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I ask because there is no Biblical evidence to suggest that blood transfusions are a sin against God. Yes I am aware of sciptures that you keep quoting such has:
Acts 15:20
Leviticus 17:10 – 12
Leviticus 17:13 - 14
But all those scriptures seem to talk about is the eating of blood.
So I can understand that Jehovah's Witnesses will not eat things like Black Pudding or strangled game. But I cannot understand how they can:
A) Let themselves die
B) Let a loved one die
C) Let a child die
Please, only sensible answers.

2006-12-19 01:39:38 · 32 answers · asked by Qwerty_Monster_Munch 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Miranda P
I am not throwing stones at you. It is a genuine question.
There is not need to be agressive about it. I am looking for a sensible answer form one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I am not here to knock down your beliefs. Your re-action has surprised me and if that is how a Jehovah's Witness is to react to what is a sensitive question, then what hope do you have of convincing me that you are right in your refusal of Blood Transfusion based on your religious faith and belief.
I am all too aware of the scientific dangers of blood transfusion. Like I said I was looking for a sensible and genuine answer from one of Jehovah's Witness based on his or her understanding of the scriptures.

2006-12-19 03:18:11 · update #1

Miranda P
I am not throwing stones at you. It is a genuine question.
There is no need to be agressive about it. I am looking for a sensible answer form one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I am not here to knock down your beliefs. Your re-action has surprised me and if that is how a Jehovah's Witness is to react to what is a sensitive question, then what hope do you have of convincing me that you are right in your refusal of Blood Transfusion based on your religious faith and belief.
I am all too aware of the scientific dangers of blood transfusion. Like I said I was looking for a sensible and genuine answer from one of Jehovah's Witness based on his or her understanding of the scriptures.

2006-12-19 03:19:03 · update #2

Miranda P
Sorry for missunderstanding.
I am not saying that Jehovah's Witnesses want to die or want to see their loved ones die. I am just trying to undersatnd why you refuse blood.
So far a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses have answered my question and not once do I feel like mocking them. In fact I am thankful for their honest and open answers and it has helped me understand more why has Jehovah's Witnesses you do not take blood transfusions. But I am still open to answers from none Jehovah's Witnesses has long has they are respectful.

2006-12-19 10:19:05 · update #3

Wow! thank you for that personal experience. I am very pleased that everything worked out in the end and that you and your daughter are fine.

There have been some good answers posted and I am finding it hard so far to decide the Best Answer.

I also want to apologise to all the Jehovahs' Witnesses that have posted a reply because they must be fed up of hearing question like mine, over and over again

2006-12-19 20:59:29 · update #4

I think you have either listerned to someone else, not really researched the Jehovah's Witnesses religion or just enjoy making things up...but what you write here..and I quote:
"The Watchtower Organization has also gone "too far" in suggesting it is a violation of God's law for animals to receive a blood transfusion as well. The Organization has also gone "too far" by suggesting to not purchase pet food, fertilizer or plywood containing blood."
I know that is not true and it seems to me you want to preach it has a fact. Maybe instead of listening to hear-say or making things up to make yourself look clever...which it is does not, maybe you should actually listen to what a Jehovah's Witness has to say, especially if you are about to start up a website about them. If you don't agree with their beliefs, that is all well and good, but do not make things up about them. What you wrote above was just plain stupid.

2006-12-20 00:57:16 · update #5

That is right.....they are being warned about the dangers of the Internet, just like I warn my daughter about the dangers of the Internet. But they are not told they cannot use the Internet. Even the Watchtower Society uses the Internet.
Many Witnesses have websites and use e-mail. Many Witnesses use the Internet for research or for their own business. I think you are twisting their words and beliefs for your own biased against the Witnesses. I may not agree with everything they say and I, maybe to some extent, am some one that finds it hard to belief in God. But I am not going to spread falsehoods or lies about a religion I know very little about, which is why I am more likely to take note of what a Jehovah's Witness tells me more than some one like you who seems twist and lie to proof your unvalided point.

2006-12-20 03:37:00 · update #6

32 answers


The why has been covered in other posts. But this should clear up some misconceptions.

When I gave birth to my first daughter, I had an episiotomy and they used forceps. Due to the manner the forceps were used I was torn all the way down my birthing canal on both sides, plus my episiotomy tore.

