Who said God intended us to be vegetarians?
God wants us to eat all the tasty animals. That is why they are here and that is why God made them taste so good.
2006-12-08 02:54:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Gen 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. (This is at creation, before the fall)
Did God put animals here for our use?
Adam’s “dominion” over animals (Gen. 1:26, 28), we believe, conveys sacred stewardship, since God immediately afterward prescribed a vegetarian diet (1:29–30) in a world God found “very good” (1:31). Created in God’s image of love (1 John 4:4), we are called to be caretakers of God’s Creation, not tyrants over God’s creatures.
Genesis 2:18–19 indicates that God made animals as Adam’s helpers and companions: “Then the LORD God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.’ So out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them…” (RSV) Adam named the animals, which we believe shows concern and friendship. We don’t name the animals we eat.
Indeed, eating meat came with a curse – animals would no longer be humanity’s friends: “The fear and the dread of you shall rest on every animal…” (Gen. 9:2)
By the way, elephants have the largest canine teeth and they are vegetarian. I am a dental professional and that argument is absurd!
2006-12-08 05:03:41
answer #2
answered by summer98 2
As I said to this exact same question a few days ago -
We are truly impressed that you are now old enough to work your computer and use it to parrot back stupid bumper stickers. And not even good Bumper Stickers.
Since you have now mastered the skill of parroting, perhaps you can move on to some real issues, like obesity in America. It certainly isn't caused by vegetarianism and costs the US taxpayers millions if not billions a year. Why pick on vegetarians for being better people than you are?
But, if you really want to think about something, if your "God" intended humans to be carnivores, why don't we have to eat meat to survive? Hmmmmmm.
2006-12-08 04:28:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think the worst part is that you think you're question is new and clever in some way. I went veggie almost 16 years ago and have heard that question for all 16 of those years. Unless you subscribe to PETA's curious view of the world, nobody actually believes that "God" intended for us to be vegetarian.
Next you'll be asking about broccolli. It used to be alive. Why do eat broccolli? Ugh.
It's a conscious and sometimes personal decision based on health and/or your moral beliefs. God doesn't really factor into the average vegetarian's equation.
2006-12-08 06:15:28
answer #4
answered by moonsailor77 2
I love it when non-veggies use the canine argument...hilarious. Yeah gnaw a cow to death, or better yet try and tackle a deer and then gnaw it to death. I am a vegan but I would like to see a meatie try, without the use of tools of course because its only "natural" to eat meat.
I really appreciate the meat eaters on here who are informed with a reasonable mind. You realize it is a choice but are not ignorant and spew this crap.
I include this passage because the teeth thing is brought up so often:
Here's another test, to see if you are a natural meat-eater. Can you move your lower jaw forward and back? Can you slide your lower teeth in front of your upper teeth, and then back? And can you move your lower jaw left and right, side to side? Because if you can perform these movements, then you are not a carnivore. There is not a true carnivore on the planet that can do either of those movements. Dogs can't, cats can't, hyenas can't, minks can't, etc.. Their jaws are simple hinges and can only move up and down. They are designed to rip off hunks of flesh, and then to swallow them more or less whole (ever noticed how fast a dog or cat eats?). Their teeth are far harder, longer and sharper than ours. In contrast, the jaws and teeth of herbivores (horses, cows, rabbits, etc.) are designed for grinding plant matter. Carnivores devour, herbivores graze.
Harvey Diamond once said: "You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I'll buy you a new car."
Since you have used "if God intended" in your question, I'm sure God intended us to kill and torture his creatures just to satisfy our taste buds. From Genesis "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."
2006-12-08 03:25:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I use my own mind, if I think its wrong I'm going to think its wrong. Not everyone in the world goes by the beliefs of god. Not everyone in the world is Christian.
Humans are made out of meat, and if a person eats a human, there called a canibal and are thrown in jail...
2006-12-09 11:29:28
answer #6
answered by ME 2
Im not a vegetarian or vegan but seriously i am getting sick of these dumb questions. Please at least put some thought into these questions and try to make an intelligent question that makes people think. O ya humans are made out of meat are we supposed to be canibals then?
enough with the stupid questions.
2006-12-08 08:34:52
answer #7
answered by Half-pint 5
Humans are made of meat. Does that mean God intended us to be cannibals?
This question is ignorance at it's best. I'm not a vegetarian but I just found this question to be extremely assinine!
Animals, like humans, are also made of bone, cartilage, flesh, water, etc.
I am not religious at all, so this whole "God says" thing doesn't fly with me, although I know where this argument comes from.
Humans, indeed, have canines, but we were not meant to be carnivorous. Otherwise, why do we have molars? Molars are meant for grinding. The true carnivores on this planet (Eg. Lions, Crocs) do not have grinding teeth. Those animals evolved to be carnivores. Humans did not. We were means to be omnivorous.
Humans do NOT HAVE to eat meat to survive. We do because we like the taste. We can survive off of fruits and veggies, but, like me, humans like the taste too much to give it up. As said in another answer, we call it "meat" because it sounds more appetizing than "carcus" or "flesh".
And to those people who say things like, "God made them tastey for us to eat"...well junk food and sugar is tastey...but guess what, if you eat that stuff you can get fat, diabetes, and develop fatal conditions such as heart disease.
Do a little research before you jump to such absurd conclusions.
2006-12-08 02:41:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
This is asked all the time. Animals have flesh just like you. Meat is a word used because it does not sound as disgusting. If you are intended to eat meat..why arent you out hunting your food???
2006-12-08 02:42:45
answer #9
answered by KathyS 7
We have meat ourselves too and animals are here just like how we are here TO LIVE! There is no difference between humans and animals!
2006-12-08 07:22:23
answer #10
answered by nikita 2
This question is rather unique because it is like a paradox. I don't really get the meaning but:
I think and believe that the most important thing that God wants from us is to do good deeds and not harm others. Eating meat or not is second priority.
I do not think that God intended us to be vegetarians. Of course, it is better to be vegetarians because you might me more healthy though!
2006-12-08 02:44:19
answer #11
answered by Life is Like A Box of Chocolate 1