It depends on the age. When they are too old to get away with the God sends babies to Mommy's belly, then start saying a Mommy and Daddy hug closely and their love makes the baby in Mommy's belly. Things like that which aren't a lie, but only part of the truth. Partial truths work great with them. When they're teenagers, which my son is, you pull out the books. I also have a six year old girl, so I am all over this. When they hear Santa does not exist you can start with the old, "He exists to me in my heart and if you believe in him then he will always exist in yours." GOOD LUCK!
2006-12-01 11:25:41
answer #1
answered by New Millennium Minds 3
Go to the book store and purchase an age appropriate book about the topic and read it with her. If she is asking these questions you need to educate her so that she knows the facts about the topic regardless of her age.
2006-12-01 19:25:12
answer #2
answered by jonesty1284 2
depending on the age, tell them the truth, whatever form that might be. if you can, try to find some childrens books on the subject, and read them to the kids. there's got to be something out there to explain it. if you teach them about sex before their friends do, they won't become parents before they graduate high school.
good luck.
2006-12-01 19:24:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Get a book on the topic that's age-appropriate and read it together
2006-12-01 19:22:00
answer #4
answered by Violet Pearl 7
What is the point your just gonna give the 10 points to Advice Chick....
2006-12-02 04:12:57
answer #5
answered by Tim T 2
I'd answer their questions honestly, but age-appropriately. How old are they? What are they asking?
2006-12-01 19:22:07
answer #6
answered by Singinganddancing 6
Tell dem daa truth. lol
2006-12-01 19:22:51
answer #7
answered by beckham 2