you do not love him. You can not love him and not be inlove with him. It just doesn't match. When you are inlove , there is nothing to think about. Just tell him you are not ready yet for a commitment of such big importance. And that you are not saying "no" is just "not now". That way he will not feel rejected in a bad way and you can continue your relationship and see what happens later on. GOOD LUCK!!!
2006-12-01 11:34:59
answer #1
answered by scorpionbeat 2
There is no difference between love and in love unless you are talking about family vs. boyfriends. If you don't love him and don't want to marry him, you need to break it off before it is too late.
Either way he will have a broken heart. Better a broken heart then a broken home I think.
2006-12-01 19:26:22
answer #2
answered by khanofali 5
Just tell him that you are not ready for marriage because it is a huge step in any relationship. I have seen many couples who have been broken up because of marriage.(Because of stresses and what not) If he feels the way you say he does, he should understand your feelings.
2006-12-01 19:25:55
answer #3
answered by jojot001 2
Tell him the truth, that u just need some time... If he loves u he will stand by your decision, if not then he isn't worth it and wait to find true love when u r ready!
2006-12-01 19:22:41
answer #4
answered by fox69 2
Just tell him that you are not yet ready to make a commitment but want to see where your relationship is going
2006-12-01 19:23:57
answer #5
answered by cheergirl5602 2
Talk to him before it's too late. He needs to know how you feel, before he proposes for marriage. Don't let it get far, talk to him and tell him you need a little more time. If he loves you as he says he does then he will understand. Good luck!!
2006-12-01 19:23:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
being "in" love with him is just like infatuation. if you love him, truly love him, why would you want to do anything else with your life other then spend it with him? If you're not ready to settle down, them maybe you should try a relationship that is non-committal. without real love involved, just a good lay every now and again.
2006-12-01 19:26:01
answer #7
answered by apple 4
tell him you are not ready yet, that you love being with him and you want to be happy with him, and have no doubts about saying yes to a lifetime commitment.
2006-12-01 19:25:36
answer #8
answered by sweet/mean 2
tell him you arent ready for that kind of commitment, and that you love him but you need to wait.
2006-12-01 19:23:16
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
tell him your not ready for marriage, but you are thinking about it 2 happen one day.
2006-12-01 19:22:47
answer #10
answered by HaiHai 2