uhm rough.......?
2006-12-03 13:59:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
That's an interesting sociological question... on one hand we are encouraged to abhor violence... on the other we are genetically driven towards confrontation.
Violence in our culture is prevalent. In fact the US culture was based on it. The US economy, transportation etc is based on a decentralized model to allow continued service even during wartime invasion. The right to bear arms is a popular debate, which the NRA seems to lobby effectively for. Almost all the movies feature at least one scene of confrontation between males.
So why should we have a different reaction with girls? I guess on a visceral level, seeing girls fight is still a bit of a taboo subject. So, its still an exciting thing for most people. But like all things, once it becomes prevalent and accepted... well, the excitment wears off. Just look at Jerry Springers ratings from when his show started, to now.
The question I have, is why ask guys only? Should the girls reaction be any different from the guys?
2006-12-01 07:26:11
answer #2
answered by A A 4
Is that someone another girl or a guy?
My reaction would depend on the manner the one doing the *** kicking is using. If she's completely violent (using anything as a weapon on the next person), then I may be obliged to do something to stop the fight.
If it's a good ol' conventional *** whupping, then it's not any of my business, though I'd probably just watch and shout out suggestions because that's just what people do when they see a good fight.
2006-12-01 07:22:33
answer #3
answered by dajyde 2
That she is a a product of the gutter and obviously of a very lower class level. Ladies do not engage in tumultuous behavior and certainly not fisticuffs. Let me tell you what women who engage in this behavior become in later years. they have a lovely array of jail house India Ink tattoos. The have poor hygiene, bad hair, usually have to have their clothes made by Omar the Tent maker....except when they wear those tight nylon/rayon pants.Isn't that amazing that those things can stretch so far over a side of beef? They generally talk with a cigarette hanging out of their mouths, call their children..all 10 by different fathers such terms of endearment as "You little bas*tard" "You little fu*cker" and other names that would make a drill instructor blush. They feed their kids food from McDonald's, Hamburger Helper, Pizza and the only thing green in the refrigerator is the mold growing on the three week old hero sandwich (grinder for you Connecticut-ites and Rhode Islanders).
You think I'm kidding? Just wait.
2006-12-01 07:25:18
answer #4
answered by Quasimodo 7
It really depends on who - another girl, boyfriend...
If I saw a girl fighting another girl and I didn't know the reason my first thought would be "how trashy". Then I would walk away.
If I saw a girl beating a guy and I didn't know the reason my first thought would be "get him, he probably deserves it". Then I would walk away.
2006-12-01 07:20:28
answer #5
answered by ratdog 3
I think it's a double standard that boys can't hit girls, but girls can hit boys if that's what you mean. This one time a girl bit my tongue and it hurt so bad... but I didn't know what to do cause she was a girl, but I wanted to throw her across the room
2006-12-01 07:51:05
answer #6
answered by j. a. prufrock 2
I love tough chicks. I love it when they are mean, lewd, crude, and vulgar. Then, to top it off, she should smoke a cigar. That would be the kind of girl I would take home to mom and dad.
2006-12-01 07:18:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
depends.. if she's hot.. than its pretty hot.. if shes huge and just pounding.. u feel bad for the other girl
we dont want a girl thats gonna be physically abusive though
2006-12-01 07:20:10
answer #8
answered by ubryan915 2
I laugh if its girl on girl, if its a girl kicking the S.hit out of a dude, my first thought is "glad she's not my girlfriend" "she could kick my a.s.s!!!"
2006-12-01 07:17:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
oh man :)
I would rather have a strong girl that can kick my butt, rather than these Prissy freaks that i see every day!
2006-12-01 07:17:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Honestly it depends but usually I am turned on!
2006-12-01 07:17:15
answer #11
answered by Anonymous