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I want every one to say some thing that they believe about black white or gay people but you dont know is true or not everyone read all the comments and if you can correct someone then do so it will be fun and informative I'll start

I want to know why white girls always look at black guys but swwm as if thery are scared to say hell I also want to know why white girls dance with each other and kiss each other at parties and don't dance with guys

lets start

2006-12-01 12:47:23 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

1 answers

Well, number one, the reason girls dance and kiss each other at parties and not guys is because they want the full sexual experience if they haven't had it. Secondly, if they have had the experience, they are wanting to get you turned on so you will come to your senses and ask your girl to take the other girl home and have a little fun.

Now, my turn. Why is it that black men have to walk the way they do. Why can't they walk up straight instead of swaying back and forth and taking huge steps?

2006-12-01 13:53:44 · answer #1 · answered by passionate_play270 2 · 0 0

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