that sounds so fimiliar, oh thats because something like that happened to me if you want to talk about it then e-mail me at
2006-12-01 13:45:22
answer #1
answered by Mandy 5
If ur friend is hot...then u have a tough competition. If she's just an average joe, then u don't need to worry about much. Also u need to find out what makes him interest in it her look, social status, or her brain. Because not all guys just into look, $$ or fame. U can still win his heart by finding his common interests in life, goal etc...Show him other aspect of u that make u more unique than ur friend like cooking, philosophy, art, or science. Anything that can demonstrate ur intellectual ability. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, don't let him get near ur friend becuz once the fish has been caught on the bait, it can never escape.
Good luck!!
2006-12-01 13:52:42
answer #2
answered by Infinite 4
Let me guess, your a teenager right. Boy do I remember those days. How confusing it all seemed. It's like you see yourself from the outside in. Which is completely different once you become an adult and find yourself. It's then that you see yourself from the inside looking out.
If he has the nerve to ask you out to get closer to your friend, then I'd have the nerve to be blunt and ask him directly if that's what he is really trying to do. He may like you both and be willing to take whichever one of you will accept him. It is possible to like two people at the same time and like them in too different ways. He may love your company, your jokes, ect. but he may just be into her looks.
You've gotta reach out and take what you want girl. If you don't, someone else will and you'll be left loafing around with your bottom lip out.
2006-12-01 13:53:08
answer #3
answered by Shawnie 3
why don't you ask him if he wants to go on a date with you instead? I'm sure if you like him so much, asking him out only would be hard right? maybe just an excuse to catch a show, go for a quick bite or something..
if he does and he didnt even mention about your best friend then maybe after a few more dates, tell him about your feeling and see what he said.
2006-12-01 13:48:31
answer #4
answered by sgbdk 1
Well. You can't help your feelings & he can't help his feelings. But you can influence on his feelings towards you. Put yourself out there(not too much) & show him who you are. Flirt around, but don't act desperate coz` that is not a desirable trait. Just be yourself & hope that he likes you for that.
2006-12-01 13:46:35
answer #5
answered by LOSTinLOVEchick (: 2
I think I would have a little one on one with this guy and get the air cleared up as to WHO he's wanting to date etc.
2006-12-01 13:46:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If he just asked you out to get close to your friend don't go for him. It just shows that he was leading you on to get closer to your friend and really didn't want to be with you in the first place. Be careful & good luck.
2006-12-01 13:45:26
answer #7
answered by Just Some Girl 2
If he like your friend that won't change simply because u go out with him. Ask him how he feels about her. Remember he asked you out not her. You at least have the upper hand. Find out how she feels about him. maybe she's not interested in him like you are but if he is maybe you should ask yourself what it is you want from him and if dating him will ruin your frienship with your girlfriend. good luck
2006-12-01 13:49:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
simple talk it out. me and my best friend had this problem before and we heard that the guy liked another girl but not us but i'm sure that won't happen to you okay i hope this helps!!!
2006-12-01 13:46:10
answer #9
answered by shi_yasashiku 2
find a way to make him see you for you not for her really put yourself out there with your sense of humor your kindness everything that is good so he will get to know you and the type of person you are and if he still looks toward her get rid of him because it means he will never love you
2006-12-01 13:46:45
answer #10
answered by lilloric 7