-20 13:21:06
answer #9
answered by hunter 3
Let the mom take care of her pups, you don't need to do anything. You will have to wait a couple of months before they can go to new homes. If you don't want more pups, you should get your dog fixed.
2006-12-20 12:59:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous