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I want to raise money for Keep a Child Alive, and I'm wondering how to do something that will attract a lot of people?

2006-12-01 10:17:44 · 4 answers · asked by me 2 in Society & Culture Community Service

4 answers

Depends on where you live and how large the charity is and what their financial status is-are they a non profit (403 b/c-cant remember if that's right) but here are some ideas:

Small scale Raffle, Bake Sales, Dances, Bowling
Medium Scale Bachelor/Bachelorhood Auction
Large Scale Private Banquet, dinner, luncheon, breakfast

If they are a legal non profit and donors can receive a tax deduction that will make things easier for you. Also look for sponsors. If for instance you were helped by Keep A Child Alive try to get you employer to sponsor an event or your bank-even the dealer where you bought your car. Health Insurance companies are also always piggy backing onto a charity to keep the tarnish off of their reputation. Dont forget about local radio and television stations who can provide free pr coverage which will equal exposure and emcees for events like the bachelor/bachelorette auction.

A quick way to do it now though is to let the charity founder know that they should sign up on goodsearch. Goodsearch is a search engine powered by yahoo that donates a penny (or is it a dime-cant remember) for every legitimate search made. After they sign up bookmark it and use it when you search. Add a tagline to your emails like this - Help Keep A Child Alive by using www.goodsearch.com for your Internet searches.

Good Luck!

2006-12-01 11:46:22 · answer #1 · answered by msijg 5 · 0 0

sponsor a concert or a battle of the bands.....

if you do a food fundraiser.... have a donation bowl, rather than charge a fee.... people will donate more just for the cause.

you could do a free carwash. Go around to businesses and sell ads for a flyer. Advertise the car wash and wash cars for free... put the flyer filled with businesses' ads in each car... flyer should say something like... these businesses wanted to bless you with a clean car today for free. (all proceeds go toward the "Keep a Child Alive Fund". This can actually raise thousands! (get plenty of volunteers...pay for soap and expenses from funds... turn in the rest)

Be Blessed!

2006-12-01 13:42:41 · answer #2 · answered by ramzee 4 · 0 0

Bake Sales, car washes, and Dance shows would be best because youll actually retrieve more money through them plus ypull have fun and feel good about yourself

2006-12-01 10:27:01 · answer #3 · answered by anonymous 3 · 0 0

Contact your local church. Its a great way to start and the local parish people will help

2006-12-04 00:29:54 · answer #4 · answered by DeeDee 5 · 0 0

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