when i was in middle school i was very depressed and was slightly suicidle beacuse i was in E.L.D and my family didnt like me so much.they called me "stupid" "ugly" "pimple face" "fat" and others. so i was low in self esteem.at school in e.l.d. there were mostly mexicans they made fun of me.They make me say stuff in mexican and i dont know what it means,usally they make me say"suck my dick" and stuff.They would be mean to be bully me and when i cry by myself the girls this time say" oh my god....stop cring...your being stupid and you have to listen to things that you dont want to hear" snice i was the only asian there i couldnt say anything back.This year in high school..everything is different im better now.i have many friends and they are all nice to me they understand me.But when an different nationality say somthing or do somthing i remember from the past i get mad and start hating them i am so messed up and im not sure what the hell i am doing,
16 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
oops...i accidently put this on the wrong catagory...but please still take this question seriousely.
10:53:34 ·
update #1
What if all those people, every last one of them were white? Would you dislike whites? Its just a matter of it just so happens to be Mexicans, etc. that called you names. Ignorance is seen in every race on earth. For every 1 Mexican or other minority that said bad things you can find just as many whites that might be mean and do the same. There are good people and bad within every race. Race had nothing to do with it and you shouldn't take offense or look at race as the issue. It was a coincidence because of your location and situation that they were minorities around that were mean. Be better them and don't feed in to it or being ignorant.
2006-12-01 11:05:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I understand why you are upset but it is being a little racist of you when you lump everyone from a particular race into one category. All Mexican people didn't do this to you. OK maybe there were a bunch of Mexican people that did it but it wasn't the entire race. I would say be mad about the situation but not about the race of the people that did this to you. I am sure that when you see a Mexican person it may make you remember what happened but try not to think about the race of the offenders.
2006-12-01 10:57:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Every one of us is shaped and affected by our child hood experiences. You sound like you had a double whammy. School was awful, and doesn't sound like you had a great family life. At least not a supportive one, and by the sounds of things, a verbally abusive one.
No wonder your self esteem suffered, and you'll probably have this battle into adult hood. I agree with the other answer. Seek some professional guidance to help you deal with the anger and mistrust.
I don't think you're racist necessarily. I think it's more of a case of you find it hard to trust those of other races. Try and remember that kids can be cruel and don't always realize the long term affect their actions can have. That's why we say their immature.
Take care of yourself, talk to someone, and most of all, love and believe in yourself.
2006-12-01 11:01:00
answer #3
answered by L 3
This isn't racism. Your brain just associated this race to the misery you experienced. You could try to explain to the new people that anger you about your past experiences. They should understand - if they don't, you could avoid them. They're not worth your time if they're too immature to understand. After someone upsets you like this, you should try to keep your cool. Remember that the person didn't know about your past.
Just know that bad experiences leave a wound. When the wound is touched, it will sting. There's not much you can do about it. After a while, it should feel better. Don't get yourself all worked up about being 'racist' - that's not the issue at all.
2006-12-01 11:06:22
answer #4
answered by Stick 2
Sadly, there are plenty of people who will make fun of anyone "different," especially as younger children, from every ethnic group.
It's "racism" when, because of your bad experience with *some* hispanics, you extend that out to think ALL hispanics are bad, evil, rotten, etc. I think you really do know that's not true, don't you? If you don't do that, it's not racist. If you do, you need to re-think your attitude :)
I'm glad you're having a better time now! Hang in there.
2006-12-01 10:56:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's OK they were discriminating against you and you up the the harassment for years. It's OK to get mad when they pick you bec. you're a different race. They should be reported! Try to forgive but don't forget! I'm surprise you don't spin kick there ace. It was me I probably would of broke some bones.Good luck!
2006-12-01 10:58:12
answer #6
answered by Monet 6
wow...i'm sorry..but it's natural to feel this way. I wouldn't say you're racist..per say, but it can turn into that the longer you let the past fester.
You need to forget the past and move on...everyone has been bullied in school at one time or another but you can't let that affect you in the future. Chalk it up as a learning experience. *shrug* that's what life is all about...learning.
2006-12-01 10:56:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
you are displacing your unexpressed anger at the people who teased you onto others. you feel bad that you never stood up to the bullies so now you automatically dislike people who are different from you. don't let past abuse make up your mind about new people you meet. you could miss out on a lot of nice people for no reason.
2006-12-01 10:55:54
answer #8
answered by advicemom 4
no we hated so much things when we r young but that dont mean we have to live with it for the rest of our life we have to move on and if ppl miss treated us of any race that dosent mean all ppl r a like u cant judge a race by a bunch of ppl. and ur different for orhers and they like so ask ur self why ???
2006-12-01 11:32:36
answer #9
answered by redscorpionhot 2
I dont think its racism because you are angry for something a group of people did. Please do not blame all for one. And for everyone else out there Mexicans and Hispanics are not the same thing. Not all Hispanics come from mexico!!!
2006-12-01 11:01:52
answer #10
answered by Lovely 4