Maybe you could get his phone number if you don't have it and try telling him on the phone. You would still be telling him out loud, but you wouldn't have to look at him. You could also maybe tell him over instant messaging if you both do that. A letter sounds like it could work, but those are some other examples of ways you could. I've messaged someone over Facebook before. They didn't think of me that way...but I was glad I let them know how I feel and we're still friends.
2006-12-01 10:40:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think it is a good idea. writing him a letter will let him know what kind of girl you are.
2006-12-01 18:48:11
answer #2
answered by James Chan 4
i think it is kinda a good idea. if he has yahoo messanger or somethin like that it might be easier cause u will acctually be talkin to them but not to their face. i know that it works alot better to do that. i am like scared to death to tell people i like them but it just seems diffrent over the computer. or maybe try to get a phone number some how and say it over the fone. thoses are some ways to acctually talk but not to his face !! hope it helps
2006-12-01 18:41:38
answer #3
answered by kaity_cutie 2
BAD IDEA! i know this from PERSONAL experience. are you in junior high? because i am. & i did this & this boy, showed ALL of his friends. boys this age are immature & feel the need to show off EVERYTHING. so don't do it!
maybe through email, myspace, or im. but not through a handwritten note. thats my biggest regret w/ this boy.
i would take back EVERRRR writing him that letter. =(
2006-12-01 18:44:08
answer #4
answered by Taylor. 5
i think its a good idea no mater how old you are. some people jus express things better on paper and that way you wont really feel embarressed
2006-12-01 18:43:45
answer #5
answered by tiffany l 1
it depends on how old u are. ig ur in middle school or below its ok but if ur in high school or older then u gotta do it face to face
2006-12-01 18:39:31
answer #6
answered by erin 2
i thinks that it is a good idea, just b prepared for his reaction (good or bad) it's old-fashioned, but still works
2006-12-01 18:40:43
answer #7
answered by sam 3
i think itd work...
by the way that guys harsh "IF YOU'RE EIGHT YEARS OLD!!!"? ill bet YOU look like ur 8-years-old w/ ur pants down! i hope u kno i gave u a shitty rating
2006-12-01 18:42:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If you're 10 years old, it's kind of cute.
2006-12-01 18:40:34
answer #9
answered by Violet Pearl 7
0⤋ its always better to say it the persons face and if he says no then thats something u have to deal with.....gud luck
2006-12-01 18:44:22
answer #10
answered by beauty&brains 2