you did what you needed to to for your self.if she loved you she would not have done that to you.if you went back with her now then you will always be wondering if she is going to do it again. the thing with her kissing a bunch of different guys now, would be a turn off if you ask me. maybe she is just trying to make you jealous. but don't fall for it. move on.
2006-12-01 10:48:52
answer #1
answered by here to help 4
I don't know what you two did for each other in the past, as there is two sides to every story and then the truth. If you don't like some one, it is best to let them know how you feel very early, than to string them along and drop them.
From day one you should have told her how you felt and not spend time with her the way you describe things. The fact that you drop her and that she made out with some guy can be her way of getting back at you. All of us make mistakes in life in the woman department and there are lessons for you to learn from and move on from there.
Just remember this Chinese Proverb a Woman's heart is like a pin at the bottom of the ocean.
2006-12-01 19:00:06
answer #2
answered by Premio 4
You did the right thing. If she wants to play around and do her thing, let her. If she is 'uncomfortable' it is because she realized she did something wrong and stupid. If she loved you, she wouldn't have done that.
You obviously wanted more than just a few kisses. You did the right thing. Ignore her friends...they have been spoon fed her bull and you honestly don't need to deal with that.
2006-12-01 18:46:30
answer #3
answered by Thera 9 4
Hey i think u did. I would of done the same thing! She is a bad girl 4 u! Get a better girl! Think about it!
2006-12-01 18:50:00
answer #4
answered by Jelly 2
Yes, you did the right thing. If she really loved you, she would not have given up so easily.
Be nice to her when you meet, but don't call or talk to her friends about her.
2006-12-01 18:50:43
answer #5
answered by plezurgui 6
Yes. If you don't have trust in a relationship, you don't have much. She was probably flirting with others even when you two were together. If that's what she wants, you don't need her.
2006-12-01 18:48:21
answer #6
answered by doglady 5
shes on a slippery slope brotha you made the right move in letting her go but eventually find her and shake some sheets
2006-12-01 18:49:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Find yourself a real girl. You don't need her once you cheat you always cheat.
2006-12-01 18:46:26
answer #8
answered by gettin it 3
if she cheated on you and is acting like you say she is, it probably was the right thing.
2006-12-01 18:48:29
answer #9
answered by NoID 2
dude, u did the right thing!!!!! if she thinks she needs to change for guys, then she is dumb. dont worry and just live ur life!!!!!
2006-12-01 18:46:39
answer #10
answered by Kristiana! 2