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24 answers

Bamma say it that nice airline stuard. Bamma say he lonely in Africa and buy monkey for night. Bamma say natives sell virgin monkeys. Bamma say they not really virgins though. Bamma say they just re-use same monkey. Bamma say stuard give it to Magic Johnson. Bamma say him and Wilt Chamberland give it to 20,000 women. Bamma say that how the whole thing got out of hand. Bamma say it not even a gay disease. Bamma say that a cover up. Bamma say he hope he help you understand your condition. Bamma say so.

2006-12-19 07:33:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Well.... I seem to be one of the few who remember hearing another way. I swear I even saw a documentary on it in school when I was very young. And all throughout my life I always wondered why nobody knew. I mean, I thought everyone knew, they taught us in school... I was told scientist made AIDS. They made it (which of course means they have a cure, what scientist would start injecting people and think he was not at risk), that's why it's so damn destructive, they manufactured a sure kill. Why did they make it? Cause science is like that, it happens. Why was it introduced into the human population? We'll thinking that they were smarter than everyone and they could contain it due to the conditions, it was just supposed to unpoppulate a certain area. Whoops. They were blinded by power and greed, they wanted vacation land in Africa. Said they were administrating vaccines. I swear, I remember this and have always known it. Occasionally, very very rarely I hear that someone else heard the same thing. But I've never heard of the government covering anything up, so who knows. And why don't they cure it now? Money, population control, money.

2006-12-19 18:05:53 · answer #2 · answered by OnedayI'mgonna 2 · 0 0

HIV comes from the disease in primates. Somehow the disease was transferred, probably due to a bite, to humans in Africa. Infected men slept with their wives, who in turn got what was known as the "slim disease." It was common in Africa and is considered to have started in the 1950s.

It didn't become of global concern until a flight attendant from Canada contracted the disease and transfer ed it to many countries during his flight.

There is no way to say what the first REAL case was since it was misdiagnosed for so long.

Try this for more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIDS

2006-12-19 15:32:26 · answer #3 · answered by FaZizzle 7 · 0 0


A 25-year-old printer from England named David Carr, who had served in the Royal Navy between 1955 and 1957, contracts a series of mysterious ailments including Pneumocystis carinii. He dies early the next year. In 1990, tests by a hospital in Manchester reveal HIV in Carr's tissue samples, and he is briefly recognized as the first known AIDS death. Subsequent, more sophisticated testing at the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center at New York University Medical School reveals the HIV to have been a contaminant.

2006-12-19 15:31:49 · answer #4 · answered by J~Me 5 · 0 0


A 25-year-old printer from England named David Carr, who had served in the Royal Navy between 1955 and 1957, contracts a series of mysterious ailments including Pneumocystis carinii. He dies early the next year. In 1990, tests by a hospital in Manchester reveal HIV in Carr's tissue samples, and he is briefly recognized as the first known AIDS death. Subsequent, more sophisticated testing at the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center at New York University Medical School reveals the HIV to have been a contaminant.[1]


The first known case of HIV in a human occurs in a person who died in the Congo, seemingly later confirmed as having HIV infection from his preserved blood samples (Zhu et al., 1998). However, according to the authors of the 1959 discovery, they never found, nor alleged to have found, HIV, or anything like a full virus. According to these authors, even “attempts to amplify HIV-1 fragments of >300 base pairs (bp) were unsuccessful, . . . However, after numerous attempts, four shorter sequences were obtained” that only represented small portions of two of the six genes of the complete AIDS virus. Citation: Zhu T, Korber BT, Nahmias AJ, Hooper E, Sharp PM and Ho DD. An African HIV-1 sequence from 1959 and implications for the origin of the epidemic. Nature 1998;391(Feb. 5):594-597.

2006-12-19 15:31:29 · answer #5 · answered by pixi_doll 3 · 2 0

We know nothing of its where abouts or roots. This disease started before we were even aware of it. It caught us all by surprise. The animal theory is believable, but what proof do scientists have to back it up. We are still researching this disease as a world and no one has any answers. All we know now is that it exists and we can only be informed about it. So sit back enjoy the ride and hope you don't catch it!

Good Luck and God bless us all.

