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I am suffering from offensive smelly nose for almost 2 decades I have triedalmost everything you name it antibiotics,nasal spray,saline nose wash but unfortunately none of them didn't solve the problem. It is highly embarassing and frustrating making my life a living hell friends and colleagues used to think I was lacking basic oral hygiene they thought the source of the foul smell was my mouth or the gut and to make sure I saw a dentist to check my mouth i.e. gum,teeth&and soft tissues Ihave also been seen by a gastrointernist everything is ok! the offender is my nose inflamed infected sinuses. Please!Please!Please!help share your knowledge make my life worth living. I would like to thank in advance for all your help. Many! Many! Thanks.

2006-12-05 03:19:51 · 11 answers · asked by cyrilmarita 1 in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

11 answers

Sometimes a fungus will cause sinus infections and an antibiotic will not help. Does an antibiotic help when you are taking it? If it does, you might have to take a low dose a couple of times a week. If it doesn't help, it is probably a fungal infection.

2006-12-05 03:52:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There are sinus washes, but I don't know if any are antibacterial. The antibacterial part might be the helpful component.

I use Hydrogen Peroxide as a mouthwash tooth brushing liquid. My family does not have good teeth and gum genes. This was recommended by my dentist 40 years ago and it has always kept our gums really healthy.

The Hydrogen Peroxide keeps my gums healthy and might work to help out healing up into your sinus areas if you would use it as a mouthwash and for brushing your teeth.

I really don't know, this is just a suggestion.

One other Idea. Do you get flu shots? I always had horrible sinus problems until I began getting flu shots. Now We don't get colds or sinus infections. It might work.

One more thought. You know how with yeast infections that yogurt puts back the healthy bacteria into our systems to correct what antibiotics have killed off. Weird as it sound it couldn't hurt to eat LIVE CULTURE Yogurt every day and see if it would make any change.
Your mucus PH may still be out of whack from the meds. prescribed.

You mentioned antibiotics, and I avoid them like the plague because of getting yeast infection after every dose.

I had one more thought. When we used to have colds, we used to use Vicks Vapo Rub just inside the nasal passages at night. This always helped clear up a cold. I just did it for my granddaughter this past weekend. It might accomplish something, you never know.

I Hope one of these suggestions might help.

I just thought of one other thing. Have you every had a facial xray or what ever type test that would look beneath the skin to see if you have an unseen absess, but really that doesn't seem logical since you have had it so many years.

Happy Holidays.

2006-12-05 03:58:14 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Nasal polyps are the result of swelling (inflammation) in the nose or sinuses - they are not a disease. Experts say that inflammation causes an accumulation of fluid in the cells of the nose and sinuses. Eventually, gravity pulls these heavy cells down, resulting in polyps. Scientists believe possible triggers are bacterial or viral infection, an allergy, or an immune response to a fungus.

Nasal polyps appear most frequently near the openings to the sinuses (in the nasal passage); however, they can develop anywhere throughout the nasal passages or sinuses.

If you want to know more and know how to cure your nasal polyps naturally visit this site: http://nasalpolyps.toptips.org

2014-09-18 12:51:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please call you vet today and make an appointment. Peeing outside the litterbox is the #1 symptom of urinary tract problems! FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease), formerly known as FUS (Feline Urinary Syndrome.) causes painful urination, which the cat may associate with the litterbox, thereby avoiding it. It’s also possible that the cat isn’t able to reach the litterbox in time, which explains why they go just outside it. If you ignore this, or, worse, make the mistake of scolding or punishing your cat, the illness can quickly become life-threatening. Take the peeing outside the litterbox as a scream for help and medical care. And if your cat does it in front of you, know that this is the loudest, in your face, cry for help she can give. If the vet says she is okay, then consider making a few changes. If you use a covered litter box, take off the lid. Many cats refuse to use covered boxes due to concentrated smell. Cats prefer fine grained, low dust, unscented litter. So, you might try changing litter. Make sure you have at least one litter box per cat. Ideally, you should have one per cat plus one extra. Do not place litter boxes right next to each other because they cat might interpret the two boxes as one and then refuse to use the second box if the first box has any old urine or feces in it. Scoop the litter box daily, preferable three times a day. Cats often refuse to use dirty boxes. It's the same reaction we have to using a toilet that hasn't been flushed. If your litter boxes are more than one year old, they may have absorbed odors even if you regularly clean them. This smell is offensive to kitty's sensitive nose. So, try buying new boxes. Make sure your litter boxes are in a place where the cat feels safe while going potty. If she is disturbed in any way while she is trying to potty, she will choose to use a safer location. Put a litter box on each floor of the house. Finally, make sure you thoroughly clean all old urine spots. If she can smell the old urine she will think that place is a good place to pee. Use a fluorescent black light to find old urine and treat all old spots with an enzymatic cleanser. The black light will make urine fluoresce in the dark, making it much easier to find and clean all of it. The best cleaner to use is Get Serious Pet Stain Remover & Odor Extractor. If you get all of the urine cleaned, it will not be necessary to use detractors sold at pet supply stores.

For the best answers, search on this site https://smarturl.im/aDAwC

2016-04-14 10:21:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It doesn't seem as though you've seen the right doctor yet. See an ear, nose and throat specialist. Keep trying . . . sometimes problems that are less common are harder to take care of because the doctors just aren't aware of them. Good luck and I'm sorry that your nose is smelly.

2006-12-05 03:29:40 · answer #5 · answered by Sublette 5 · 0 0

Youve been to the dentist and youve been to a gastrointernist, but have you been to an actual ear, nose and throat doc? Someone who actually specializes in the nose would be more likely to help you.

2006-12-05 03:35:07 · answer #6 · answered by JC 7 · 0 0


2017-02-15 23:33:23 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Go see and ENT doctor. He will most likely do a CT scan of your head to see what is happening in the sinus area.

2006-12-05 05:56:10 · answer #8 · answered by ok_jro 3 · 0 0

You may also have nasal polyps-go see an ENT doctor asap.

2006-12-05 03:33:09 · answer #9 · answered by Rene B 5 · 1 0

If you have a chronic infection that needs to be treated.Go to your Dr. Tell him your symptoms.

2006-12-05 03:28:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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