this phrase true or not?& has anyone actually experienced this in real life?
cos just yesterday,i told my 3 month crush that i like him & his reply was "i would have said yes,but i'm not looking for a relationship right now & i like someone else too"....& the worst part was that he was so sweet abt it,he tried to make me feel good,he even stayed with me when i told him i wanted to talk(that made him miss one of his favourite events too-felt sory abt that afterwards,i should have just let him go) & we ended up talking for more than an was fun!
i keep wishing that he would have acted like a jerk,then it would have been so much easier to get over,but this is reality & that wasn't the way it happened.
so,i just want to know if this saying is true cos i really want to get over him(mainly cos i'll be seeing him a lot-at school,during the hols etc.)
thanks for all the answers! :^)
19 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
hmmm...interesting. Try this phrase...I believe this one to be true.
"When you love something, you've got to let it go. And if comes back it means so much more. And if it doesn't come, at least you will know...that it was something you had to go through to grow."
Take every person, good or bad that comes into your life as a lesson. Sometimes, no matter how good you may think they are, you have to move on. He seems like a very respectful guy...that's a quality in a person you definitely want to seek, but just remember that he's not the only guy with that same quality.
You seem like a nice patient, and things will work out in that ways they were designed to.
2006-12-01 07:55:35
answer #1
answered by Chanel 3
I believe that statement is true. My ex boyfriend and I broke up over the summer and I was really upset there at first, but then I got over him and moved on with my life. He and I have been talking for the last couple of months and he wants me back. He has told me repeatedly that he messed up and should have never did me that way. He made the statement that he didn't know what he really had until I left and didn't have anything to do with him for a while. And I realized that I do love him. Go figure!!
2006-12-01 16:09:05
answer #2
answered by passionate_play270 2
Be happy he did not act like a joke and except the fact that you can be friends without feeling pissed off at each other every time you see each other. There are not this many guys around any more. But appreciate his honesty and don't let him come back in your life because he might not be as honest the next time. He'll look at you as an easy target.
2006-12-01 15:57:05
answer #3
answered by Diamondbch 2
It's very true darlin... some things in life are just supposed to be and you can't change them no matter how hard you might try..
I wouldn't be to quick to apply the rule in this case however... but like I said, it definitely is true.
2006-12-01 15:54:37
answer #4
answered by gjm 3
I dont believe in this boomerang saying. Just let him go.
He told you that he likes someone else. If you followed the saying,you would let this guy go fulfill a fantasy, return to you, go fulfill another fantasy, return to you. and so on!!
What do you think this will do to your self esteem?? All you will be thinking is when is the next time he is going to take a fancy to someone else? when is he going to leave me again? - it will be agonising.
So, just let him go, full stop!
2006-12-01 15:58:52
answer #5
answered by Just me 4
yes absolutely 1000 percent true! if hes yours he'll find his way back to you thats just how love works, and good job having the courage to tell him your feelings and taking the chance he may not return your feelings, after reading so many questions on here from people wanting to know "how to talk to someone they like" its very refreshing to read your question. good luck it sounds like you deserve to have much happiness
2006-12-01 15:57:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes this happened to me! I really liked this boy, I told him how I really felt just before he moved. (In senior year) After college I learned that he was trying to find me, in thend we got married and we have 2 beautiful children!
2006-12-01 15:55:07
answer #7
answered by rockonpats 1
I believe that phrase. I'm still hoping my ex comes back to me. If not then I know it wasn't meant to be.
2006-12-01 15:54:08
answer #8
answered by The girl next door 5
Absolutely true.
2006-12-01 15:54:21
answer #9
answered by aclockworkpotato 2
2006-12-01 15:53:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous