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I know this one guy who likes me as a girlfriend, but I absolutely do not feel that way about him. I've tried everything from ignoring his telephone spam to "I don't want to date you" to "f--- off". I've had to get extremely nasty towards him, yet he still won't "get it". All because I treated him to a hamburger one day for lunch in exchange for changing a brake light on my car- and that was two and a half years ago!!! What is his problem?!? Why won't he leave me alone?!? And what can I do? Even the threat of having him arrested didn't sink in!

2006-12-01 12:38:08 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

27 answers

some guys have such an "attachment" to some one that they just can't "detach" themselves. i had a boyfriend last year that was mildly abusive. i tried to break-up with him and he still kept hanging on. i finally went to my counselor and told her the situation and the counselor called him to the office. the counselor sat him down and told him that she and other people had been noticing some strange behavior between the two of us. the she plain out said, "if you do not stop, we will call the police for sexual assault" OMG!!! that totally got his attention this guy that you are trying to get rid of, might not take you seriously, so you need to tell someone of higher authorities.

hope that helped!! tell me how it turns out.
Good luck and Happy Holidays!!!!

2006-12-01 12:48:32 · answer #1 · answered by pinkballerina101 2 · 2 0

If the threats and being direct wasn't enough and it was so long ago then the best thing to do is get a restraining order and try to get more things that will make you more secure on your home, car, and even taking self defense classes.

2006-12-01 20:42:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is nothing to be taking lightly because he maybe is so obsessed with you that you don't realize it. This could later or even turn into a stalking issue and harassment if he has already not done so. If I were you I would get cops or someone involved although they may not be able to do anything. I really don't know what to say other than be careful and good luck.

2006-12-01 20:41:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

advice to you:
1) if you don't have a boyfriend find one quick
2)if you have male relatives/friends have them talk to dude on a serious note
3)change numbers and move
if all doesn't seem to work come to the realization that your dealing with a psycho path and police will now have to get involved another word of advice never in exchange give anyone a hamburger.

2006-12-01 20:53:36 · answer #4 · answered by tiny tott 1 · 0 0

Well, you have to give him credit for being persistent and not giving up on you. Or maybe he likes being "stepped on"? If you are sure this is not the one for you, then the best way to get rid of him is to fix him up with another girl that might be more his type. Do you know any girl who might be more suited to this guy? However, if you feel that he is stalking you and you feel threatened by him, then you will have to report him to the police. Hopefully that will stop him for harrassing you.

2006-12-01 20:43:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anniesgran 4 · 0 0

Get a restraining order immediatly. You have a code red ,stage 10 clinger/psycho on your hands. Get away. He prolly has some emmense shrine of you at his house complete with that burger's reciept.

2006-12-01 20:41:35 · answer #6 · answered by EternalBlueMemory 4 · 0 0

I would keep records of everything he dose. In Texas that is called stalking. Every phone call, letter or what ever he is doing. Then if something happens. You will have the goods on him.

2006-12-01 20:43:02 · answer #7 · answered by gingermiller84 2 · 0 0

he is stalking you...get a restraining order...you don't need that kind of crap....get some peace of mind..or at least tell him your going to if he does not leave you alone....that would be a first step of getting rid of him...call the cops on him first...police reports are good...start to jot down the times he is bothering you

2006-12-01 20:44:22 · answer #8 · answered by hatchetmistress 3 · 0 0

Yeah, I've met that guy before too. He didn't get it until I got married and moved out of state. Good luck to you!

2006-12-01 20:41:12 · answer #9 · answered by lizardmama 6 · 0 0

Sounds like an idiot! you should get a restraining order, or mabye say,"don't you get the picture i don't like you and never will so.......
(then through in a few swear words)
Be Creative=)

2006-12-01 20:44:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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