Needless to say, the doctors wanted to give me blood. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, so I will not take blood. What most people don't know, is that we take this issue very seriously. We research ALL options. We discuss with our doctors in advance, JUST IN CASE. I filled out a Medical Directive, indicating what alternatives I would have no issues with. (I believe I gave 3 or 4 options).

My doctor refused to look at the directive, and told the nurse I could go home with Iron Tablets since I didn't care if I lived or died. My husband called one of our local elders, who is on the Medical Liason Committee. He brought research articles from both JW's and non JW's. My doctor refused to look at those things, as well. We had to get another doctor on board before I could then stay and get treatment. I was not sent home for 5 days. All the while, I was receiving one of the four options I had in place in my medical directive before I ever went into labor. By the way, my daughter was fine. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen (and worth all the trouble.)

Life is just as precious to us as to anyone else, we choose to live our lives, to the best of our ability, in a manner that pleases God.

2006-12-19 15:49:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 10 4

It states, His birth parents, Lindberg Sr. and Rachel Wherry, who do not have custody and flew from Boise, Idaho, to be at the hearing, believed their son should have had the transfusion and suggested he had been unduly influenced by his legal guardian, his aunt Dianna Mincin, who is also a Jehovah's Witness. After reading his I wondered why all this time the boy was sick and his parents never came until he went to court. As for him being unduly influenced The judge made his point: The judge said his decision was based strictly on facts. "I don't believe Dennis' decision is the result of any coercion. He is mature and understands the consequences of his decision," With the transfusions and other treatment, the boy had been give a 70 percent chance of surviving the next five years. If a person follows what they believe in right, and that belief is in the Bible, why should he not follow it. Just to live a few extra years. God tells us if we follow his laws he will bring us back to life. The boy decided to follow the Bible and God has not forgotten him.

2016-03-29 00:12:13 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

God's word forbids it: Genesis 9:3, 4; Leviticus 3:17; 7:26, 27; 17:10, Deuteronomy 12:16, 23; 1 Samuel 14:32; Acts 15:28, 29.

2016-02-12 13:06:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi there,
you can find a free download of Blood 2 The Chosen here: http://bit.ly/1pnRLqM

Finally the full version is avaiable!
This game is based on the 'Shoot first, ask questions later' philosophy. How you play it depends on the character that you choose, as each of them has different abilities and magic powers.
For me, it's the best game ever.

2014-09-22 21:21:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Im not a Jehovah's witness per se but I would not let the government put a needle in me for any amount of money in the world after what I have learned.
too much coincidence with the outbreak of AIDS in Africa occuring at the same exact time that they were vaccinated. The native American peoples told the white man that eventually your government will do to you what it has done to us. This is now coming true. Look at the poor, white, black or native american.
Life and death is a process of God's choosing and they choose to embrace death and trust God to handle it. As I would. Sure we are scared for we do not know, but Jesus went first to show us the way. Our ultimate goal is freedom from being trapped on Earth (satan's domain) and freed from flesh. To know ultimate love in the arms of our Father finally.
I just pray my end will be peaceful and not a long drawn out painful death such as AIDS. Vaccinnes have also messed people up bad, autism, adhd and so on. To try to live no matter what is useless because we all die eventually.

2006-12-19 02:38:20 · answer #5 · answered by eg_ansel 4 · 7 2

First, you should know that only 10% of those refusing blood transfusions are JWs. Hasidic Jews and Japanese Buddhists, as well as many others don't. Both of which also believe the soul as being in the blood.

Transfusion have always been unsafe to some extent, but it has gotten worse of late. In Birtain, anyone under age 18 can only receive blood donated in America due to contamination by Mad Cow Disease. There was a conference here in Kansas City of people from donation centers all over the world. Britain is considering shutting down their programs all together and use only imported blood. I've faced that decision twice, having been in two semi truck wrecks.

There are a lot of things the Bible clearly doesn't say not to do. When your children do something they know they shouldn't be doing, but of which you never clearly spelled out, is it okay?

There are a growing number of hospitals going bloodless. UCLA is now doing bloodless transplants.

