i met a guy a few days ago who happens to be the son of a family friend. we really hit it off- we talked abt everything under the sun and we really enjoyed each other's company. we flirted in a very obvious but subtle way (either that or i am crazy cuz i was pretty sure he was flirting). since we are family friends we knew that we wud see each other again probably in a month or so. but at the end of the evening we exchanged numbers. the next day i msged him and said that it was nice to meet him after so long n dat i enjoyed him company. i didn't get a delivery report for that msg so a day later i sent it again- it didn't go. so this means that my phone is having a gliche n its not sendin msgs 2 dat phone (yes that does happen!). so what should i do? should i call him? but i'm scared. i'm not really looking 4 him 3 hit on me but i think if we become better friends we will really enjoy each other's company and maybe something mite come out of it. any advice?
thanx in advance!
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