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2006-12-20 11:12:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

14 answers

I will not try and shag the visitors legs
I will not piss up the couch when i cant be arsed to go outside.
I will not steal the meat of your plate when you answer the phone
I will not get fifi up the duff and risk the wrath of her Rottweiler father coming round.

2006-12-20 11:15:38 · answer #1 · answered by puffy 6 · 3 0

1) Always be loyal & faithful to my owner.
2) Never get into a fight.
3) Never eat scraps (out of fish & chip cartons).
4) Wait til I go for a walk before I do my business.
5) Leave next door's cat alone.
6) When I have come out of the pond, don't sneak back there
behind my owner's back.

2006-12-20 11:29:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

properly, it’s a clean 12 months and prefer my human counterpart, I’ve made some resolutions. (would I be compelled to roll around in catnip all day long if I stray one iota!) one million. i visit do not forget that a number of my people possessions are actually not toys. (Oops! caught me!) 2. i will pay interest to my proprietor in any respect circumstances, not in basic terms in the past a meal. 3. i visit eat each time i'm hungry, heartily and without guilt, till i'm finished. while finished, i visit lick my chops grandly to point that certainly that became the main appropriate meal I surely have ever tasted. 4. i visit play with interest. i visit rip my toys into shreds each time achievable. i visit lose lots of them under the settee. i visit additionally spend many hours and earnings lots entertainment from the containers they arrive in. 5. i visit (virtually) constantly use the clutter container and not the homestead plant life. 6. i visit in basic terms scratch unique scratching posts. 7. i visit stay away from territorial disputes with different cats. (each time achievable) 8. i will't play Herd of Thundering Wildebeests Stampeding around the Plains of the Serengeti over any people' mattress whilst they're attempting to sleep. 9. i will't play "ineffective cat on the stairs" whilst human beings attempt to usher in groceries or laundry , in the different case a variety of days, it is going to truly come actual. 10. i visit do not forget computing device and tv monitors do not exist to returned-mild my stunning tail. 11. i visit in basic terms regurgitate foodstuff and fur-balls on a tiled floor. 12. i visit sleep as much as achievable each and every day. the cost of this would't be over priced. 13. i will't wake in the past daybreak to play video games that require my people participation, and then ceaselessly request their presence. 14. i visit forget each and all the above and in simple terms BE MYSELF! 15. ultimately, I vow under no circumstances returned to waste valuable nap time making New Years resolutions. This delusional prepare is extra suitable left to people. We cats have 9 lives to stay, thank you very lots!

2016-12-30 17:47:06 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

1. lick my own balls more often
2. take myself for a walk
3. crap in my masters shoes then put on my puppy dog face when he steps in it and gets angry
4. to visit my brothers and sisters down the rspca
5. get newtered
6. to give the postman a year he will never forget!!
7. start chewing things that are more expensive.
8. Ohhh yeah and give up smoking!!

2006-12-20 11:20:44 · answer #4 · answered by 株式会THE CITADEL 株式会 4 · 0 1

My Puppy:
1. I will become house trained
2. I will calm down
3. I will love my owner unconditionally
4. I will cuddle with my owner
5. I will learn to not steal my older friend's food/treats

My older dog:
1. I will love my owner
2. I will be more social
3. I will love my owner unconditionally
4. I will cuddle with my owner
5. I will try to get along with the puppy

2006-12-20 12:03:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Not to poop in the house.
Not to poop on the back step so my mum steps in it (thats dirty).
Not to terrorise the postman (he might be nice really)
Not to eat my mums letters before she's read them
Not to wake my mum up at 5am on a Sunday when I want to play ball
Not to sit in the middle of the room and lick my bottom when we have visitors (its not smart and its not clever !!)
Not to do a smelly but silent fart and leave the room so it looks like my mum did it.

2006-12-20 11:15:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

will not bite the postman. will not chase my neighbors cat.will not sleep on the couch while nobody is home.will share my food with the others.will not dig holes in yard. won't pee on the floor anymore.will not chew up the newspapers.

2006-12-20 11:23:20 · answer #7 · answered by Tired Old Man 7 · 1 1

Stop going after the cats?

2006-12-20 11:14:55 · answer #8 · answered by Wags 2 · 1 1

Stop chasing the cat.
Stop licking my crotch.
stop chasing the mail man.
Stop chasing my tail.
Stop chasing cars.
Loose weight.
Get in shape.
Find a mate that is not a *****.

2006-12-20 11:17:02 · answer #9 · answered by upforitupforitupforitupforitru 3 · 2 1


Arrgh Arrgh

Woof woof

Bow wow, bow wow

2006-12-20 11:32:41 · answer #10 · answered by LongSnapper 4 · 1 1

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