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When Jesus was born, the three wise men offered him gold, frankinscense and myrrth. If he was born today, what would he be given?

2006-12-19 22:40:35 · 28 answers · asked by Skippy 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Wow, quite a few good answers here. Just pointing out, Punter, that was quite an answer, but not exactly answering my question, is it? I'm guessing that was meant for a different question.

2006-12-20 00:22:06 · update #1

fassiacatt7, i think you're missing the point somewhat. I'm in no way rejecting Jesus, or questioning his existance or anything. I'm simply asking what he'd be given if he were born today. i think you may have misinterperted my question in some way. I don't see how it can be misinterperded though, it's pretty straight forward.

2006-12-20 00:25:18 · update #2

28 answers

tickle me elmo, a lottery scratcher ticket, and an escalade with wood side panelling.

No wonder he decided to be born back then.

Yule Mubarak,


2006-12-19 22:46:09 · answer #1 · answered by The Man Comes Around 5 · 1 1

He would be born with a BROKEN HEART. People rejected Him when He was here the first time walking among us, and things are much, much worse now then then. To each their own, but before I answered this quetion, I looked at the answers and NOT ONE of them were serious, unless they actually giving what they thought was an answer that they believed. IF there ever was a time in man's span it is now that we need Him more then ever. I am not saying I am good enough to spend eternity with Him in heaven as I am not a judge and judge no one, but there IS coming a day that ALL will have to give an account if themself standing in front of Him, and telling Him why they rejected Him after alll He did for us. What will be the lies told because one does not have a valid answer, and like in this life will try to put the blame on someone else. Everyone sails their own ship, and they can sail it to wherever they want to including Hell. Happy sailing to all who choose that destination, and may they have fair weather in doing so. No one else has to pay for their sin's but themself. It is Christ's desire that NONE should perish, but we all have Freewill to do as we please by accepting Him or rejecting Him as He will NOT force us to do anything. But Salvation is a free gift paid for by the blood of Christ Jesus on that cross on top of Calvary's Hill. Death, Hell, and the Grave was defeated and there is NO reason that anyone should go to Hell anymore as all that could have been done was done.

2006-12-19 23:17:46 · answer #2 · answered by Ex Head 6 · 0 1

Let me ask you if three wise men existed, One of them would give the equivelance of a salary of Bill Gates.
ive been taught what franksense and myrr are but it eludes me now.

if the world had to pay tithing in money and offerings His church would exceed the budget of the all the religions combined. and the statement that some people have more money than God would become obsolete.

2006-12-19 22:49:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

A lifetime supply of products from whatever company sponsered the event on TV. Not to mention the label of bleeding heart, liberal hippy by the time he was out of Elementary school.

2006-12-19 22:45:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

So why did the Western Church chose December 25th? The decision may have been aimed at displacing pagan worship. Throughout history, many pagan celebrations have fallen on (or near) the December 25th date. Sol Invictus, the "unconquered sun god," was one of the central gods worshipped by the Romans in the 3rd century. Under the Emperor Aurelian, this god was elevated, and December 25th was celebrated as his birthday.

The Roman winter festival of Saturnalia, focused on the god of harvest, and replete with licentious behaviour, was held from December 17th through 24th. Around this time of year, the Babylonians had celberated the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven, and the Egyptians, the birth of the son of Isis. On the 24th of December, the Arabs celebrated the birth of the moon, which they worshiped. The Anglo-Saxons, according to Hislop, observed what they called "Yule-day" on the 25th of December, "long before they came in contact with Christianity." Before the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, December 25th was the first day of the Anglo-Saxon year. "Far and wide in the realms of paganism," writes Hislop, "was this birth-day observed."

Pagans for centuries had been celebrating, in December, the birthday of some son or sun. Why? Why was the whole diverse realm of pagandom focused on a son/sun? Could they have been unkowingly thirsting for Christ himself, who was sent to show light unto the gentiles?

Christians probably adopted this date to take the focus off the SUN and put the spotlight on THE SON. This may have enabled them to more easily the pagans and to offer new Christians an alternative to the temptations of the raucous pagan festivals. This is not an unusal practice. Today, some modern Protestants often celebrate the harvest or the Reformation on October 31, in order to offer children an alternative to Halloween. The Jewish Feast of Tabernacles also shared the date of a pagan festival--that of the Canaanite Vintage festival. Instead of venerating Canaanite gods, therefore, the Jews praised the one true God for liberating them from bondage in Egypt

2006-12-19 22:46:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

An Ipod


A carton of Ribena

2006-12-19 22:42:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

An ID card.
A pound of Semtex.
And a Euro Star train pass.

2006-12-19 22:49:11 · answer #7 · answered by Old Man of Coniston!. 5 · 1 1

Gold= of the 'material world'
Frankinsence= of the 'spiritual world'
Myrrh= of the 'emotional world'

In reverse order
Emotional= Life Time membership to "Day Spa's are US...!!!"
Spiritual= 3ft. x 5ft. glossy of Tammy Fae Baker crying
Material= Titanium "Holy Vatican" Diners Club card

2006-12-19 22:54:52 · answer #8 · answered by wolf560 5 · 0 2

A council house to born in, free n.h.s. service and food vouchers

2006-12-19 22:45:13 · answer #9 · answered by jeeps 6 · 2 0

A load of benefits, a council flat, an a Talbot samba.

2006-12-19 22:47:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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