Believe it or not, the best way to ask a girl out is to just ask her. It may not seem like it can be that easy, but it really is. Just go up to her and say hi, and introduce yourself if you haven't already met. Then just ask her. "Hey, I was wondering if you would like to go out on Friday." That's it. That's all you have to say. Guys get the wrong impression. They think they have to go up to a girl and say all this stuff and try to impress her, and you end up looking like an idiot. Just relax, take a deep breath, don't panic, be yourself, and then just ask her. Even if she isn't interested, I bet she will be impressed at your bravery. Good luck!
2006-12-01 10:49:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't think anything you say while your'e asking a girl out would make her sad, mad, or never wan to talk to you agin
It's easy just complement her and tell her your'e interested if you have the guts to do it. and tell her you'd like to do something with her sometime. but have something in mind like getting something to eat. or watching a movie together at your house. going out to the movies is nice, but not good for a first date, cuz you don't really get to talk.
2006-12-01 10:49:49
answer #2
answered by jay-z8900 2
Don't worry about what to say. Just try talking to her. If she gets mad or sad it just wasn't meant to be. Go on to the next one. If she says yes, then go out with her.
2006-12-01 11:03:27
answer #3
answered by khanofali 5
Stay positive, and upbeat. Always ask in person and make good eye contact. Girls want to have fun...ask her out to someplace fun. Be precise, not some half assed thing like "wanna go out sometime", be more exact, like I'm going to (insert place here) Saturday, I'd love for you to come with... Exact, with no room for doubt shows confidence, girls like confident. Helps if you ARE confident.
2006-12-01 10:44:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Hey just to tell you don't worry about it. Hey just tell her this "Hey there's something I wanted to tell you for a long time I like you and I was wandering if you would like to go out with me". Hey I had like girls and gone out with them so I am not afraid to ask them.,but the problem is they dont like me. Hey to also help her go out with you is to prey. Hey tell me what happens email me @
Hey I wish you the best of LUCK!!!
Hey give her some flowers too.
2006-12-01 10:49:33
answer #5
answered by ? 3
well what guys always do to ask me out is they write a note bcuz they cant ask them selfs & i find it kind of sweet so you should try that!
Write a note that says i like you & i was wondering if you would like to go out with me!
get her number from her friend call her & ask her on the phone if you are afraid to ask her in person!
2006-12-01 10:46:36
answer #6
answered by Chains 1
these might help "what are you doing this weekend" "are you free saturday" "would you like to go out some time" "what movies are you into" etc, though if you find that hard, just show an interest.
2006-12-01 10:44:23
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Hhhhhhhmmmmm.......... toughy!
well let me go out on a limb here but how about:
"Wanna go out w/ me?" lolz dude im srry i only make fun cuz i been there no less than a day or 2 ago!
just tell her how u feel it worked 4 me!
2006-12-01 10:45:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
well u could say hi my name is so and so i was wadering if you would like t go for something to eat or to a movie so you and them could get to now each other on a bettter basis
2006-12-01 10:45:58
answer #9
answered by amber 2
just dont beat around the bush, i hate when guys do that! just say i like you, do you wanna go out sometime? say it in person, girls love that. dont say it in a note!!!
2006-12-01 10:44:56
answer #10
answered by Kristiana! 2