go up to him and ask him if he wants to hang out sometime if he doesnt like you then he will probably turn you down but its worth the shot so can either move on or he could say yes and you guys could hang out more good luck
2006-12-01 07:33:35
answer #1
answered by xojess017ox 2
all i can say is get close to him and try the friend part first then as you guys share much in common go for the next step but dont rush just ask him if he's ready and if he ignores you like he hears you but doesnt say anything boo boo maybe he's avoiding for a reason maybe his girlfriends is in the same class check for surroundings catch him by his self in the hall one day
2006-12-01 07:38:49
answer #2
answered by tinkaboo 1
Men are like rubber bands: each time you pull, we're streched, and if you just stand back for a little, he'll come right back to you. Though, if he ALWAYS ignores you, try to talk to him. Invite him on some outing with just the two of you.
2006-12-01 07:37:27
answer #3
answered by aclockworkpotato 2
walk up to him and ask him out and as a guy like me we dont talk to a girlwe wait till the girl gives signals that she likes him. just tell him dont be afraid the only fear is not telling him.
2006-12-01 07:36:27
answer #4
answered by roberson010 2
slow down you dint love hem you like hem you will scare hem away if go to hem and tell hem you love hem. but if you wont hem to notice's you were some tight jeans and something like a tank top and when ever he looks at you look hem in this eye tell your Friends that he is off limits an try to get them to tell hem you like hem.hit me back an tell me how it works out. bye
2006-12-01 07:48:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
if he is ignoring you that might means that he's not interested or maybe you haven't make him notice you. he probably dont know you to begin with so take a chance by saying hi at least. you never know.
2006-12-01 07:35:53
answer #6
answered by lizie 4
Ask him for date
2006-12-01 07:34:34
answer #7
answered by killer 3
maybe get a friend to talk him...like not tryin to hook u up but seee how he feels.... but dont push to hard to talk to him.....just say hey occassionally...i kno how u feel chick
2006-12-01 07:34:15
answer #8
answered by ~S.F.D~ 1
GOSH. Just TALK to him. He won't just flick you off or anything (and if he does, you know he isn't interested in you).
2006-12-01 07:33:11
answer #9
answered by ♥ 6
Go up and talk to him, give him your sweet smile :)
goodluck, dont be shy
2006-12-01 07:33:17
answer #10
answered by Paula 7