No, you were just experimenting. Chalk it up to experience.
2006-12-01 12:04:02
answer #1
answered by QueenChristine 4
That depends on whether or not you are attracted to men, or if you are extremely happy. Anyways, it felt good because the sphincter
(a$$hole) has a lot of nerves around it so you don't $hit yourself. Now the fact that she did it against your will is what we call rape, you should get new girlfriend, or boyfriend whatever, and go to therapy, and that other guy is right, your girl wears the pants in your relationship you need to grow some balls.
2006-12-01 12:07:12
answer #2
answered by Greg W 2
Maybe the fact that she was aggressive added to the turn-on. But I was thinking one day, how someone feels when something is done to them doesn't make them gay. Like, if you blindfold a guy and have an experienced girl give him head then an experienced dude give him head he's going to feel good either way feels good, not because he's gay. If you're not attracted to dudes you're not gay.
Maybe you're kinky or a freak. (which is considered a good thing depending on who you ask!)
2006-12-01 12:14:53
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
FREAKY is more like it.
Ever hear of the Darwin awards? I think you just won 1st place honors for the year for submitting this question to Yahoo Answers.
2006-12-01 12:16:44
answer #4
answered by maddog 5
Do you like men or just being strapped by a women. You are either gay or a freak.
2006-12-01 12:03:32
answer #5
answered by Danthony 3
You're only gay if you're attracted to guys. If you're not, don't worry about it. I've been told that all men would enjoy anal sex if they tried it. (See source below) Believe me, people have alot worse kinks than that.
2006-12-01 12:18:07
answer #6
answered by NunYa 3
You are not gay. Did you remember to say "Thank You" to the girlfriend?
2006-12-01 12:06:12
answer #7
answered by marchhare57 7
Your Gay.
2006-12-01 12:15:39
answer #8
answered by You Lames! 6
well that is gross!!!, eww!!! A guy!!!! come on!!! no u r not gay u just like the feeling!!! Ewww!!! hey at least u can't get pregnant!! lol
2006-12-01 12:06:41
answer #9
answered by pimp132 2
to be honest if you like it you like it but have you ever thought about a man in a sexual way cause thats what determines the answer to your question..but whatever you guys try is your business
2006-12-01 12:05:18
answer #10
answered by j bone 2
Maybe not gay, but different. To each his own. Have fun.
2006-12-01 12:03:21
answer #11
answered by Dusty 7