It is not a fish smell, it is a pheromone that women release when they are turned on. And the reason they are so unsightly is the same reason that a man's penis is so ugly....I think god wanted us to steer clear of the vital organs. LOL. Hope this helps.
2006-12-01 13:45:08
answer #1
answered by Barbara B 2
First off, stop picking up women from the Hollywood and Vine and you wouldn't have a problem with this fish smell, second if you find it so unsightly, maybe you are not straight.
2006-12-01 21:44:29
answer #2
answered by 112 4
Umm....well, it's not that it really smells like fish, it's just the acidic chemicals and bacteria that's used to keep vaginas clean.
And as to your other question.....It's not meant to be oogled at so it wasn't made that pleasant looking. It's there to serve it's purpose (used during sex and giving birth to babies), not be beautiful.
Hope this answers your questions.
2006-12-01 21:46:08
answer #3
answered by moonygurl77 1
well, let me give u a brief summary!!!! Every womens vagina don't smell like fish And that is a very sick question it's like asking why is every guys armpit hair so long i think that is nasty!!! Cause when they sweat! ewww! Great now u got me on the topic!!!
2006-12-01 21:47:50
answer #4
answered by pimp132 2
Wow, how uneducated you are. They only smell bad if they are not washed and cleaned----and they are only unsightly if you are not attracted to them---you might be gay!
2006-12-01 21:44:21
answer #5
answered by SuzyBelle04 6
Hello???? ALOT of men are REALLY turned-on by a woman's smell and the sight of it. I honestly don't know what women you've been seeing but I think you're due for a change.
2006-12-01 21:45:45
answer #6
answered by Nancy D 7
ok first of all, how and why the heck did u smell a vagina? And what did you expect, for a vagina to be sexy?
2006-12-01 21:44:38
answer #7
answered by ellizi 3
OK they dont !! If a woman is clean she smells fine maybe you are not into women
2006-12-01 21:44:09
answer #8
answered by jojo 6
Why is it that the only guys that ask this are the ones who aren't getting any or anything good!?
2006-12-01 21:44:37
answer #9
answered by Rx 4
If you don't like it, don't look or smell. It's very simple.
2006-12-02 00:19:47
answer #10
answered by Anonymous