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hey, I have just started to quit smoking. Is anyone out there Quiting or did Quit smoking? So I can get some help on it?

2006-12-08 12:07:35 · 4 answers · asked by groveydave2000 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

4 answers


I quit smoking back in March of 97'. I was a 2 1/2 packs a day person. I smoked Marlboro Light 100's. When I went on our 15 minute break, I would inhale 3 cigarette's in that length of time. In retrospect, my lungs were not receiving any oxygen at all.

I was the type of person, never missed work for any reason. I was there every single day regardless of how I felt or how sick I thought I was, I always went to work.

One morning, I got up and went to the bathroom as usual and come back and sat on the bed. I didn't have the energy to breathe let alone, do anything else. My husband took me to the emergency room and they ran all kinds of tests. Everything came back normal. BUT before I left the emergency room, Dr. Restrepo ask me if I had ever had a treadmill test. This was on Monday. Tuesday I was on the treadmill and none the less, I flunked with flying colors. I was to go into the hospital on that Thursday to have a test done that went through the groin and up into my heart to see if there were any blocked arteries.

That was early in the morning on Thursday. By mid morning, I was in emergency open heart surgery. They had found 4 blocked arteries in my heart. I have never experienced anything like the trauma I felt when they told me I had to go to the operating room NOW !! I had already started to turn grayish in color.

They had to shock my heart 3 times because I was having some difficulty. Then when I finally did get to go home, my chest cavity started to fill up with water. Not my lungs, my chest cavity. It happens very rarely but it happened to me. So back to the hospital I went and that time I was there for almost a month.

I got out of the hospital and I have never picked up one of those things since. I know this is drastic way of quitting but if that doesn't make a person stop smoking nothing will.

I do wish you the best in what you are trying to do. It will be hard. There are sometimes when someone around me lights up it smells so good but my life is worth far more than one of those.

Good luck my friend. I know you can do it. It is all in the mind. Trying keeping your hands busy and try shewing gum. If you have to have something in your mouth, chew on a toothpick. Anything like that just might help you.

I wish you well.

2006-12-08 12:33:30 · answer #1 · answered by whenwhalesfly 5 · 0 0

Hi.Good for you. I quit in August with my fiance. We were visiting my mum and dad and mentioned quitting. We thought of giving my mum all our cigs and basically went cold turkey. It was quite hard but well worth it. Its good to give up with someone cuz they know what you are going through. I'm sure everyone will support you. Dont give up giving up, trust me its well worth it im only 18 and had been smoking for about 2years and i definatly feel the benifit. Smoking is a habbit so try and change your routine, for me after a meal was when i would always smoke so i would try and keep busy then and occupy my mind round those times most. Good luck p.s a few things that helped us was sucking boiled sweets [mints are good] or lollies and doing things with our hands like puzzles for example. bordem is the worst when trying to give up so keep busy

2006-12-08 12:24:32 · answer #2 · answered by cole2458 1 · 0 0

sucking on hard candies, chewing gum, chewing on a straw, drinking a drink of water when you want a cig. take walks, do exercies, chat online with others, stay away from the things that went hand in hand with smoking. Congrats on trying to quit. If for some reason you go backwards pick yourself up and go for it again. Many fail their first few attemps.. don't give up.. you might want to look at the sites I have given you.. Good Luck

2006-12-08 12:25:30 · answer #3 · answered by oldone 4 · 0 0

I'm currently in the process of trying to quit. It's tough, but if you have the determination. Cold turkey is the best, but sometimes that's not possible. Whenever you have your urges, try to concentrate on something else and keep your mouth occupied.

I know that I used to enjoy a cigarette first thing in the morning. Now, I jump straight into the shower instead. Cigarettes taste best after a meal. So after you eat, quickly shove a hard mint candy or a stick of gum in your mouth so you won't be tempted. Try the patch or the gum if all else fails.

Good luck! Your body will thank you! =)

2006-12-08 13:37:58 · answer #4 · answered by bosnjgal 3 · 0 0

Good for you.

I will give this to you straight, my man. Smoke and you will die from it. We all will die.

The addiction to nicotine is as powerful as Cocaine. So, chew gum.....use the Patch. Join a group...do anything, but cut down or eliminate the cigs.

My gran dad was 83 when he passed. He told me that he had stopped smoking 45 years earlier. Even at 83 years of age, he still had the urge from time to time for a cigarette. What does that tell you about the addiction to nicotine.

2006-12-08 12:19:05 · answer #5 · answered by Mav 6 · 0 0

you will have a lot of time with no smoke barks some times hours a day so maybe pick up a hobby or some thing
maybe bowling, jogging or v-games (pogo.com is a good place for help and games with their "Quit Smoking Play Games" thing going on now)

2006-12-08 12:24:09 · answer #6 · answered by heathsieler 1 · 0 1

From what i hear, breath mints, gum or toothpicks...something to put in ur mouth...i could think of more interesting things too to keep your mouth busy...lol...i just started smoking a year ago...wish i never would have...i am addicted...good luck to ya!!

2006-12-08 12:15:51 · answer #7 · answered by repodana 4 · 0 1

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