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Well my bf is kind of a player other girls flirt with him and he flirts back,he says that they are flirting with him and that he's just being friendly,and did'nt wanna be rude so i was like well ur being rude to me and he was like well ur lucky to be with me b/c there are so many girls that like him,he said that i better be glad that he's not cheating on me b/c he easily could.So the problem is that idk if he's too good for me and that he can have any girl he wanted! =[

2006-12-01 13:42:18 · 12 answers · asked by I need an Unbreakable ♥! 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

12 answers

sry to be crude here but straight out? ur boyfriend has moral issues.
ha ha listen to these lyrics from mindy mccready they say it all.

I'm not angry
Why should I be angry
I'll have another glass of wine
You're late an hour
Really whats an hour
In the larger scheme of time

Yeah you're right I don't deserve you
Yeah there's no pleasing me, yeah sure
You could have anyone you want
You're too good to be real
You're every woman's dream
Lucky me

Count my blessing
I shall count my blessing
Let me see where should I start
One, you're really handsome
Two, you're really handsome
Three, I never get that far

Yeah you're right I don't deserve you
Yeah there's no pleasing me, yeah sure
You could have anyone you want
You're too good to be real
You're every woman's dream
Lucky me

Shhh keep my voice down
I should keep my voice down
God for bid someone should hear
Oh I'm so sorry, really really sorry
Can you please forgive me dear

Yeah you're right I don't deserve you
Yeah there's no pleasing me, yeah sure
You could have anyone you want
You're too good to be real
You're every woman's dream
Lucky me

Yeah you're right I don't deserve you
Yeah there's no pleasing me, yeah sure
You could have anyone you want
You're too good to be real
You're every woman's dream
Lucky me
Lucky me
Lucky me
Lucky me

From "lucky Me" by Mindy McCready

you need to show urself a little respect. ANY man who thinks it's his place to say something like that doesn't deserve a girlfriend. AT ALL. get rid of him and get someone who loves u and treat urself to a guy who treats u like a queen. after this guy. u deserve it ! and while ur at it. give that guy guy a little piece of advice just for me. tell him to GET OVER HIMSELF.

2006-12-01 13:57:26 · answer #1 · answered by i.WoNt.SaY.iT. 3 · 0 0

YO SOCKS; You need to establish standards of how you expect to be treated... Rude to YOU!! that would be DUHHHH.. Why would you accept that??? He's a jerk and I guarantee you with his attitude he will cheat on you and anyone else... I wouldn't and don't put up with this kind of treatment for a second... and I like to flirt. I would never do in front of my lady.. If you are in fact his lady then He should (as I do) make that clear to the other ladies as in Look girls, I'M NOT AVAILABLE... SEE THIS LADY HERE... MY AFFECTIONS BELONG TO HER AND HER ALONE!!!
And furthermore... there is no such thing as kind-of a player.
- Sorry, but please save yourself from a lot of heartache and DUMP THIS LOSER NOW!!!

2006-12-01 21:49:01 · answer #2 · answered by gjm 3 · 0 0

Grow up a learn confidence about yourself. No one is too good for you. I know you are young and this boy is just one experience of all the experiences that you will have in your life. Don't EVER underestimate yourself and who you are. That doesn't mean that you have to become arrogant about others. Just never ever let anyone make you feel unworthy. I wish you the best.

ps - realistically he (the boy you are involved with) is the one that doesn't quite feel adequate and needs that extra reassurance about himself and that is why he acts the way he does. Don't even let him think it bothers you at all. And if you want to turn it around you know you can but why bother.

2006-12-01 21:47:07 · answer #3 · answered by Maggie 5 · 1 0

you're obviously too good for him if he's flirting with other girls.
Honestly you should sit him down, tell him to stop flirting because it makes you uncomfortable and unappreciated and if he can't stop doing that then you're going to be leaving him.

It's untolerable for him to be flirting when he's commited, altho why would you date a guy who has a rep as a player? personally I think you need to get a new guy. a decent man worth you.

no boyfriend should say that you're lucky he's not cheating, tell him he's damn lucky to have a woman who puts up with his bullshit

2006-12-01 21:45:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm not placing very much significance on what your bf does or says.
What I'm concerned about is your question, "Is he too good for me"?.....How can he be too good for you? Think about that!
Maybe his actions somehow get you to thinking small thoughts of yourself. If that's what your are getting out of your relationship with him......go elsewhere soon!
You should be feeling secure, not self doubting.
My thought is, he is playing you like a violin.

2006-12-01 21:54:12 · answer #5 · answered by noel_1939 2 · 0 0

ur too good for him. ur the one with the morals there are plenty of guys out there who would be loyal to u but most of them have never had a girlfriend.

2006-12-01 21:44:42 · answer #6 · answered by Hero in the city of dope 2 · 0 0

that sounds exactly like my boyfriend that I'm going to brake up with. No he's not too good for you, your too good for him. All he's doing is trying to hurt you, all he is, is a player, He don't deserve you.

2006-12-01 21:48:31 · answer #7 · answered by kayla 1 · 1 0

He's a guy who is young, he is going to get as much P@##$y as he can at any cost, move on and stop lieing to your self.

2006-12-01 21:44:45 · answer #8 · answered by matt v 3 · 0 0

I think ya need your self esteem checked. Ya know , you can have a much better guy than this one.

2006-12-01 21:52:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

NevAAArrrzzz. Well, if it gets to be too much-dump his ***. He's being a jerk. Or you could talk to him about it....

2006-12-01 21:43:54 · answer #10 · answered by Dave 2 · 0 0

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