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I read online somewhere that soy milk isn't actually "milk". That it was originally the waste that accumulated after making tofu...or something like that. Does anyone know?

Also, does anyone know of a vitamin/s that help with anti-aging? Does vit. C help in this process? Thanks in advance!

2006-12-19 04:39:31 · 13 answers · asked by p00mkin 2 in Food & Drink Vegetarian & Vegan

13 answers

ANY soy product (tofu, soymilk, soybeans, fake cream cheese or ice cream or the endless list) is healthy, but like the first answerer said, IN MODERATION. Soy naturally contains phytoestrogens, which, if you are a woman, means you're putting more estrogen in your body than what your body makes. If you eat or drink so products in moderation, this is fine as your body can filter out the extra hormones. But do not overdo it because that can cause an estrogen buildup which can then lead to problems such as missed or irregular periods or non-cancerous ovarian cysts, etc.

I think the best anti-aging vitamin is being active and happy. Keep your body going and it can't break down so fast! And if you're worried about wrinkles, stop worry because you'll probably give yourself more! Haha, and use sunscreen. But aging is beautiful!!

2006-12-20 01:22:09 · answer #1 · answered by michelle 2 · 0 0

Honestly---it depends on the person. For some people it's a great protein replacement (and you can get organic soy if you are worried about pesticides). Technically it's not a "milk"---(I'd like to see soybeans with mammary glands and would pay good $ to see a plant wih the properties of a warm-blooded animal. Now that would be a freak show!)

Soy milk is not healthy for me personally-- I am hypothyroid and I should avoid soy products because they are considered to be goitrogens:

Goitrogens are substances that suppress the function of the thyroid gland, and which can also cause an enlargement of the thyroid.
from Wikipedia:

Certain foods have been identified as goitrogenic. These foods include:

Soybeans (and soybean products such as tofu)

2006-12-19 04:55:31 · answer #2 · answered by Mythical Creature 3 · 0 0

Soy milk is not like cow milk... it comes from soybeans but its not waste.. its the juices that comes from the beans.. it is a good source of protein and also contains a lot of nutrients...it is also researched to have an effect on the estrogen levels for women which can ease periods, pms or menopause.

Also Vitamin C is important for metabolizing fat and boosting your immune system. Although it doesn't directly effect aging it does slow the aging process because it keeps your body healthy. A really important supplement you should be taking for aging is Co-Q 10... its important in collagen development and you stop making it after you are 30 I believe... it keeps joints and muscles from depleting or sagging. Multi-Vitamin is always great for you as well. Eat healthy, Exercise, Do Yoga, and always keep away and relieve stress!

2006-12-19 05:24:38 · answer #3 · answered by KT 2 · 0 0

No, soy milk isn't actually a milk (in that doesn't come from the mammary glands of a mammal). It also isn't the leftover waste from making tofu (interestingly, "whey" is the leftovers from cheese production). Soy milk is made by soaking soy beans, grinding them up, and straining them. This leaves what is known as soy milk. It is then often fortified (as is cow's milk) and natural flavours added to make it more appealing to the palate.

And yes, soy milk is healthy! Soy protein may help protect against heart disease. Soy milk contains isoflavones, which are antioxidants. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant and helps prevent damage to DNA by free radicals, essentially helping your DNA remain undamaged for a longer period of time than in it's absence.. in a way I guess that could be considered anti-aging :)

2006-12-19 04:50:12 · answer #4 · answered by fyvel 3 · 0 0

I am lactose intolorant, and so I drink soy milk. Some brands are better than others, and you want to look at the label and check what kinds of vitamins have been added. Calcium is vital.

Soy milk is made from soy beans that are cooked and soaked, then grund up and mixed with water. Often they are sweetened and flavored. (I prefer vanilla flavored).

The best anti-aging tips I've recieved from my grandmother are 1. drink lots of water 2. don't smoke 3. take a well-rounded vitamin calcium that is specifically for women 4. take care of your skin and wear sunscreen.

check out this resource:

2006-12-19 04:55:53 · answer #5 · answered by Girl with Kaleidoscope Eyes 3 · 0 0

I would think so--even if you get the organic cows' milk, you're still drinking a product intended to grow a 90-pound calf into a 2,000-pound cow in about two years. If you're concerned about soy milk, you could use rice milk or nut milk or do a mixture of soy milk with another plant milk.

2016-05-23 07:35:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I make soy milk in a machine. Basically it takes my overnight soaked soybeans (remember soy is really just a bean that has more complete proteins/amino acids we need in our diet that our bodies can't make) and heats them up to boiling and grinds them at the same time. It is actually cooked bean water!
I also make rice milk the same way, except no boiling of the rice. And you can make almond milk the same way.

For anti-aging vitamins/minerals, I would look at foods and not supplements. All you need to do is put food into your body that will nurture it and keep it healthy. If you don't do this, no amount of supplements will keep aging away. One way to start is the juices that are coming out on the market: pomegranate juice, tart cherry juice, blueberry juice, acai juice, and any of the other juices that sound exotic.

2006-12-19 04:48:26 · answer #7 · answered by Dart 4 · 0 0

you're sorta of right! Well what about skim milk it is left over from Cream or other milks
it could also be called waste milk.
Well my point soy milk is the equivalent to skim milk. Of course soya isn't real milk.. it's a fake milk. Good for U if you want to lose weight and are lactose intolerant. Not Good for U if U have an underactive thyroid!

2006-12-19 05:15:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Soy milk is very good from you, in moderation. There are fortified soy milks out there that tend to have more calcium, vitamins and minerals than "real" cow's milk.

Just like there is no "magic pill" for weight loss, there is also nothing magic to slow down the aging process. Take a good multi-vitamin, keep you skin moisturized and stay active. (Also stay away from cigarettes and red meat).

2006-12-19 04:45:33 · answer #9 · answered by angelbelle 2 · 0 1

Just like anything, you should never have too much of it. Soy milk comes from the soy bean plant. It is not milk in the sense of it coming from a mammal.

2006-12-19 14:31:44 · answer #10 · answered by bldudas 4 · 0 0

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