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I was able to give her the basic recipe, and we talked about extruders (which she knows from Play-Doh), and I was able to explain how they make basic shapes, but she really wants to know how they make small shells!!

2006-12-10 03:56:56 · 2 answers · asked by Dena P 2 in Food & Drink Ethnic Cuisine

2 answers

Wow ... this is going to be difficult ...

Okay .. have you ever made or seen someone make Gnocchi? You know, how they take the flat piece of potato pasta and roll it on a fork or ridged board, and it makes a curl?

Oh ... Maybe I'm the only one :)

Okay, try this - go and take your play-doh. Take a dime-sized ball, and go to the wall (I hope this doesn't stain!) press it into the wall while moving your thumg down, as if you were trying to roll a pen down the wall.

Now, look at the shape - it should be something resembling a "C".

This is the basic way that shell pastas are made. And, are probably how you'd have to do it if you made it at home - or something similar!

2006-12-10 04:03:39 · answer #1 · answered by Godzirra 3 · 1 0

The word translates to shells. And I haven't a clue.

2006-12-10 04:17:27 · answer #2 · answered by Smurfetta 7 · 0 1

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