What in the world happened to casual dating? Can't you just date them all, without making a real commitment. i don't know you, but you sound too young to settle down! Just have a good time. You won't be this hot and in demand forever!
2006-12-01 12:27:07
answer #1
answered by ;-) 3
U have a big problem here. . .go with the one you love the most. Don't always go for the popular kids. They turn out to be jerks, even if the don't appear it at first. Also, there is a higher chance of them cheating on you.
It seems you and Andrew have the most similarities and you seem to like him more than Ruben. (First of all, you put his name first b4 anyone else's, secondly, you listed similarities).
You don't seem to have that many similarities with Ruben either way.
I hope this narrows it down some for you.
Also, it helps to take into consideration who asked you out first and how long it has been since they asked you out.
2006-12-01 20:30:17
answer #2
answered by Isabela 5
Hurting one is bad hurting both could be worst. How about going out with both as a group outing? This way, all three of you will enjoy the outing and time spend together.
2006-12-01 20:27:19
answer #3
answered by SingGirl 4
definitely don't go out with both they'll find out and tell every body then no body want to go out with you trust me i learned that the hard way...lol,have you ever seen john tucker must die?it would be something like that!
2006-12-01 20:34:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i think that you should go out with a diffrent boy so the twins know your taken and they wont be wopped over you anymore.
2006-12-01 20:30:01
answer #5
answered by AvOnDaLeGuRl4LiFe 2
Well, go out with them both....they are TWINS. Have fun. It isn't like you have to have sex with them. Enjoy your youth. Besides, it is a story for your grandkids.
2006-12-01 20:27:54
answer #6
answered by EternalBlueMemory 4
Im not sure who to go with gurl! It depends on whos the cutest and nicest. Good luck friend!!!
2006-12-01 20:26:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
well... u have like 7 guys that asked you out... you must be pretty hot... lol, jk. you just need to be friends with all of them... u dont have to choose. all of you need to go to the movies or go out to dinner ot something...as a group not as couples.
2006-12-01 20:28:36
answer #8
answered by Erica 1
Invite several girlfriends and go out all together.
2006-12-01 20:27:36
answer #9
answered by justme 1
no matter what you do, someones heart is gonna get broken so just grow up and go out with YOU REALLY LIKE
2006-12-01 20:27:16
answer #10
answered by J-DOG 2