alright..i have seen hundreds people asking this question
i like a girl/boy what should i do?
or even
i like a girl/boy how do i ask him/her out?
now here is my question.. why the hell do they ask this if they already know what the answer is.... the answer will always be "just ask her/him out" and if they cant seem to grasp this they must be to stupid to have a lover anyways..! whats their problem?
4 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating person to answer...are you like 9? you basicly just said "you dont just ask somone else and have everything go well and be happy"
well if everything dosnt go well thats a no! and then you should move on with your life instead of obsessing over one person and all you people out there who are to afraid to ask somone out, then it wont work do you get that??
14:00:58 ·
update #1