They don't. I'm an adult and I don't smoke. Most of the adults I know don't smoke.
2006-12-07 08:04:18
answer #1
answered by jfellrath 3
What a horrible assumption. And we all know what assuming does.
Most adults DONT smoke. According to the CDC, 21.5% of adults over 18 in the US smoke. 22% of teenage children report having smoked a cigarette in the past month. So, your question is aimed at the wrong demographic.
But, to answer it any way, they are addicted. When you are addicted to something, it takes more and more to appease your addiction. So you may smoke 2 a day at first, but that is always growing.
2006-12-07 16:10:56
answer #2
answered by Together 4
I am an adult and I don't smoke.
I did for about 10 years and finally quit, about 27 years ago, and have not had the urge to have one since...
I don't know how they can; they just started making me sick after a while...
There is so much pollution in the air, it's a wonder they have lungs left...
I see young, old and middle age people smoke, mostly in their 30's and 40's.
I remember I used to work at a place and a woman there was always coughing, and she had asthma too; but she would always go out to have her "ciggie" every hour, on the hour, every day.
A couple of times she even had to go to the hospital for severe bronchitis, and asthma, but still kept on smoking......
Everytime someone would have the slightest sniffle, she would spray them with lysol; She was such a germaphobic, but still kept on smoking....
Oh, well when people love there "ciggies", they love their "ciggies".......
2006-12-07 16:15:55
answer #3
answered by pixles 3
I'm definitely an adult and I don't smoke. I personally think more kids in their teens and 20's smoke than adults. Many adults started smoking at a time when all the health risks of cigarettes were not known. Now, with all the evidence of the harmful effects of tobacco, most have stopped smoking. We'd rather live as long as we can. If you're young, you have no sense of your own mortality.
2006-12-07 16:10:26
answer #4
answered by clarity 7
its not fair of you to be pointing your fingers at just "adults" because if you notice there are just as many teens smoking as there are adults. and i am sure that the amount of times a day they smoke has something to do with how long they have been smoking. 6-7 days is a pretty significant amount of times to be smoking, but its not nearly as bad as some people. such as chain smokers for example.
2006-12-07 16:13:35
answer #5
answered by Sondra 1
A lot of people start smoking because it makes them feel cool and/or because their friends do & they want to try it too. Once someone starts smoking, they tend to do it as a quick releif for stress. The more someone smokes, the more likely they will become addicted and then the harder it is to stop.
If someone you know smokes 6-7 times a day, it's likely an addicition - their mind and body are telling them that they need that cigarette.
2006-12-07 16:08:52
answer #6
answered by L 2
Sometimes adults smoke to help with stress issues or so they don't eat a lot. It could even be just some thing that they do as a habit, needing to do something with there hands and mouth at the same time.
2006-12-07 16:24:12
answer #7
answered by notes from an angry white chic 4
I gave up smoking (20 a day) about 25 years ago, I went cold turkey. The BEST thing I have ever done, I am now so anti smoking it;s not true. I also gave up drinking (also cold turkey) about 5years ago, I am strict teetotal. The saving alone is amazing.about £300/350 PER MONTH, buy a nice car, or two foriegn holidays a year, plus a marked improvement in my health
2006-12-07 16:21:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Not all adults smoke. However, as people approaches adulthood, they tend to smoke. Couple of reasons could be:
1. they can afford now and have access to cigarette or other smoking products like cigar etc.
2. they learn by seeing others smoke.
2006-12-07 16:10:30
answer #9
answered by Whisky213 1
Stress i smoke im 13, i ave 2 sisters that drive my crazy. But cause there addicted and trust me i know, i am i smoke half a pack a day, and yes dont start ok, im 13 and its hard to run i cant breath good or any-thing.
2006-12-07 16:07:27
answer #10
answered by Anonymous