2006-12-19 08:58:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 13 3

Jehovah's Witnesses do not consume, donate or transfuse blood, because God Himself consistently made it clear for humans to "abstain from blood". God began with commanding Noah and his family to abstain from blood. (Gen. 9:4) He repeated this through the Mosaic law (Lev. 7:26, 27; 17:10, 11, 13, 14) and He continued to remind us through the pages of the New Testament. (Acts 15:28, 29; Acts 15:19, 20) This is because God has obviously attached a highly important moral principle to blood. (Lev. 17:11)

Because this command went as far back as Noah, Andrew Fuller, viewed by some as "perhaps the most eminent and influential of Baptist theologians," wrote:

"This, being forbidden to Noah, appears also to have been forbidden to all mankind; nor ought this prohibition to be treated as belonging to the ceremonies of the Jewish dispensation. It was not only enjoined before that dispensation existed, but was enforced upon the Gentile Christians by the decrees of the apostles, Acts XV. 20. . . . Blood is the life, and God seems to claim it as sacred to himself." - The Complete Works of the Rev. Andrew Fuller (1836), p. 751.

How Important is it to "Abstain From Blood"?

A close examination of the wording used at Acts 15:28, 29 shows how important it is for Christians to "abstain from blood":

"For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these ESSENTIALS ['these necessary things' - RSV]: that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication; if you keep yourselves free from such things, you will do well. Farewell." - Acts 15:28, 29 (NASB)

The wording of the Scriptures here does not indicate that this is a relatively unimportant commandment. It says it is "ESSENTIAL".

"Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Want to Live?"

The fact that Jehovah's Witnesses want to live is evidenced by their closely following the advances made in the field of bloodless medicine and surgery. There are endless examples and much documentation of their utilization of this.

Some critics of Jehovah's Witnesses have made false accusations concerning Jehovah's Witnesses' motivations in abstaining from blood. But would Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY be so eager to find quality, medical alternatives to blood transfusions for themselves and their children whom they deeply love if their refusal of blood was tantamount to a form of suicide or a "right to die" as some opposers falsely claim?

Christians who truly follow God's command to "abstain from blood" do not decline all therapies. They reject just one therapy, which even many experts admit come with dangers.

Also see:

Why don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses accept blood transfusions?

2014-01-13 15:43:31 · answer #7 · answered by Moto 3 · 0 0

yes eating blood is condemned by God,
and Jesus said very clearly if you save your life you will lose it, but i fyou lose your life for the sake of the gospel you will gain it a hundredfold.
i think the epistle of philipines says that it is better to die and go to be with god than to live and suffer. therefore letting someone die of natural causes is a mercy killing. *er uhm, Cough, choke, Cough. the bible also says that all murders are the cause of the church of satan. if a child dies because of some conspiracy or intent, than it is not the judgment of God upon the parents but upon those that have chosen to poison a child. If a child is saved it is the will of the Father God and the faiths of the parents and the child.

But partaking of blood is condemned 3 different ways, eating black pudding if it is made with blood should be refused but even paul said if it is done without knowledge how can there be a sin?

Remember blood transfusions Killed many people before they understood blood types. and therefore blood does kill. it is also an abomination to drink blood like a vampire! but the practice was to drink blood in the hunt and get the strenghth from the victim. Life is in the blood. But the spirit is the life of God. and therefore the spirit is what blesses God.

2006-12-19 01:47:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

Seems as though I've come to this question kind of late and the question has been answered thoroughly, despite persons who are not JWs attempting to disparage our conscientious stand. Jehovah's Witnesses have no desire to become martyrs. We love life and do all that we can to preserve our lives without resorting to disobedience to God. At Matthew 16:25 Jesus said "For whoever wants to save his soul will lose it; but whoever loses his soul for my sake will find it." We firmly believe that obedience to God results in our everlasting welfare, whereas if we are disobedient in order to save our present life, it will only be temporary.

2006-12-20 13:52:18 · answer #9 · answered by babydoll 7 · 6 0

acts 15:29
i am a Jehovah's witnesses and it says in that scripture to abstain from blood so we refuse blood transfusions. it is hard refusing knowing that u might die but it says in the bible to abstain from it so we do. and about the children dying if u had a child and were a Jehovah's witness yes it would be hard to refuse one because u know if the child does not have one they will die but we listen to what god said in the bible.
in acts 15:29 it says to abstain from blood and at the end of that scripture it says that if you abstain from it u will prosper and it also says good health to you. so we do not take blood transfusions .
in the bible they also have other scriptures about blood. so i hope you understand now.

2006-12-20 12:21:40 · answer #10 · answered by lilgoat 2 · 6 1

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