You don't need to spank to have well behaved children. I know this from experience.
Any smart parent realizes that the only way to have well behaved children is to follow through with their threats of punishment, stop making excuses for the childs bad behavior, and realizing that it is OK to tell your child NO and it is OK to expect your child to behave in public. Children behave how they are EXPECTED to behave.
If you parent from the couch and don't get off the couch until you've yelled at the kid FOR THE TENTH TIME (because the child KNOWS you will not get off the couch for at least nine more threats)... you will have children who do not behave. If you get off the couch and help the child to behave ON THE FIRST OFFENSE (first time EVERYTIME) you will have children who do behave. They don't want you "helping" them to behave.
Isn't it really the parents who need to be spanked....??
2006-12-20 18:29:35
answer #1
answered by Cassiopeia 3
Don't you mean "why do SOME parents do this"? It might help of you didn't "generalize". You're point would have more validity. As for hitting kids, it's not necessary. I never hit my daughter and I really never had any problems with her. She wasn't a problem in school and there were no "respect" issues...All I did was discipline her correctly. When a parent has to resort to "spanking" or hitting a child they have totally lost control of the situation which I don't find to be very effective parenting at all. If you have to resort to violence of any kind you've already blown it. Now at almost 21 my daughter is a respectable as well as WELL respected member of the community, has been asked to take over a vacated seat in city council in fact because they feel she would be an asset...And yes I take credit for it, and I raised her without having to hit her.
2006-12-22 19:37:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I agree. People think it is oversimplisitic. But, if done right, spanking makes a real big difference. Those who say it does not work are generally not doing it right. Those who think it is inherently ineffective are basing this on what they think are proven facts. As I have mentioned before the studies finding this are deeply flawed and in fact there are very good studies (that never get mentioned in the mainstream media) showing that nonabusive spanking is not only not harmful but the most effective way to get kids to comply with their parents' wishes.
Doing right primarily means that it is done within the whole context of good parenting and that the spanking be consistent, and that it be more than just a couple of half hearted thuds over a well padded rear.
2006-12-20 14:02:43
answer #3
answered by beckychr007 6
I totally agree with you. It seems like in today's world the kids are raising the parents. The kids tell the parents what to do and it should be the other way around. I was spanked when I was younger and I grew up just fine. Discipline is the main key in becoming a strong individual in life.
2006-12-20 10:05:04
answer #4
answered by MonsieB. 1
i agree, but i dont think hitting a child needs to be done all the time. time out is a good way to deal with it, it works with all ages of kids, even one year olds. which i have experience with.
taking their stuff is a good one as well. it can teach them alot.
although no disapline will work unless the parents keep at it, not giving in.
although i agree that parents should have the right to raise their kids the way that they like, as long as its not a very hard smack that is just not suitable for the age of the child. just hard enough to teach them the lesson.
i dont care what the law says anyway on that subject because if i feel like smacking my child because they just WONT listen!, then i will. although it will only be done when needed, which is not often at all.
people say that children learn nothing from being smacked, but i was smaked as a child, and it did me NO harm, it just firmly lets the child know that they need to behave!!!! so whats the big deal really, if it does no harm?
smacking a child (as a last resort) is better than having a spoilt child
2006-12-20 06:14:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I don't think the problem is with the method of punishment (be it a time out, a spanking or whatever). I think where most parents fail their children is by not laying down clear rules, and when they do, by not consistently sticking to them -- and not giving a consistent punishment.
So to get this right:
Step 1: Clearly explain the rules and expectations. Tell the child what will happen if they break the rules
Step 2: When the break the rules -- tell them they did
Step 3: Punish them accoding to what you said you would
One area of confusion is punshing the same behavior really harshly one time, and but not much the other time -- important to be consistent.
2006-12-20 05:35:03
answer #6
answered by Kevin F 2
Spanking is not necessarily the answer in all cases. I have 4 children and I could spank my son all day and it would phase him. Stand him in the corner, now that was pure torture for him. My daughter, on the other hand, put her in the corner and she would have a ball drawing (with her finger) on the wall.
Every kid is different, but CONSISTENCY is the key.
2006-12-20 07:24:16
answer #7
answered by Jane 4
I don't spank them until I have given them 3 or more warnings, like to day my oldest keep kicking the back of my seat in the car and pulling my hair, after awhile my husband spanked him.
2006-12-20 15:19:41
answer #8
answered by UTGirl34 3
Spoken like a true Father, lol. I totally agree. Your cut to the point methods, combined with a loving cuddley mommy is just what children need. Having both a mom and dad they learn both sides.
That's not saying moms shouldn't dole out their share of like you said "good old fashioned spankings", I do. Or that dad shouldn't be afraid to give their children hugs and kisses (which they need to do) it's just that you like my husband whom I consider good fathers are quick to put out the fire of bad behavior before it gets worse.
Don't mind the person who criticized your spelling. Spelling doesn't raise good children, good parents do!
2006-12-20 22:27:03
answer #9
answered by olschoolmom 7
i do agree, more children need to be diciplined by their parents, but more parents need to take the time to teach their children how to behave, it irks me when your at a nice restaraunt and the child three tables away is screaming his head off because he cant have that dessert. when i was little dessert was a rare thing, and a reward for being extra good. the main problem though, is everyone is in everyone elses business, if a parent diciplines their children by spanking them then let them, dont call the effing cops. if people worried more about how they were raising their children than how their neighbor was we would be a better society as a whole.
2006-12-20 05:34:54
answer #10
answered by Kain 2