2006-12-19 15:55:20 · answer #6 · answered by george 4 · 0 0

They're not 100% sure, because early cases of AIDS related deaths were reported as other diseases until they realised it was a pandemic. Also, it's possible to live for years being HIV positive without feeling ill at all, so there is no record of who got it first.

2006-12-19 15:32:01 · answer #7 · answered by mikah_smiles 7 · 0 0



2006-12-19 15:30:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A very deep and diligent search was conducted to trace the virus back to its beginning on the American continent. This was the results:

HIV originated in Africa. It jumped from monkeys to humans by one of several ways. Eating raw monkey meat, having sex with a monkey, being bit by a monkey etc. After the jump to humans it begin to spread rapidly in Africa.

A Canadian male steward made a flight to Africa and picked up an African prostitute. They had sex and he contracted the virus. The problem is that the symptoms do not show up, usually, for 15 to twenty years. By that time, the virus can be spread to thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of people.

It first begin to show up in homosexuals and then, after a few years, jumped to heterosexuals by Bi-sexual people.

Just remember, there is NO cure and the ONLY way to keep yourself safe is to protect yourself by all means possible. Also, remember that when you have sex you, in essence, are having sex with ALL of your pardner's past sexual pardners.

HIV/AIDS is NOTHING to play with. It IS deadly!!!
Good luck. Pops

2006-12-19 17:30:04 · answer #9 · answered by Pops 6 · 0 0

From my limited knowledge, it was thought that the AIDS virus originated from chimps in Africa. Obviously a human would have had to have been in contact with the animals contaminated blood or bodily fluids for the person to be infected, and then unknowlingly passed it on to their various partners.

2006-12-19 15:34:17 · answer #10 · answered by rightio 6 · 1 0

The most likely (and most commonly accepted) theory is the "cut hunter" theory. An African bushman hunter cleaning an infected chimpanzee carcass , cuts himself, and becomes infected with what would much later become known as HIV. This is how this thing "jumped species" , so to speak, from chimps (humans' closest biological "relative", who often carry HIV , incidentally, but whom it does not affect for some reason) to Man. Likely this happened in or around remote outlying villages, maybe in southern Cameroon. When this likely happened, is not known. All that is known is that it happened, this "species jump" of the virus, some time in the 20th century, possibly as far back as the 1930's or 40's.

A more controversial theory for the "species jump" revolves around the idea that an experimental oral polio vaccine developed by European researchers used (unknowingly) HIV-infected chimp organs, thus unwittingly passing HIV on to the local Africans whom they innoculated in the first mass polio vaccination campaigns. (Read the book "The River : A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS", by Edward Hooper, for more on this theory).

In 1977, A Danish doctor named Grete Raske died of AIDS-related complications after having worked for years in the bush villages near Kinshasa, in what was then called Zaire. A Portuguese cabbie died of AIDS in 1978, after having allegedly been exposed to HIV in equatorial Africa as well, probably some ten years prior.

On July 4, 1981, the Centers for Disease Control published its first report of "clusters" of cases of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (what we now know to be one of the primary "opportunistic infections" which can kill people with HIV / AIDS) and Kaposi's sarcoma (an AIDS-related skin cancer) being found in homosexual males in NYC and California.

It is not known, nor is it ultimately knowable, when or where HIV first "entered" North America either. Some people have erroneously blamed a homosexual French-Canadian flight steward for "bringing AIDS to America", but that is a mistake. This man, one Gaetan Dugas, who died of AIDS himself in 1984 , was connected (through reported sexual relations) to some of the earliest cases in North America, and he reportedly would not cease having rampantly promiscuous unprotected sex , even though he knew that he had something, and even after doctors from the CDC tracked him down and warned him that he could well be spreading this disease. Some say he spread it maliciously, and he may well have.

On July 27, 1982, at a meeting in Washington, DC, at a meeting of gay community leaders, federal bureaucrats , and CDC virologists, the disease was named "AIDS" for the first time.

In January, 1983, Dr. Francoise Barre, at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, isolated a retrovirus that kills T-cells (immune system cells) from the lymph system of a gay AIDS patient. In the following months, she would find it in additional gay and hemophiliac patients. This retrovirus would be called by several names, including LAV, and HTLV-III, before finally being named HIV in 1986.

2006-12-19 17:22:38 · answer #11 · answered by DinoDeSanto 4 · 0 0

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