Hey yall,, my name is Cherish and I was hoping that you would help me. I am 15 years old and people always tell me that I am little anyway but I know that my thighs are getting bigger and I am still working on my abs. My friend came up with an idea that I thought was kindly grose,, if you think about it, but she told me that I should wrap regular plastic wrap around my stomach and on each leg just above my knees and leave it all night and wear a ton of clothing and, heres the grose part, and just let my legs and stomach SWEAT!! I dont mind doing this because I can just take a shower, a looonnnggg shower,,, the next morning before I go to school, but will this even work? Will my legs get smaller and my stomach? Please help me. Thank you in advance! Luv Yah!!!!! ♥ && Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21 answers
asked by
➔ Diet & Fitness
Thats very unsafe. You could possible die from lack of air. Your skin needs to breathe too. The less it can will mean more bacteria. that bacteria will build up and you can get pimples. Try jogging some and drinking and eating foods low in calories and carbs.
Add't: Why are people giving me the thumbs down? This is the kind of stuff you read about in the newspaper... "Teen dies by accidental asphyxiation". The first thing you learn in ANY general health class is that jogging suits like those shiny silver ones are DANGEROUS! People dont keep themselves hydrated and pass out and die. Wrapping your body up tightly in some plastic wrap is unsafe! You could pass out and die from lack of oxygen, and anyone who tells you different doesnt know anything about healthy living and has a death wish. My mom is very well know Dermatologist and tells me all the time how you should never wear tight clothing when you sweat because the bacteria in your sweat has nowhere to go but back in your pores leading to pimples and rashes and infections and I really dont think you want to show off a body covered with these. If you're going to try and lose weight, do it a healthy way like eating right and exercising, DON'T endanger your life for a few pounds!
2006-12-20 11:45:25
answer #1
answered by Cynthia D 2
That is not a safe idea. There is probably nothing wrong with your body to begin with. That idea can cause you to become dehydrated, which can result in death if taken too far. Read up on what happened to Martin Laurence when he did that. He was hospitalized. You should read up on the new food pyramid recommended diet and then walk for thirty minutes a day along with your ab work. Thirty minutes goes by fast and it pays off. Also, there is a video called "pilates for dummies" at Target. Not a joke. That video feels so easy, but the next morning you feel the pain, and it works. I lost 40lbs in 4 months by doing the video and following a nutritious diet. Gimmicks will fail you everytime, and do harm to your body. Also, gimmick diets will cause you to gain weight quicker when you end them. You don't have to live up to what the models in the magazines look like. Men want women with a little meat on their bones. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be health conscious. (What I'm actually saying is to be health conscious.) Don't just do anything your friends tell you to do. You should be proud of your body, and do everything in your power to stay educated on how to take care of it. You're young now so you feel immortal, but the damage you cause your body will catch up with you later. Believe that! Be smart and make wise and well planned choices when trying to lose weight. You've heard this before I'm sure, but it is so very true in all aspects of life: if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Your name is Cherish, so Cherish yourself!!
2006-12-20 11:58:01
answer #2
answered by MiMi 2
Yes it will. I was in wrestling during high school and to looses 10 to 15 pounds before a match i would put garbage bags on me and then tons of clothing over that and run 5 miles. Make sure you do this in moderation though, because you can dehydrate very easily. It happened to me a few times.
2006-12-20 11:46:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes it may work - very slooooooooowly. Want a faster fix? Run. Running burns calories quicker than most any other form of excercise and requires no membership or special equipment. Running also releases endorphins that make you feel good (fitter, thinner and sexier) and burns calories for up to 12 hours after you run. So what are you waiting for? Get your sneakers on!
2006-12-20 11:56:43
answer #4
answered by DCON 2
Don't do it. It's not safe. The right way to loose weight is through a healthy diet and exercise. Do NOT stop eating or exercise like a demon... That is really bad for you. You could also try Yoga or Paladies. Those are fun ways to tone your body and lose a little weight.
Hope I helped. :)
2006-12-20 11:48:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm not a doctor,but logic tells me that, all you loose water, and that your body will replace that. I also don't think that cutting off the air for part of your body (the skin is the largerst organ of your body) is healthy.
To burn fat, I know that a good diet (healthy) and regular excersice is the best thing.
2006-12-20 11:53:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i would make sure you drink alot of water so you don't get dehydrated during the night.. and i don't even know if that will work for long.. i would just keep exercising and eat right.. no greasy foods.. have meat once a day and eat alot of fruits and vegi's.. and drink alot of water...good luck! hope you have a very merry christmas and a very happy new year!
2006-12-20 11:47:45
answer #7
answered by ~broken~ 3
Please, please don't.
It'll make you sweat, yes. You'll lose weight because you're dehydrating yourself, yes.
If you want your thighs and abs to get thinner, walk more. Jog. Run. Ride a bike. Get outside and have some fun. If you can't go outside, buy a jump rope and play inside like you did when you were little.
It'll work. I promise. And it'll actually be good for you.
2006-12-20 11:49:35
answer #8
answered by some chick 4
It does help you to retain less water by sweating out salt. To understand how this works and to avoid gaining that water right back see "losing water weight" on page below.
2006-12-20 11:56:12
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I don't know if it will work,but I don't advise trying,I'm also 15 and hey if your not like huge I wouldn't worry about it you'll loose the weight in time anyways!
2006-12-20 11:47:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous