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I went to the health clinic because I was weezing when I breathed and they said I have bronchitis. One week later I had severe chest pains and back pain so bad I couldnt sleep. I went to the ER and they told me that I have enflamed muscles underneath my ribs. They also said I didnt seem to have a cold. The problem is I am now having trouble breathing again one week later and my stomache is upset. I am throwing up and coughing mucous up It has now turning up a dark green color. I also had some blood come up the other night. I cannot stop coughing and the pain in my chest and back is still there. I have been taking inflammatory med for the enflamed muscles but it doesnt seem to be working. What should I do and is my problem being overlooked?

2006-12-10 01:23:44 · 9 answers · asked by Lexy 1 in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

9 answers

No one gave you a shot of penci, antibodies. Sounds like pneumonia. My philosophy is this: There are A Doctors, C Doctors, F Doctors, and those that brought they're papers. Baby when you get well find yourself a good doctor, not one of those who work for the money but because helping people is they're passion. Good Luck........

2006-12-10 01:33:44 · answer #1 · answered by mitteycole 3 · 0 0

It may be bacterial, or viral. If its a bacterial infection- you can get prescribed some antibiotics in the penicillin family(Amoxycillin most likely)...

Until then, DRINK LOTS OF WATER...and take an expectorant and inhale steam(as mentiontioned before by a poster) to losen the phlegm build up in your lungs. The combined efforts will make the coughs you do have, more productive.

If you smoke, try to cut back while you are sick as much possible.

If you are coughing up blood, this could A- be from an abrasion in your throat from the constant coughing or B- mean that you need to get the F back to the hospital and get them to get to the bottom of the problem. FIND OUT if it's treatable by antibiotics and if not- get info from them and get info online on how to treat it if it's not.

Often Bronchitis is aided by a flu or cold of sorts...Even Sinusitis which could be an infection in your nasal passages-dripping down and forcing you to cough more than you would otherwise...this could also explain the blood. It needs to be taken care of though ASAP, before it worsens into Pneumonia(if it hasn't already)... :-(

I'm no docor, but I have found out all of this due to the negligence of doctors....so make them do their jobs. They get paid enough to do so.

2006-12-10 21:45:43 · answer #2 · answered by brain_eating_bonster 1 · 0 0

I once suffered from Chronic Bronchitis. I would suffer sometimes 3 to 4 times per year! Usually when there was a major change in the pressure outside (I live in the north, and the temperature spikes and dips do wonders to chronic sufferers of bronchitis!). Each time I would get horrible hacking coughs, hoarking up green phlegm..it was so frustrating!

The key to getting rid of your bronchitis is to find a way to completely eliminate the germs that are causing all the phlegm and irritation leading to your hoarking cough and heavy breathing. Keep reading to learn how to do kill these germs!!

This page it will change your life and make you feel 100% better within just 24 hours!

2016-05-14 19:18:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You may have chronic bronchitis or asthma. that's turned into pneumonia. Go to a doctor ASAP. If you don't have insurance, go to the ER. If you're coughing up blood and having trouble breathing they've missed something. You may just have an infection that needs antibiotics.But don't just accept some half assed diagnosis. Request to see a respiratory specialist or go to a different hospital. Request to speak with a patient advocate if you feel like you're being ignored or passed over.

2006-12-10 06:21:22 · answer #4 · answered by Divacancerrn 2 · 0 0

Sounds to me like you should go back to the ER. They should give you an something like zithromax, and some cough suryp with coden..I get bronchitis once a year and i have since i was 5..So i know how you feel..It hurts and you get really sick. The blood you have been coughing up is probably just because of you coughing so much...The enflamed muscles are from coughing to i would think..I get really furstrated with the doctors to....I know when i am getting it because i get it so much..But everytime i go they say i dont have it because its not really bad yet...Then like a week later i go back and they treat it...So i hope that i have helped a little..I am sorry you are going thru this.and i hope you feel better soon...

2006-12-10 01:44:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If that was happening to me I would feel it was being overlooked. Maybe you could go to the ER again today, and make an emergency appointment with a regular doctor for tomorrow.

2006-12-10 01:30:57 · answer #6 · answered by Kacky 7 · 0 0

in order to establish a diagnosis you should clarify some points:
how old r u? do u smoke?for how long?
.what's the nature of your pain?does it change with position?
is there fever? does your sputum smell fouly?

you should return to ER .they' ll evaluate if u need a chest X-ray or antibiogram

but you should know that
green sputum =bacterial infection=need antibiotic
u should also take a mucolytic/expectorant.

2006-12-10 02:26:54 · answer #7 · answered by fadykan 2 · 0 0

back to the er is my first thought.

try sitting in your bathroom with the door closed and a towel covering the crack. Turn your shower on hot and sit in the steam for 10-15 mins. It will help to loosen the phlegm.

2006-12-10 01:29:51 · answer #8 · answered by .. 3 · 0 0

See a pulmonary specialist. Get x-rays and sputum cultures. Antibiotics are probably indicated.

2006-12-10 01:38:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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