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ok guys whats up? anyway what do guys like to see in girls and i dont mean looks either( i know a slim pretty girl)but what do you like to see in a girl sensitive kind aggressive what? cuz i like this guy we went out then we broke up and i still really like him for some reason whats wrong with me ?guys please help me dont give my stupid answers that you know i dont want oh and by the way best answer gets 10 pts.(just thought you would want to know)but i really need yur help you guys its the least you could do i mean come on yur talking about stuff you probably alreadyy talk to other guys about so be nice and just this once answer some thing nicely thank you for the information i really appreciate it~ashley*~*

2006-12-01 07:34:14 · 7 answers · asked by ashley 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

7 answers

I think guys want a girl/woman who makes them feel complete. But for each guy its different. Some guys may want a woman who just buckles into everything they say/do, others may want a woman who challenges them. Some might want a woman who is looking to explore the world, others who want to sit at home. Some want a woman who controlls her emotions, others a woman who is animalistic in her passions

As you get to learn about a guy, you'll learn what he wants (and not what he **thinks** he wants), and you'll whether you are what "fits" each other. If its not a good fit on both sides, its not going to work no matter what.

And there's nothing wrong with you, but hopefully you'll realize that its not the right fit at the right time. In time, it may be the right fit, or it may never be.

2006-12-01 07:43:19 · answer #1 · answered by jeffedl 2 · 0 0

Yea-sure, brib us with the old 10 points routine...
I like a lady with the following:
The package stuff:
looks, thick long hair (blonde, red, auburn), nice bod (as in fit and well porportioned), eyes (blue, green, grey), height 4'5" - 5'2", and generally attractive to me.
The person stuff:
knows who she is, confident, independent, can be a woman and also take care of biz, honest, open, not afraid to feel emotions and has experience with them, likes people, a generally good person.
o.k. so I'm particular

2006-12-01 15:45:40 · answer #2 · answered by gjm 3 · 0 0

hmmm.... i like a girl with all those qualities u just listed. u just need to know when to apply those qualities. kind when u need to be, aggressive in the right situations etc. when applied correctly you become very appealing.

but then i guess its different for different guys. just like girls. some people like flings, 1nite stands, just purely physical relationships, or purely emotional ones.

i say, just really be who you are. someone will find it attractive. don't try to change urself for someone else, cuz then u'll just be uncomfortable. have some patience. the right one will come.

2006-12-01 15:38:55 · answer #3 · answered by 2dogs 3 · 0 0

There are many things guys like about girls, first of all it also depends on the guy you are dating.
guys who are matured like girls who are neat and clean.
have good sense of humour, intelligent, caring and good dress sense.

If you are dating a guy who is 15,16 or 20 things are different.

2006-12-01 15:38:43 · answer #4 · answered by Kewl guy 3 · 0 0

Ashley....are you on speed or something? How about slowing down, take a breath and ask one simple question. Jesus Christ babe...you remind of my wife after 2 glasses of wine.

2006-12-01 15:37:13 · answer #5 · answered by Quasimodo 7 · 0 1

senitive in love & aggressive on bed

2006-12-01 15:37:29 · answer #6 · answered by killer 3 · 0 0

sensitive, honest smart, goodlooking, kindhearted

2006-12-01 15:40:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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