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So I havent talk to my gf lately but today i do, but she doesnt talk to me. So i was like hey you are you ok? and she was like yea? why? and i was like because your not talking to me that much. and she gets mad! i try to tell please love calm down. and she's like im calm. and i was like can you please not give me that attitude, and she responds in a girlie way what are you talking about? (she's faking being happy) and then im like love your making me sad because you dont talk to me, and she's like its embarrasing for a guy to be sad and i said its embarrasing that you dont ever talk to me! and she just let it out: SHUT THE F**K UP!. and i was so scared and she took off. later on that day i saw her she was like i'm going to a friends house and i responded yea and i turn to leave, she tapped my shoulder and was like I'll call you. i need help because I dont know what to say, i want to tell her that i love her, but she'll go into a deep conversation about how we should just be friend.

2006-12-01 12:17:13 · 2 answers · asked by ronaldsmcdonaldc 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2 answers

If she keeps telling you that she thinks you guys should just be friends then i would definatly try slowing things down u wouldnt want to get to emotionally involved and get wrapped up in feelings for her if she ends up not feeling the same you will be crushed... ask her straight forward would she like to date you or just be friends.. and when u get your answer take matters into your own hand decide what you would rather do from there i hope ive helped you alot or atleast given you an idea

2006-12-01 12:29:03 · answer #1 · answered by okangeljenny23 2 · 0 0

Okay man, if that girl really likes you, she will do whatever it takes to stay with you. Just tell her how you feel, and tell her if she's not okay with that, well too bad. Then tell her it was nice meeting you(in a sad voice), and tell her you will miss her and she will always have a special place in your heart. If you are in person, and she leaves, she will talk to you again soon if she really likes you, or if you were on the phone she will call you soon. And if she doesn't, she wasn't the girl for u.

2006-12-01 12:24:02 · answer #2 · answered by huerito323 2 · 0 0

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