Ask him. Talk to him. He's the only one that can give you the answers.
2006-12-01 10:50:49
answer #1
answered by Tom B 4
You found out he's not interested. Unfortunately, there's really nothing you can do to make him change his mind. New hair, new personality, and new anything won't do it - and even if they do, is this the type of relationship you want? You need to be appreciated for who you are, not changing yourself for a guy.
Now, how do you get him off your mind? This is tricky, but your best friend will be TIME. Get yourself involved in activities that will fill your time, having you meet new people, and not moping around about how a boy doesn't like you. Guess what? You'll meet all kinds of new and interesting people, and not only will that distract you from your old crush, but it leaves the door open for a brand new one.
Get out there, get active, and find that lucky guy who will appreciate who you are! That's the best cure for a crush, hands down.
2006-12-01 18:54:32
answer #2
answered by KB 2
Changing yourself to meet the wants or needs of another person will always backfire. It would be like "acting", and who can act through every day minute and hour of their life. In time, the real you would re-surface, or you'd explode.
He's doing you a favor. You are not a match. There are other guys, even cuter, who are better matches with you than him, but you have to just have a little faith and move on. You're still so incredibly young, and life has just begun. Don't get so hung up on specific guys right now.
Bottom line - be YOU and a special guy out there WILL notice and snatch you up. Be true to yourself.
2006-12-01 18:52:46
answer #3
answered by YRofTexas 6
Get over it!Girl, if a man doesn't see the beauty in you.What's the point of getting back to him?It's not worth waiting for him to like you.You'll end up feeling heartbroken.He maybe cute but he's not the only cute guy on earth right?Go out,party with your girlfrens and stop thinking about guys for a moment.Sooner or later,before you knew it,you'll find a perfect guy who is wise enough to see the real beauty in you.He'll love you and shower you with joy.That's where your true love is begins.Don't go steady with this guy.He's really not worth it!
2006-12-01 18:54:37
answer #4
answered by Tercules 4
Find something else to occupy your time. Get a hobby or something. When he pops into your head try to think of something else. Stay way from love ballads for a while ESPECIALLY Old School love ballads! (If U don't know what Old School is, it's music ur parent's listened to) Don't try to re-invent your self for a boy. Why? Cause he may not want you even after u change and you may run into a boy who liked the old you and you'll have to re-invent yourself all over again!
Sooner or later you'll get over him and be on to the next boy.
2006-12-01 18:57:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If he blew you off that easy then you probably shouldn't want to be his type. Any decent guy would have at least give'n you a chance if only a small one. Sorry! Best of Luck!
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, that's her.
2006-12-01 19:04:33
answer #6
answered by chromecranium 3
its only been a day. give it time. Please don't change yourself for this man. I've heard so many girls who go into all sorts of things to try and impress some guy who is not worth it. If you want to be honest with yourself. they should like you for who you are or find somebody who does. I guarantee you that there is somebody else who likes you that you probably just don't notice them. Give that guy a chance instead. You will be a much happier person.
2006-12-01 18:51:44
answer #7
answered by Armond B 3
im srry 2 say this but u should probably move on...
if he openly told u ur not his type he obviously isnt in2 u srry but thats just the way it is! i mean if a guy was crushin on YOU and u weren't in2 him would u wanna go out w/ him? once again im srry i hate 2 say stuff like this...
2006-12-01 18:52:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You shouldn't have to change for anyone...find a dude that will like you for you....changing for someone else (when it's not necessary) will end badly.
Forget about JR and move on
2006-12-01 18:50:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Sadly, it just takes alil time. There are other boys and soon you're realize that. It just take alil cuz crushes are hard to get over. But it'll happen.
2006-12-01 18:51:21
answer #10
answered by celticangel72986 2