A mastectomy is when a woman has had a breast cut off, usually as a result of cancer.
25 answers
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Family & Relationships
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For many women, reconstruction is not an option worth considering as you have to give up much of the rest of your body. They take a large piece from the tummy, leaving a large painful scar, a muscle from the back (in the shoulder bone area) and a piece from the thigh. As well as all these extra scars, it considerably increases recovery time and risk of infections.
13:41:36 ·
update #1
Yes Charlie, there is a silicon option. this involves some weeks, where a bag is placed under the skin and over some time gradually inflated in order to stretch the skin to accomadate the implant. As aging occurs, the difference between the remaining breast and the implant becomes more pronounced, so it is recommended to have surgery every five years on the remaining breast and every ten years they look at replacing the implant. It also carries a slight risk that recurrence of cancer is harder to spot with physical examination (although mammogram will reveal a recurrence). They may still take the piece from the thigh to make a "nipple" as the skin there is darker, but it is possible to opt for a tattoo.
02:01:51 ·
update #2
Short answer to this...yes. It would not be the loss of the breast that would bother me so much as the mental stability of the lady in question--the often deep depression, the medication she would have to take- in and out of hospitals for long periods of time- and the greater fear of the cancer re-asserting itself, all those things would have to be taken into consideration before i would contemplate a relationship with a lady. It is all very well saying things like "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", "its whats inside that counts", "a beatific smile and gorgeous eyes do it for me"--the mental strength of a woman who has gone through a mastectomy is just as important in any relationship, if not more so than the attributes above.....if we could work together on the terrific mental strain that would be put on a relationship like this, then yes-my answer would still be yes.
2006-12-03 00:10:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I would! But again, that is a personal choice. I am not sure how old you are, but the ability to handle the loss of a body part is truly weak in a young person. I know that when I was much younger the thought of seeing the stump of a missing leg grossed me out... and it was not even a sexual thing. Then as I got older and dealt with real life, which can be a real bummer. I slowly took on another approach to these things. I saw a documentary that pointed out that German military officers of the 19th century, often inflicted woulds on themselves so that they could show that they were in combat and had bravely faced a terrible injury. The scar was a badge of Honor. I had already learned that people who face such things as cancer and grave illness may be braver then those German Officers who engraved those fake scars on themselves in order to be admired. These people faced some horrendous surgery and should be respected in the same way. A woman is a person with a mind. How sexual she really is, is based on how she views her own sexuality. Some very beautiful women are stone cold sexually. Whereas some BBW are intensely sexual, and would make their model worthy contemporaries look like Nun's when compared while being made love too. Sexuality is in the mind, the biggest sex organ in the body. Enjoy whatever these women might have to offer. One less breast is so much less important then one less brain, when it comes to sexuality.
2006-12-01 13:17:39
answer #2
answered by a_gyno_guy 3
all the people who said 'no' are just pathetic. the truth is no one knows what 'true' love is like, if they did then why would there be so many break-ups and guys and gals cheatin on each other.
if it happened to whom i love, it would destroy me inside... completely. because any pain that your loved one feels you would feel also, but at a greater intensity... as you would care more about them than yourself if you truly loved them. the most important feature of humans is the face, you communicate through looking at each other, talking, laughing, smiling.
unless your a pervert who likes to stare at womens breasts rather than looking at their face then NO it would not matter if you had one breast.
p.s. it all comes down to 'LOVE'. If you truly loved someone you would never cheat on them. and if you loved them then it should be for what they are like on the inside no the way they look.
p.ps to all the idiots who said no, well statistics show that 1 in 3 people will get cancer in their lives.... so if it could happened to you and how would you feel then if you had to lose a body part.
2006-12-02 12:26:59
answer #3
answered by aceofspades2798 1
It depends - if I had found her attractive before, it would make no difference. But the way you ask this, would I find a woman sexually attractive "because" she had a mastectomy - NO, however, if it is "in spite" of having a mastectomy - YES.
2006-12-01 13:07:59
answer #4
answered by Carl S 4
Honestly, I don't know but you don't need to worry. Nowadays, even if you have cancer, and they cut off your breast, they are able repair the damage and put a new one with surgery. So, no one has to face this dilemma anymore as far as I'm aware.
If it's your case, just worry about surviving cancer. After, you worry about getting your breast fixed. Good luck :)
2006-12-01 13:03:30
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It would make no difference to me. A good long hard solid shagging has never had anything to do with breasts. I much prefer to bend her over and trip the light fandango!
2006-12-01 13:23:54
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I find the sexiest thing about a woman is her smile and eyes. And then the next best thing is her personality. (And if she has a great pair of legs) I found out that knockers aren't all they are cut out to be (HaHa) so to speak My love and heart goes out to you as a cancer survivor
2006-12-01 13:08:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
well, i'm not a man, i'm a lesbian, but here's my answer anyway -
relationships are about trust and love, not about looks. If she was someone I'd known and liked before, then I'd definitely still like her.
if she was someone i'd met like that, it'd probably take me longer to get interested, until i really got to know her.
2006-12-01 13:23:50
answer #8
answered by Yuki r 1
Most certainly. Beauty isn't just about whats on the outside, but whats on the inside as well.
2006-12-01 13:03:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
This question shows a very poor understanding of male psychology.
Mature men wouldn't care one way or the other. IMMATURE men wouldn't be able to handle it though.
2006-12-01 13:07:30
answer #10
answered by Not Ecky Boy 6