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i met a guy a few days ago who happens to be the son of a family friend. we really hit it off- we talked abt everything under the sun and we really enjoyed each other's company. we flirted in a very obvious but subtle way (either that or i am crazy cuz i was pretty sure he was flirting). since we are family friends we knew that we wud see each other again probably in a month or so. but at the end of the evening we exchanged numbers. the next day i msged him and said that it was nice to meet him after so long n dat i enjoyed him company. i didn't get a delivery report for that msg so a day later i sent it again- it didn't go. so this means that my phone is having a gliche n its not sendin msgs 2 dat phone (yes that does happen!). so what should i do? should i call him? but i'm scared. i'm not really looking 4 him 3 hit on me but i think if we become better friends we will really enjoy each other's company and maybe something mite come out of it. any advice?
thanx in advance!

2006-12-20 04:17:38 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

1 answers

First,you need to fix your phone.Once the technical problem is fixed send msgs to him.If that still doesnt work you should call him and have a casual talk.See that you dont drag your conversation too long.Remember,keep it short.When you are done with the call,wait for him to call you back.If he's interested,he will call you back sooner.If he doesnt,it means he's not into you and you should probably just keep it to friendship level.

2006-12-20 04:37:12 · answer #1 · answered by Sheeth 5 · 0 0

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