try it by indirect way
like ( yo sweetie !! come play sport with me like run around the house for ten times )
or tell him that u dream to see him play sport
try to make him stop eat too much
2006-12-01 09:49:39
answer #1
answered by micho 7
Say: "You're kind of fat and should lose some pounds."
Men like it when you are direct and to the point. We are not too good at interpreting or reading between the lines when it comes to women.
2006-12-01 09:51:27
answer #2
answered by ? 6
How would you feel if he told you that you were fat & needed to lose some pounds?? Dont tell him........just become more active with him. Suggest you start doing something b-ball,
soccer, swim. Also, chose your dining a little differently.
2006-12-01 09:49:10
answer #3
answered by Trish 5
Tell him that you care for him and want him to lose a few pounds.. Then help him out by exercising and eating healthy with him..
2006-12-01 09:50:27
answer #4
answered by worldsource19 3
I wouldn't tell him straight out that he is fat and needs to lose weight that would be rude. Mabye you should exercise with him. Ask him to join the gym with you. tell him you both need more excerise and say he should consider it. If he agrees hopefully he will lose some weight. Good Luck!!
2006-12-01 09:57:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
okay, if he knows he's fat and doesn't mind when people call him that, then it's okay to tell him, just jokingly--in a nice way. But if he is really sensitive about it, then you should either not tell him, or find a way to tell him that you want him to lose a little bit of weight.
2006-12-01 09:50:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I don't think you should tell him straight up. Maybe you could try telling him that you're joining a gym and you'd love it if he would go along with you for moral support. Or tell him that you're going to start watching your weight so you would like to cook some healthy meals together.
2006-12-01 09:49:56
answer #7
answered by Sarah M 3
first of all if he was the way hes now kinda fat......then there is no reason of u tellin him hes kinda chubby and secondly if hes gettin kinda chubby u can let him know for sure that ...somethin sayin like u look good when fit or something like u look handsome with kinda average body.then probably it would work..otherwise sayin straightly thats hes fat...would annoy and will make him feel like hiself........
2006-12-01 09:53:59
answer #8
answered by Glasswings21 3
yea, just tell him that he need to lose some pounds so that you like him more. or yea, just tell him straight up that he is fat. whatever you want to say, just say it to him.
2006-12-01 09:49:45
answer #9
answered by sugar 4
cook him low fat food no need to get hungry,its what you eat ,grill instead of frying poach eggs scramble them,cut out the late night meals takeaways curries etc give him the rabbit food treatment,drink water instead of hot drinks or booze with your meals
2006-12-01 09:56:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous